Содержание книги

  1. A. It has the greatest collection of European paintings in the world.
  2. A. Music while studying – good or bad.
  3. Bedroom culture is when children staying in their bedroom as a place to socialise rather than playing outside.

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A. It has the greatest collection of European paintings in the world.


Конкурс по страноведению

Прочитайте текст (микро-контекст), ответьте на вопрос или продолжите утверждение, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

1.1. The Mississippi River flows into …

A. the Gulf of Alaska

B. the Gulf of California

C. the Gulf of Mexico

D. the Gulf of St. Lawrence

1.2. Where was the first university in England founded?

A. In Cambridge

B. In Leicester

C. In London

D. In Oxford

1.3. Who is called by the British people “Our National Bard”, “The Bard of Avon”?

A. Charles Dickens

B. Jane Austen

C. Robert Burns

D. William Shakespeare

1.4. The Flag of the United States is called “Stars and Stripes”. What do the stripes represent?

A. the diversity of life

B. the national rivers

C. the original states

D. the oceans’ waves

1.5. The first president of the USA was …

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. George Washington

C. Ronald Reagan

D. Theodore Roosevelt

1.6. What is the National Gallery famous for?

A. It has the greatest collection of European paintings in the world.

B. It exhibits the works of man from prehistoric to modern times from around the world.

C. It is home to a permanent dinosaur exhibition.

D. It has one of the largest collections of arts and crafts including furniture, jewelry, ceramics and textiles.

1.7. What is the traditional Christmas desert in Britain?

A. Christmas pudding

B. Apple pie

C. Carrot cake

D. Cherries jubilee

1.8. What is the name of the red cross on the flag of England?

A. St Andrew’s Cross

B. St George’s Cross

C. St Patrick’s Cross

D. The Union Jack

1.9. What is a special day in England set aside to remember all those men and women who were killed during the two World Wars and other conflicts?

A. Victory Day

B. The Day of Peace

C. Eternal Light Day


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