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LEG10 - Love the mountains in Alpe DossoСодержание книги
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Location: Delebio, province of Lecco, Lombardia region Date: 10 – 23/07 Type: Environmental Number of volunteers: 10 Age: 18+ Project summary: The Orobie Valtellinesi Mountains Park (http://www.parcorobievalt.com/) is a particular natural area which needs maintenance and cures in order to keep it the beautiful and biodiverse place that it is today. Volunteers will be involved in different tasks, such as the maintenance of woods and pathways. Description Project: Legambiente Lecco, in collaboration with the Orobie Valtellinesi Mountains Park and the cooperative Montagna Viva, is in charge of the periodic maintenance of the natural area in Alpe Dosso. Legambiente local group: Legambiente Lecco is made of young and dinamic people, mostly under 30. The main activity of this Legambiente group is the management of an hostel; moreover, it has campaigned against food waste and for the correct waste management. Take a look at https://it-it.facebook.com/legambiente.lecco for details. Work: Volunteers will clean pathways, eliminate infested plants and take care of the woods. They will be working with the constant help of experienced voluntary people (Consorzio Montagna Viva - http://www.cmviva.it) that will provide all the necessary tools. Accommodation and food: Volunteers will be hosted in an alpine hut at 1600 meters over sea level. The place is quite isolated and has bad line reception. It takes 2 hours on foot to reach the alpine hut, which is provided of a kitchen, beds and toilets. No wi-fi provided. Location and leisure: Orobie is the first alpine chain in the north of Lombardia plain and pre-alpine reliefs. Since the alpine hut is quite isolated, leisure trips will be arranged inside the park itself, who has breathtaking landscapes and lots of pathways. Specific Requirements: past experience in living in mountains environment. Ability to walk and work in high mountains is necessary. Language: English will be the official language in the camp. Terminal: Nearest airports: Orio al serio/ Milano Malpensa Nearest train station: Colico
LEG11 –Environment protection in Dolomiti mountains Location: Lamon, province of Belluno, Veneto region Date: 13 – 26/07 Type: Environmental/Cultural Number of volunteers: 14 Age: 14 - 17 Project summary: conservation and restoration of the environment and the landscapes in Dolomiti mountains, through hiking, public activities and workshops. Description Project: Legambiente Dolomiti has been running the Environmental Education Centre in Lamon since 10 years ago. The Centre hosted several workcamps and summer camp every years, involving child, youth and families. Aims of the educational project are the protection, conservation and restoration of the environment and the landscapes through hiking, public activities and workshops. Volunteers will join these activities and they will take care of the territory and of the footpaths of the area in collaboration with the local population. Beyond that, the local group of Legambiente is doing educational campaigns about life style, Mediterranean diet and GMO's product. For these reasons, during workcamps, volunteers will discover local farmer's productions and the biodiversity of the areas. Legambiente local group: For 10 years Legambiente Dolomiti has been organising workcamps and educational activities inside an outside the Environmental Education Centre, in order to increase the active participation of young people and citizens and to increase the awareness about environmental issues concerning mountains environment. Moreover the club is concerned with some global-local environmental issues like sustainable agriculture, GMO's dangerousness, eco-life style and hand-made productions. Work: Volunteers will be involved in footpaths’ maintenance and cleaning around the Centre, in order to make the way clean and safe. Furthermore, volunteers will organise public activities and meetings about the topic, in conjunction with the Legambiente local group, in order to involve the community.
