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Chapters Twenty-nine – Thirty-two (pp. 212-246)Содержание книги
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Active Vocabulary 4. to look back on sth (212) - вспоминать, оглядывать прошлое 5. the point (221) - суть, смысл 6. to float on the surface of everything (221) - держаться, плавать на поверхности to keep sb/oneself afloat (222) - удерживать(ся) на плаву to wade in the shallow end (221) - не заходить вглубь 7. to break one’s collar bone (230) - сломать ключицу 8. to talk sb out of sth (233) - отговорить кого-либо от чего-либо 9. to stop sb from doing sth (233) - помешать, не дать к/л сделать что-либо 10. to get drunk (238) - напиться (допьяна) I. Find in the novel the following words and phrases. Learn them. Get ready to reproduce the situations in which they were used. Try to use them in answering the questions and discussing the characters and the events of the novel. II. Find in the novel words or word combinations with the following meaning. Put them down, translate them into Russian. Reproduce the sentences where they are used. 1. friend (215) (infml) _______________________________________________ 2. stupid, foolish (215) _____________________________________________ 3. to visit sb (216) (infml) __________________________________________ 4. to miss classes, to play truant (217) _________________________________ 5. to love sb very much (224) ________________________________________ 6. memories (229) _________________________________________________ 7. to glance quickly, peep (236) _______________________________________ 8. everyday, ordinary (239) __________________________________________
III. Find in the novel the English equivalents of the following Russian words or word combinations. 1. попасть в беду, иметь неприятности (212) ___________________________ 2. предсказуемый (213) ____________________________________________ 3. читать нотации, разглагольствовать (213) (phr v)______________________ 4. принимать на себя (обязанности) другого (213) (phr. v) _________________ 5. принять слишком большую дозу наркотиков (216) ____________________ 6. промыть желудок (216) __________________________________________ 7. подбодрить, поддержать, поднять настроение (217) (phr. v)_____________ 8. жуткий, страшный (218) __________________________________________ 9. бесполезный, никчёмный (220) ____________________________________ 10. удача, везение (224) _____________________________________________ 11. выдерживать, выносить, держаться, не сойти с ума (225, 226) _________ 12. отчаяние (226) ________________________________________________ отчаявшийся человек (226)_______________________________________ отчаяться (231) ________________________________________________ 13. родительское собрание (227) _____________________________________ 14. классный руководитель (227) ____________________________________ 15. исполняться (о желаниях, мечтах) (230) ____________________________ 16. передумать (231) _______________________________________________ 17. переночевать (233) _____________________________________________ 18. свидание (233) _________________________________________________ 19. ударить в жар (234) ____________________________________________ 20. скрытый мотив, тайное побуждение (244) __________________________ Mastering the pronunciation Transcribe and translate the following words. Practise reading them. obtuse _____________________ missile _________________________________ vertigo _____________________ tough _________________________________ buoyant ____________________ despair _______________________________
Chapter Twenty-nine 1. What events happened in the next few weeks before Fiona started crying again? 2. Why was Marcus not so desperate about her crying than he had been before? 3. How did Will and Ellie react when Marcus told them about his troubles?
· Speak on Marcus &Will, Marcus & Ellie. Do you think they were friends? Did Marcus think they were friends? Was anything strange in any of these relationships?
Being a good friend. What is it? · Why do people need friends? What makes a true friend? Choose from the list the features which characterize in your opinion a good friend and add your own ideas. A good friend: o shares your beliefs o has a lot in common with you o never tells lies to you o accepts you for who you are and doesn’t try to change you o looks out for you and is totally loyal to you o easily forgives your mistakes o is the one you can trust and tell secrets to o _______________________________________ o _______________________________________ o _______________________________________
Which features can refer to a) Marcus and Will b) Marcus and Ellie? Chapter Thirty 1. What did Will feel after his conversation with Marcus about friendship? Did he feel any remorse? 2. What stopped Will from talking to Fiona about her depression? Which topic did Will not want to discuss with her? Why?
· What is the point in life, according to the main characters of the novel? Do you agree with them? Have you got any ideas about it?
