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B.Sc. in Biological Sciences

2. School

School of Sciences and Humanities

3. Program Development Team Program Director/ Faculty
Name Position Contacts
Christian Schönbach Department Chair christian.schoenbach@nu.edu.kz
Anna Andreeva Assistant Professor anna.andreeva@nu.edu.kz
Zhanat Muminova Assistant Professor zhanat.muminova@nu.edu.kz
Ivan Vorobyev Professor ivan.vorobyev@nu.edu.kz
Gonzalo Hortelano Professor gonzalo.hortelano@nu.edu.kz
Damira Kanayeva Assistant Professor damira.kanayeva@nu.edu.kz
Ferdinand Molnar Associate Professor ferdinand.molnar@nu.edu.kz


4. Type of Program (in accordance with the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area)

Foundation Program

    Degree Cycle Level
  Bachelor’s 1 6
  Master’s 2 7
  Doctorate 3 8





5. Total ECTS Credits 240 6. Intended Start Date ??.08.2020
7. Mode of Study  Full-time  Part-time  Distance Learning
8. Expected Duration of Program

  4 years

9. Program Overview

Biological sciences is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary area of sciences that aligns with priority tertiary education, science and technology needs for the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc.) in Biological Sciences program is taught in English and can be compared in scope and structure to available programs in internationally leading academic institutions. The amalgamation of Nazarbayev University’s Undergraduate Core Curriculum Framework of (NU UCCF), disciplinary core curriculum with broad choice electives enables students to lay the foundation for careers in high demand for both existing as well as anticipated employment sectors in Kazakhstan.

The program’s research-integrated teaching and student-centered learning opportunities offered in upper-level research-oriented and problem-based learning lectures and laboratory courses, or through participation in research projects in laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art instruments as part of Directed Research in Biology or a Honors Thesis sets it apart from biological sciences programs offered in the region.  

Program Rationale

1. Student Demand
Informal surveys among Nazarbayev Intellectual School students and secondary students during recruitment events indicated a strong interest in an undergraduate program with wide choice of subjects across biological sciences. The B.Sc. program is expected to recruit at least 110 to 120 students with the majority being graduates of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and attract a few international students, particularly from other Central Asian countries.
2. Market Need
Biologists work in a multitude of positions and sectors of the economy that include biotechnology, agriculture, biomedical research or policymaking that are expected to generate an increased employment demand. For example, the US Department of Labor projected for life sciences an employment growth rate between 5% (Microbiologists) and 7% (Biological Technicians) in the period of 2018 to 2028. Despite the absence of publicly available Kazakhstan-specific quantitative market studies, predicting the employment growth rate for professionals with expertise in biological sciences, the realization of the Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy’s objectives, for instance to innovate in the non-energy sector, will result in an increased demand for such professionals. The B.Sc. in Biological Sciences program is designed to be comparable to similar programs offered at worldwide leading universities that reflect international trends and priority areas for Central Asia. The OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Program was launched in 2008 to support Eurasian economies in developing more vibrant and competitive markets – both at the national and regional level – in order to generate sustainable growth. The program focuses on a comprehensive approach that includes regional dialogue, peer review, definition of reform priorities and assistance in implementation and design of policies. This Central Asia Initiative, covering Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, aims to help create a sound business climate for investment, enhance productivity, support entrepreneurship, develop the private sector, and build knowledge-based economies to make the region more competitive and attractive to foreign investment. Technological innovations have become an essential part of modern life sciences often driving academic knowledge and economic development. Against the background of a rapidly changing global economy, there will be a growing demand from academic research, government, and industry sectors for people who possess the necessary education and skills to tackle the increasing complexity of life sciences and societal problems. As Kazakhstan strives to become one of the top 30 most developed countries under the ‘Third Modernization of Kazakhstan’ model of economic growth, we anticipate a growing demand from local, national, and international sources for highly educated English speaking biologists, thereby providing a healthy job market for the graduates in academic, corporate, and government sectors. Graduates of this program are expected to find many job opportunities in universities, pharmaceutical, biotechnological or biotechnology and agricultural companies, hospitals, and private, government and non-profit research institutions. Graduates of the B.Sc. in Biological Sciences program will be prepared to play important roles in Kazakhstan’s economy, especially with respect to supporting research, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. In this regard, this program will enable capacity building to drive economic and technological development in the vast, heterogenous field of modern biology, and strengthen the influence and attractiveness of Nazarbayev University’s education model within Kazakhstan and neighbouring regions.
3. Benefits for Stakeholders (Government, Sponsors)
Meeting the needs of Kazakhstan’s development strategy and state programs. The B.Sc. in Biological Sciences program nurtures internationally competitive graduates knowledgeable in their discipline and beyond, who are prepared to serve their country by solving critical societal issues requiring expertise in biological sciences. The program also provides a foundation for ambitious and promising graduates to further pursue a Master’s or Ph.D. degree to advance their career and foster leadership in science. In this regard, the aims of the program align with the Modernization 3.0 strategy to succeed nationally and internationally and to promote research and development in Kazakhstan. Another key aspect of Kazakhstan's 2050 strategy is to improve Kazakhstan’s science education system and place emphasis on the practical basic and applied research component. An important goal of the B.Sc. in Biological Sciences program is to nurture graduates equipped to actively contribute toward this goal, and to provide a framework for undergraduate education in natural sciences that other universities can utilize and benefit from.
4. Relation to Existing/Contiguous Programs at NU
1) Will this program replace an existing program at NU?  Yes  No If yes, please specify:
The title of the old program __________________________________________
The date to be discontinued  

2) Will this program deflect demand from other existing programs at NU?

 Yes  No

If yes, please specify:

The title of the program __________________________________________
The reasons __________________________________________



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