Read Natalie and Paul’s conversation. What are they arguing about? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read Natalie and Paul’s conversation. What are they arguing about?

Why does Paul sound ironic?

The Nightmare of Packing


- We must be off in ten minutes. Have you packed everything?

- As good as … I need a couple of minutes to make sure that I haven’t forgotten anything.

- OK. And whose bags are these? These huge ones. Do you mean these are yours? Are you going on a students’ archaeological expedition in Greece with all this stuff?

- Don’t be silly. It’s me who’s leaving. Doesn’t that mean that the luggage is mine? I’ve packed the most essential things.

- Essential things? let’s see … What’s in here? An iron, a portable TV set, a dozen different lotions and shampoos, three pairs of high heels, lots of dresses…. And why have you packed two umbrellas, may I ask? In case it rains twice?

- In case one gets broken or something. Don’t make me nervous before the flight, will you?

- All right, take everything you want if you feel happier with all these useless things. And, by the way, where is your ticket, passport, and insurance?

- Oh, gosh! I’ve nearly forgotten them! Thank you. Sometimes you can be very helpful.


2. Read the postcard as an example. Write your own one using instructions:

Write the name and address of the person you’re writing to.

ü Put the date at the top. (You can leave this out).

ü Write Dear and the name of the person you’re writing to.

ü Write you message. Use short forms (I’ll, it’s, we’re) and short sentences.

ü Finish with a friendly phrase: Wish you were here! See you soon, (Lot’s of) Love, (to family members and close friends), Best wishes.

ü Sign your name. First name is usually enough.


  23rd July Dear David, I’m having a fantastic time in New York! The weather’s great. Lots of sunny days and no rain. Our hotel’s quite comfortable, too. We’ve already visited the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in Harlem, you know... It’s beautiful! Tomorrow we’re planning to go to SOHO, an enclave of artists, and Greenwich Village. I’m really enjoying myself! Wish you were here! Lot’s of love, Ruth.     David Hughes_____ 34 Carlton Court___ Mayfield Road______ Bristol B56 3 QA___ UK_______________


Study the following important information before booking your holiday.


1. You should have an insurance policy. You may fall ill during your travels and visiting a doctor or staying in hospital costs a lot of money. If you have insurance, your insurance company pays for you.

2. When you are abroad, you usually can’t buy anything with money from your own country. All goods must be paid for in foreign currency only. If you want to buy something, you should have some currency on you.

3. If you don’t want to get into trouble, make sure you have a label on your luggage. At the airport, your bag can be lost or confused with somebody’s luggage. A label with your contacts can help you get it back.

4. A visa is the most essential thing. You can’t enter the country without it. You shouldn’t stayin the country longer than your visa allows; otherwise, you can run into problems with the police.



Expression List on the topic “At the Hotel”

To be learnt by heart

to reserve (to book) предварительно заказывать, “бронировать”
to cancel a booking аннулировать
double room номер на двоих
single room en suite room номер для одного номер с душем/ванной
to go through the customs пройти таможенный осмотр
clerk (desk clerk) дежурный администратор
arrival card листок прибытия
to fill in a form заполнить (бланк, карточку, анкету)
to register (to sign in) прописаться, зарегистрироваться (при въезде в гостиницу)
to sign out зарегистрировать, отъезд, выписаться
a hotel guest человек, остановившийся в гостинице
to leave the keys at the desk оставлять ключи у портье
lobby вестибюль, фойе
snack лёгкая закуска на скорую руку
to check out выехать из гостиницы, освободить номер
to check in въехать в гостиницу, получить ключ от номера
boarding house пансионат
free of charge бесплатно
a bill счёт (за проживание)
available доступный
in advance заранее
to pay in advance платить авансом
to warn предупреждать
to settle an account оплатить счёт
to pay an account оплатить счёт


I. Reserving accommodation

Before you read Vocabulary

Match the words and phrases (a-f) with the pictures (1-6).

a single room  d family room 

b double room  e en suite room 

c twin room  f dormitory 


2 The receptionist (R) at the Hotel di Lago is taking a telephone reservation from a guest (G). Read the first part of the dialogue below. How many functions (a-f) does (R) do, and in what order?


a Ask when the reservation is for. 

b Ask for the guest's name. 

с Give the price of the room. 

d Ask how many nights the guest is staying. 

e Give the name of the hotel. 

f Ask for a credit card number. 

R Hello. Hotel di Lago. Can I help you?

G Hello. I'd like to make a reservation, please.

R Certainly. When is it for?

G For the weekend of 25th and 26th June.

R OK. How many nights is that for?

G Three nights - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

R Is that a single or a double room?

G A double room, please. With a bathroom.

R All our rooms have a bathroom. That's 120 euros per night, including tax.

G That's fine.

R Would you like a smoking or non-smoking room? G Non-smoking, please.

R OK, so that's a double room, non-smoking, for three nights, from Friday 24th to Sunday26th June.

G That's right.

Look back at the things a receptionist needs to do when taking a reservation. Can you add to the list?



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