Accommodation and food: Volunteers will be hosted in a building, former primary school of Lamon. The place are set with slepping-rooms, a common living-room and kitchen. A low-flesh diet, according to the global environmental problems, will be a commitment for volunteers during workcamps. Location and leisure: The Lamon plateau is placed nearby the Primiero Dolomites and the Belluno Dolomites National Park. It is located about 80km northwest of Venice and about 35 km west of Belluno. During free time, excursions as well as meetings with the local population will be organised, in order to get in touch with local culture and former crafts. Volunteers will have the possibility to visit ancient places and to participate at some demonstrations of former crafts. Specific requirements: good attitude to walk in mountains environment Participation fee: 95 Euro Language: English will be the official language in the camp. Terminal: Airport: Venezia Airport – Treviso Airport; Train station: Feltre train station LEG12 - Local is better: workcamp in Carmignano Location: Carmignano, province of Prato, Tuscany region Date: 14-28/07 Type: Environmental/Social project Number of volunteers: 10 Age: 18+ Project summary: This workcamp project aims to give value to a local territory which has a suggestive cultural heritage Description Project: The village is quite small and mainly with older inhabitants. The request to organize a workcamp came directly from the population more than 4 years ago, because they want to see the village taking more life during summer while preserving the cultural and natural heritage. Legambiente local group: Legambiente Prato was founded in 1986; since then it has been engaged in the defence of environmental heritage, promotion and education on environmental issues throughout young students and the whole citizenship. Focusing on renewable energies, sustainable development, waste management, biodiversity, promotion of healthy life styles, Legambiente Prato has set up since its beginning several projects which still produce outstanding outcomes. Listed below some of the most successful activities of the organization: management of “Rifugio Le Cave” environmental education center (CEA) inside a natural reserve; summer international workcamps in the Province of Prato; permanent environmental education in Prato's schools on the topics of water, energy, biodiversity, climate change; national campaigns “Puliamo Il mondo”, “Festa dell'albero”; local festivals; European Volunteering Service projects. Work: The working activities will mainly consists in recovering some parts of naturalistic pathways starting from Poggio alla Malva or other location displaced in the Municipalities of Carmignano from infestant herbs, trash and so on. Where necessary volunteers will also put new signals of pathways. The pathways they are going to clean have a historical-social value connected to the past (Etruscan heritage, II world war heritage and so on). Study part: How to read a mountain pathway map; how to behave in a hiking - thanks to collaboration with local CAI department (Italian Alpine Club); sustainable tourism through art (photo-reportage of the faces and places of local community and realization of a short video or document/pictures to promote along ecotouristic blog/website or to be promoted inside “La nuova ecologia” magazine). Other activities dealing with reflection on environmental topics are foreseen. Accommodation and food: The accommodation of the workcamp consists in a local school displaced in the territory of the Municipality of Carmignano (Poggio alla Malva or nearby villages) In the school there will be beds in one or more rooms, bathroom and kitchen place. There will be also 2 outside covered showers. Location and leisure: Carmignano (http://www.comune.carmignano.po.it/) counts 14.000 inhabitants. This Municipality covers an area where historic, landscape and wine-gastronomic heritage are well represented. Thanks to its position between Prato and Florence, this lovely place is especially wonderful for its views and green countryside. Poggio alla Malva, one of the many villages that is under the Carmignano Municipality, is also very close to the UNESCO site “Artimino's Villa” a renaissance structure world-wide famous for its hundred chimney tops. Poggio alla Malva also testifies an important site where Etruscan signs are still visible (necropolis, old structures and landmarks). You can also learn more about reading the web article published last year by participants during the workcamp http://italiaslowtour.com/legambiente-camps/
Specific Requirements: it is very important to tolerate high temperatures and be available to work with the hot wave, although work will be in the early morning to avoid extreme hot. It is important to show kindness and interest in joining the local community, especially because their hospitality is amazing. Motivation letter is required. Language: English will be the official language Terminal: Florence Peretola Airport (or Pisa Airport/Bologna Airport). Train station: Firenze Santa Maria Novella or the smaller local station of Signa (very close to Florence).
