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Chapters Fifteen – Seventeen (pp. 94-122)


Active Vocabulary

1. to put up with sb/sth (99, 119) - терпеть, примириться с к/л, ч/л

2. to put off doing sth (101) -         откладывать ч/л

3. to lure sb into a trap (105) -       заманить к/л в ловушку

4. to lose one's temper (108, 115) - потерять самообладание, выйти из себя

5. to be at peace with oneself (112) - быть в гармонии с собой

6. to be convinced of one's own self-worth (112) – быть уверенным в

собственной значимости, необходимости

7. to bring up a subject (117) -       поднимать вопрос

8. to make up one’s mind (119) -             принять решение

9. to disapprove of sth/sb (120) -       не одобрять ч/л, к/л

10.  to win/lose an argument (121, 122) - выигрывать/проигрывать спор

I. Find in the novel the following words and phrases. Learn them. Get ready to reproduce the situations in which they were used. Try to use them in answering the questions and discussing the characters and the events of the novel.

II. Find in the novel words or word combinations with the following meaning. Put them down, translate them into Russian. Reproduce the sentences where they are used.

1. to drop in, to call on sb (94) (infml) _______________________________________

2. to walk (100) _____________________________________________________

3. to talk to sb with anger, fury (114) ____________________________________

4. to come without invitation (115) ______________________________________

5. to have no idea (115) _______________________________________________

6. to blush (115) _____________________________________________________

7. stupid (116) (117) (infml) _______________________________________________


III. Find in the novel the English equivalents of the following Russian words or word combinations.

1. быть способным к ч/л, хорошо разбираться в ч/л (95) _________________

2. не стоило и пытаться (99) ________________________________________

3. подстричься (99) _______________________________________________

4. через четыре года (100) _________________________________________

5. тем временем (100) _____________________________________________

6. страх (101) _____________________________________________________

7. ругаться, браниться (102) ________________________________________

8. было лень, не хотелось (103) _____________________________________

9. звонок в дверь (103) ____________________________________________

10. горе, переживание (107) ________________________________________

11. понимать всё буквально, дословно (108) ___________________________

12. кроссовки (110) _______________________________________________

13. временно счастлив (112) ________________________________________


IV. Find in the novel the sentences that might be translated into Russian like this.

1. Ничего не могу с этим поделать (99) ________________________________

2. Как дела дома? (101) ____________________________________________

3. Это было логично (105) _________________________________________

4. Представляю./ Понимаю./ Ещё бы. (105) ____________________________

5. Как понять? (109, 110, 119) ______________________________________

6. Что тебе здесь нравится? (111) ____________________________________

7. Не догадываешься, да? (115) _____________________________________

8. Я думаю, ты слишком всё драматизируешь (116) _____________________

9. Ну и семейка! (117) _____________________________________________


Mastering the Pronunciation

Consult dictionaries. Transcribe and translate the following words. Practise reading them.

hazard ______________________        triumph ___________________________

incongruous __________________        triumphant ________________________

cowardice ____________________        triumphantly ______________________

pursue ______________________     sarcasm___________________________



Chapters fifteen-sixteen


1. Why did Marcus decide not to tell anyone that Will had told lies about having a kid and an ex-wife?

2. What did Marcus do to continue their relationship?

Was Will happy to see Marcus nearly every day?


Describe Will’s flat.


What were Marcus’s impressions of Will’s flat? Did he like it?

What surprised him in the flat?

3. How did Marcus and Will spend their time together?

Did they talk much? What did they discuss?

v What was the main reason why Marcus came round to Will’s?

Did Marcus still remember the tragedy that happened to his mum?

What word can best describe his feelings about it?


4. What were Will’s reasons for spending some of his spare time with Marcus?

Did Will want to involve into Marcus’s life and help him and his mum?


5. Who followed Marcus to Will’s house one day?

6. Was Will able to defend Marcus? What did he feel after the accident?

What did Marcus feel?


7. What advice did Will give Marcus?

What did Will mean by “going in disguise”?

8. What was Will’s contribution to changing Marcus’s image?

Describe Will’s feelings after that.


What does the example from Will’s life (about a mum of a boy at his school who was weird like Fiona) prove?



Chapter seventeen

 State whether the given sentences are true or false. If the sentences are true, prove them with the text. If the sentences are wrong, correct the information.

1. Will got angry when Fiona mentioned that Will had lied about his son, and he started to rage at Fiona. 2. Will had to tell Fiona that Marcus looked awkward in the clothes he usually wore. 3. Fiona saw Will’s point of view but she did not want to admit it. 4. Marcus agreed with his mum that it would take him some time to settle at his new school but then things would get sorted out. 5. Marcus shouted out of the blue because he was fed up with that row. 6. The row had its advantages. 7. Marcus was going to see Will again because he strongly needed his advice. 8. Marcus was going to see Will again because he wanted him to reconcile with his mum. 9. Marcus had always agreed with his mum before because he was sure that she was right. 10. Marcus did not want to put up with his mum’s opinion anymore and he wanted to make up his own mind about everything. T / F   T / F   T / F T / F   T / F T / F T / F T / F   T / F   T / F

Comment on the sentence: ‘Marcus was the fruit of their lions’ (105)


Comment on the following key paragraphs of the novel.


p. 101 ‘ What he felt, all the time, every single day, was a horrible fear. …. the Dead Duck Day.’


p. 104 ‘The thing was, Will had spent his whole life avoiding real stuff. … what to do with it.’

p. 106 ‘Will could see how sad it was, but he could also see that it wasn’t his problem. … Why would he want to do that?’