Do you know what any famous philosophers said about it? What are your favourite quotations about the purpose (meaning) of life? Chapter Thirty-one · Name three things that Marcus thought could have made him happy. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
Answer the questions. 1. What happened to Marcus’s dad? 2. What did he feel, according to Fiona’s words? 3. Did Marcus feel sorry for him? 4. Why was Marcus angry when his mum asked him to visit his dad? 5. What did Ellie suggest Marcus doing? What were her reasons for that? 6. What terrible news did Marcus learn on his way to the railway station? What were his first thoughts? 7. How did Marcus decide to protect Ellie from the tragedy?
How does it characterize Marcus? Do you think he was a real friend?
Chapter Thirty-Two Make up 5-10 questions covering the events of the chapter and/or 2-3 thought-provoking questions related to the events of the chapters. 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________________________ 10. ___________________________________________________ 11. ___________________________________________________ 12. ___________________________________________________ James Dean (218) – an American film actor who died at the age of 24 in a car crash. Marilyn Monroe (218) – a famous American actress who died young by overdose. Jimi Hendrix (218) – an American guitarist, singer and songwriter. He died at the age of 28 by having taken an overdose of sleeping pills. The Wasp Factory (222) – the first novel by Scottish writer Iain Banks, published in 1984. Written from the first person perspective, it is a narrative told by sixteen-year-old Frank Cauldhame, describing his childhood and contains considerable violence. David Cronenberg (222) – a Canadian filmmaker, screenwriter, and occasional actor. He is one of the principal originators of what is commonly known as the body horror or venereal horror genre. This style of filmmaking explores people's fears of bodily transformation and infection. NYPD Blue (226) – an American television police drama set in New York City. John Major’s shirts (240) – John major was Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1990 to 1997. It seems that his wife once remarked that her husband habitually tucked his shirt inside his underpants. (His wife was a pleasant quiet woman, and if she said this she certainly did not intend it to be taken up by the press.) Cartoonists loved this detail, and the cartoonist in The Guardian always showed John Major standing with bare legs and his shirt tucked into his underpants. Founded by textile traders and merchants, The Guardian had a reputation as "an organ of the middle class", a platform for liberal and left-wing opinions. The majority of its readers support the Labour Party. house red (243) – a basic red wine sold unnamed by a restaurant, at a lower price than wines specified on the wine list. a Four Seasons (243) – a kind of pizza. GLR (245) – Greater London Radio, the BBC’s regional radio station for London. Marvin Gaye (245) – an American singer-songwriter and instrumentalist, died at the age of 43. He was tragically shot dead by his father on April 1, 1984.
vertigo (220) – a sensation of dizziness or abnormal motion resulting from a disorder of the sense of balance (головокружение) Syn: giddiness, dizziness to get dizzy (220) – закружиться (о голове) he started to get clammy (220) – его ударило в холодный пот buoyant (222) – 1) плавучий; способный держаться на поверхности 2) бодрый, жизнерадостный Syn: cheerful, merry, lively quirky (222) – 1) странный, необычный, причудливый 2) ушлый reverie (222) – задумчивость, мечтательность, грёза dilate (223) – расширяться fathom (223) – измерять, понимать DIY (231) = Do It Yourself/ do - it - yourself - "сделай сам" (о ремонте, изготовлении, сборке чего-л. собственноручно) doolally (230) (slang) – out of one's mind; crazy (In full: doolally tap) Etymology: originally military slang, from Deolali, a town near Bombay, the location of a military sanatorium + Hindustani tap fever jerk (232)(slang) – a person regarded with contempt, esp. a stupid or ignorant person(ничтожество) blow up (233, 238) – накричать, взорваться grist to the (or one's) mill (246) – anything that can be turned to profit or advantage absent oneself from (239) – отсутствовать (где-л.); отлучаться (откуда-л.) urge (239) – побуждение, порыв, сильное желание articulated vehicle (240) – a large vehicle (esp a lorry) made in two separate sections, a tractor and a trailer, connected by a pivoted bar (тягач с полуприцепом) gravity (241) – серьёзность, важность; тяжесть, опасность tetchiness (241) – from tetchy - обидчивый; раздражительный existential (241) – относящийся к существованию, реальности; экзистенциальный; жизненный, наличный, существующий flip (241) – нахальный, бесстыдный; дерзкий, наглый; грубый; легкомысленный one - liner (242) (infml) – a short joke or witty remark or riposte (острота; шутка (обычно в фильмах, спектаклях и телевизионных программах)) all over the place (242-243 )(infml) – in disorder or disarray Lesson 12
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