Chapters Eighteen - Twenty-one (pp. 123-155) 

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Chapters Eighteen - Twenty-one (pp. 123-155)

Active Vocabulary

1. to swap sth for sth (124) -          обменять что-л. на что-л.

2. to talk face to face (128) -           поговорить с глазу на глаз

3. to be absorbed in the conversation (129) - быть поглощенным,

увлечённым разговором

4. to get involved in sth (130) -      вмешиваться во что-л., связываться с чем-л.

5. to get one’s own way (132) -     добиться своего, настоять на своем,

поступать по-своему

6. to blackmail sb into sth (134) -        шантажом заставить кого-л. сделать что-л.

7. to make a complaint (135) -        подавать жалобу

8. to be/ become a truant (140) -         быть/становиться прогульщиком уроков

9. to be oblivious to sth (143) -      не замечать чего-л., не обращать

                                                   внимания на что-л.

10. to have the nerve/the cheek to do sth (150, 124) – иметь наглость, нахальство сделать ч/л (He had the nerve … - У него хватило наглости …)

I. Find in the novel the following words and phrases. Learn them. Get ready to reproduce the situations in which they were used. Try to use them in answering the questions and discussing the characters and the events of the novel.

II. Find in the novel informal words or word combinations with the following meaning. Put them down, translate them into Russian. Reproduce the sentences where they are used.

1. a crazy mother or father (126) ______________________________________

2. to get rid of sb (127) ) ____________________________________________

3. to become strange (134) __________________________________________

4. not to understand sth (127) (138) ___________________________________

5. a mad and eccentric person (140)___________________________________

6. impudent, impertinent, insolent (137, 139) ____________________________

7. without any reason (142) _________________________________________

8. to miss classes (145) (148) ________________________________________

9. to go somewhere quickly for a short time (145) ________________________

10.  keep calm (146) ________________________________________________

III. Find in the novel the English equivalents of the following Russian words or word combinations.

1. выглядеть смущённым, сбитым с толку (123) ________________________

2. прославиться лишь из-за одной песни (124) _________________________

3. обойтись без чьей-л. помощи (126) ________________________________

4. держаться от к/л подальше (127, 139) ______________________________

5. обращаться с просьбой об опекунстве, пытаться оформить опекунство (127) _________________________________________________________

6. бросить трубку телефона, не дослушав до конца (127) ________________

7. закон подлости (129) (infml)  ______________________________________

8. ни с того ни с сего (130) _________________________________________

9. рухнуть, грохнуться с небес на землю (131) _________________________

10. не впускать кого-л/что-л. (133) ___________________________________

11. иметь неприятности (136) _______________________________________

12. дерзкий, наглый (137, 139) ______________________________________

13. получить пощёчину (129, 137) ___________________________________

14. обзываться (139) ______________________________________________

15. бороться с собственной совестью (143) ____________________________

16. шум, гул, грохот (149) _________________________________________

17. усыновлять (или удочерять) к/л (154, 155) _________________________


Chapter eighteen

1. Why did Will hate Christmas?

Did he love Christmas when he was a child?

Why did Will’s father hate Christmas too?


Which of the following nouns did Will associate Christmas time with?




singing and dancing





v What feelings does Christmas evoke in you? Are they positive, negative, or mixed feelings?


2. What was the point of fashion in Will’s opinion?


Do you agree with this point of view?


3. In what way was Will’s childhood similar to Marcus’s?


4. What did Will’s common sense tell him to do when he realized that there was something in common between his childhood and Marcus’s?

Was he willing to get involved and help Marcus? Why?


5. Speak on Fiona and Will’s further relationship.

What was the reason of Fiona’s telephone call and her conversation with Will in the pub? What did she want to discuss with him face to face?

What was the result of their conversation?

Describe Will’s impressions of Fiona and his attitude to her.


What does the word ‘ unworldly ’ (p. 131) mean in reference to Fiona?

Why is it dangerous to be unworldly, in Will’s opinion?


Comment on the statements


“ Loving people, and allowing yourself to be loved, was only worth the risk if the odds were in your favour…” (p. 131) What ‘risk’ is meant?


“ You shouldn’t trust anything a human male says about what he feels.” (p. 132)

Do you think so, too?