Sum up the information given in these paragraphs and get ready to speak about Will’s attitude to Marcus and their relationships.

Try your hand as a translator.

Translate into Russian one of the following paragraphs in written form.


p. 112 ‘Marcus went straight home afterwards …. He didn’t even want to sleep with the boy’s mother.’


p. 106 ‘Will could see how sad it was, but he could also see that it wasn’t his problem. … Why would he want to do that?’


p. 115 ‘Marcus suddenly felt exhausted….until the weekend.’

v Listening to Music

In chapters fifteen and sixteen there are a few more names of popular singers and musicians Will was fond of. If you do not know much about them, find on the Internet (or any other possible sources) the names of these bands and musicians and listen to their music. What do you think of Will’s preferences in music?


Iggy Pop                                         

Joe Strummer

Charlie Parker                                 

Chet Baker

Curtis Mayfield                               

Kurt Cobain



· Watching Video in Class

Episodes 8-11 (22 min: 28:40-50:13)

Will      Hugh Grant

Marcus Nicholas Hoult

Fiona    Toni Collette


Put the events of the plot in the correct order.

o Marcus and Will watch Countdown

o Marcus calls Will

o Row at the restaurant

o Will fills units of time

o Marcus is bullied by the kids

o Lunch at the café

o Fiona talks to Will about Marcus

o Will sees the image of his father

o Singing at Fiona’s

o Will does voluntary work

o Will buys Marcus the trainers

o Marcus finds out where Will lives

o Fiona learns the truth


Countdown (95) - a famous TV quiz show.

Neighbours (102) – an Australian television soap opera created by Reg Watson. It is currently the longest running Australian television drama series.

“Did you see Thund…” (111) – Will was about to say ‘Thunderbirds’, a popular children’s science-fiction programme with puppets in the 1960s when Will was a boy.

Cowabunga! (116) – here is a reference to The Simpsons, an American cartoon series. This word is shouted as an exclamation by Bart Simpson.



daft (94) (infrml) – foolish, simple, or stupid; a slang word for insane (полоумный)

brush (94) (infml) – перебранка, ссора

tut (95) – выражать нетерпение или недовольство восклицанием; говорить что-л. с неодобрением (tut - ах ты! - выражает нетерпение, недовольство)

poke about = poke (a) round – высматривать, выискивать; любопытствовать (шариться, слоняться)

gadget (97) – приспособление, устройство, техническая новинка, полезная мелочь; штуковина, прибамбас, наворот (преимущественно о технической новинке); мн. штучки-дрючки

liquidizer (97) – blender (блендер; миксер)

Saved yourself all the hassle (98) – avoided all the problems and complications.

wally (n) (Br, slang) –   болван, тупица, придурок

stab of temper (101) – вспышка гнева

tatty (103) – shabby, tawdry, cheap, worn out (жалкий, невзрачный, безвкусный)

liquorice (103) – the plant or the dried root of this plant, used as a laxative (слабительное средство) and in confectionery (лакричник (растение); лакрица)

compassion fatigue (103) – the inability to react sympathetically to a crisis, disaster, etc., because of overexposure to previous crises, disasters, etc (утрата сострадания к чужому горю; усталость от бесконечных просьб пожертвовать (на благотворительные цели))

drag (103) (informal) – a person or thing that is very tedious; bore (e.g. exams are a drag) – обуза, бремя

hazard (104) – risk, danger, peril, jeopardy (риск, опасность)

incongruous (104) – inappropriate, unsuitable (несочетаемый, несовместимый; нелепый, неподходящий, неуместный)

that skirted round (104) – that avoided by going round the edge

was the fruit of their loins (105) = был плотью и кровью своих родителей (loins (bookish) - лоно, чресла)

raucous (106) – 1) хриплый, охрипший, сиплый Syn: hoarse, husky

 2) бурный, шумный; беспорядочный, неорганизованный

embroil (106) – to involve (a person, oneself, etc.) in trouble, conflict, or argument (впутывать(ся) вовлекать(ся), втягивать(ся) (в неприятности))

sorry dog's dinner (106) – unpleasant complicated and muddled situation (sorry - here: pitiful, miserable (жалкий, несчастный; плохой))

gravel (106) – гравий, галька

embed = imbed (107) – вставлять, врезать

stubble (110) – щетина

crow ' s feet (110) – гусиные лапки, морщинки (у уголков глаз)

discernible (111) – видимый. заметный

unshowy (112) – from ‘showy’ - яркий; бросающийся в глаза; эффектный

stomp (112) (infrml) – to tread or stamp heavily (топать)

munificence (112) – необыкновенная щедрость

a natural high (112) – a ‘high’ is the feeling of intense pleasure which drug users claim is the reason why they take drugs (кайф). Non-drug-users talk of a natural high, an intense emotion of pleasure, which comes from – for example – making someone else happy.

inferior (112) – подчинённый; младший по рангу, положению; стоящий ниже

to molest (a child) (115) – покушаться на растление (малолетнего)

spell out (117) (infml) – разъяснять, растолковывать

premature teenage rebellion (120) – преждевременный подростковый бунт

Lesson 8


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