LEG13 - Bike&Hearts Valle dell’Aniene Location: Anticoli Corrado, province of Rome, Lazio region Date: 10 – 23/07 Type: Cultural/Environmental Number of volunteers: 10 Age: 15-17 Description Project: Anticoli Corrado has an important museum of modern and contemporary art and is an important touristic place, but mostly for people from Rome. However it has an international vocation because of its history and artistic past and the municipality, with the support of the local associations, wants to enhance this vocation. Legambiente Mondi Possibili bet on the touristic development of the valley and created in Anticoli Corrado an Educational Centre for children and adults who want to build a green future. Legambiente local group: Legambiente Mondi Possibili was born in 2006. It organises The Global Sharing day in Festambiente Mondi Possibili - http://festambiente.mondipossibili.it/ and several activities for bike mobility - www.magnalonga.net Work: The work of the volunteers will contribute to improve the environmental communication and operations of the educational centre and the village itself, through the translation of some promotional materials in foreign languages, support in the Museum activities and working for the conservation and value of artworks. Therefore, the volunteers will contribute to the creation of an environmental educational campaign in an intercultural way for children of Anticoli Corrado. They will strictly cooperate with the Anticoli’s inhabitants in the summer event organization. Study part: Volunteers will learn how to repair a bike and to create a vegetable garden The volunteers will stay also with students of Cardiff university. Accommodation and food: “Il Casone”is an Educational Centre at the feet of the hill of Anticoli Corrado. Location and leisure: Anticoli Corrado is a village with less than 1000 inhabitants, 50 km from Rome, in Lazio region. Anticoli Corrado could be a milestone for tourism. This because of its proximity to Rome, because it is included in the Aniene Valley (that can be visited on foot or by bike), because it has a long artistic history, because it is a very nice village. During the free time it will be possible to have excursions in the Aniene Valley, Tivoli and to visit the nearby very nice villages. Special requirements: Volunteers must be able to ride a bike. Participation fee: 95 Euro Language: English will be the official language of the camp. Terminal: Leonardo da Vinci Airport (Fiumicino - FCO) or Ciampino airports; RomeTrain stations (Roma Termini or Roma Tiburtina). LEG14 - Clean up Villa Corsini to be confirmed Location: Albano Laziale, province of Rome, Lazio region Date: 16 – 30/07 Type: Renovation/Cultural Number of volunteers: 12 Age: 18+ Project summary: The workcamp will contribute to the development of the natural, cultural and monumental heritage of Albano Laziale. In the specific, the volunteers will work at the maintenance of the gardens of Villa Corsini. Description Project: The project will take place in Albano Laziale, a municipality included in the Regional Park Castelli Romani. Legambiente works in the area for the safeguard of biodiversity and valorisation of historical assets. The workcamp’s aim is the restoration of Villa Corsini's age-old gardens, erected in the mid-18th century through the Appian Way near Ariccia by the Corsini family. Legambiente local group: "Il riccio" Legambiente was born in 1998. It represents Castelli Romani's local section of Lazio Legambiente. The tasks are different: to denounce illegal and illicit activities, to promote and sensitize citizens even with scholastic projects such as promoting visits among archeological and botanic routes/tracks. The association also preserves the ancient route called "Appia" in particular from "Appia X Miglio" up to "Appia XI Miglio". Work: During the workcamp the volunteers will be involved in several kinds of manual works as: cleaning, gardening and Villa Corsini's maintenance. Accommodation and food: The volunteers will be hosted in the building of the public school in Albano. There will be a catering service for them. Location and leisure: Albano Laziale is a municipality in the Metropolitan City of Rome on the Alban Hills, far 25 kilometers from Rome. Albano is one of the most important municipalities of the Castelli Romani and a busy commercial centre. It was also a suburbicarian bishopric since the 5th century, a historic principality of the Savelli family, and from 1699 to 1798 the inalienable possession of the Holy See. It now houses, among other things, the Praetor of the district court of Velletri. The territory of Albano is included in the Regional Park of Castelli Romani. The main hydrographic feature is Lake Albano.
Language: English will be the official language in the camp Terminal: Fiumicino and Ciampino are the nearest airports; Rome Train stations (Roma Termini or Roma Tiburtina) are the nearest stations.
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