Chapter nineteen


1. Why did Marcus not like the idea of his mum talking to Will any more?

2. Why did Marcus not want his mum to make a complaint about the stolen trainers?


Speak on the circumstances of Marcus and Ellie McCrae’s first meeting.

Describe Ellie McCrae (her appearance, her haircut, her clothes, her manners).

What was Ellie famous for?

What picture did she have on her sweatshirt? What did she tell Marcus about this man?


3. Why did Marcus play truant from school after his talk to the headmistress?

Describe his feelings.


Chapters Twenty – twenty-one


1. What did Will love London’s traffic for?

2. Who did Will see in the street when he was driving one afternoon?

How did the boy look like? What did Will feel towards him?


Find in the novel and put down the nouns which describe Will’s feelings towards the  boy.



3. How did Marcus explain to Will the reason why he had played truant when they met?


4. Speak on Marcus and Ellie McCrae’s further relationship.


Do you think Marcus and Ellie were a good match?

Prove your point of view.


p. 147  “It was then, for the first time, that Will saw the kind of help Marcus needed …”

Comment on the paragraph.

v Listening to Music

Bob Dylan: Blood On The Tracks

Nirvana: Nevermind          Nirvana: In Utero




rendition (123) – изложение, интерпретация

busker (123) – баскер (бродячий актёр, певец, акробат; выступает на улицах, в пабах; существует на подаяние прохожих)

cluck (124) – клохтать, кудахтать

binge (124) (infml) – a bout of excessive eating or drinking (выпивка, кутёж, пирушка, празднество)

doomed (124) – обречённый на неудачу

goodwill (124) = good will – доброжелательность; благосклонность, расположение; добрая воля

stiff drink (124) – strong alcoholic drink (blind / dead / stiff drunk — вдрызг пьяный)

  counselling (124) – guidance offered by social workers, doctors, etc., to help a person resolve social or personal problems

tannoy (125) (trademark) – a sound-amplifying apparatus used as a public-address system esp in a large building, such as a supermarket, university, etc

novelty (125) – новинка, новшество

inflict oneself on sb (125) – навязываться

unexorcizable (125) – (to exorcize - to expel evil spirits from a person or place believed to be possessed or haunted, by prayers, adjurations, and religious rites - изгонять злых духов)

soppy (125) (infml) – сентиментальный, слащавый (soppy – мокрый, сырой)

whiff (126) – слабый запах, душок

bewilderment (126) – 1) смущение; замешательство; недоумение Syn: embarrassment, confusion; 2) неясность, путаница, неразбериха; беспорядок Syn: confusion, muddle

dosh (126) (slang) – money (бабки (о деньгах)) (также: dough, cash)

to put sb up to (126) – настраивать, подстрекать к (чему-л.), провоцировать

to be/get shot of sb/sth (127) – отделаться, отвязаться от к/л, ч/л

custody (127) – опекунство

to hang up on sb (127) – положить трубку, не дослушав до конца

(She hung up on me. — Она не стала меня слушать и положила трубку)


fug (129) (infml) – духота; спёртый воздух (зд.: дымовая завеса, кумар)

devious (130) – заблудший, сбившийся с пути

craftiness (131) – лукавство, хитрость

the odds were in your favour (131) – перевес на вашей стороне, есть шансы на победу (the odds – вероятность, шансы, перевес (в чью-либо пользу))

sulky (135) – gloomy (мрачный, надутый, угрюмый)

scruffy (135) – неряшливый

squitty shitty snotty bastard (136) – all are rude vulgar offensive words:

    squit (Br slang) (dialectal variant of squirt) – an insignificant person

    snotty (slang) – contemptible; nasty (snot - nasal mucus or discharge) (сопливый)

bastard (infml) – an obnoxious or despicable person (ублюдок, подонок, скотина)

cheeky (infml) – нахальный, наглый, бесстыдный

get a slap (137) – получать по физиономии (пощечину)

blow one's top (140) (infml) – to lose one's temper (взорваться)

tramp (140) – бродяга

roadie (150) (infml) = road manager – a person who transports and sets up equipment for a band or group (человек, обслуживающий группу на гастролях; технический персонал (в гастролирующей группе музыкантов))


Lesson 9


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