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7.1. Prepare a structured monologue about rewards and benefits. 7.2. Use the Internet to find information on rewards and benefits for: a designer, a hairdresser, a student of the University. Unit 4 Recruitment Procedure and Job Interview Ice breaking questions. Where can HR Manager find potential candidates? Have you ever been to the job interview? When contacting a new person do you visit his or her Facebook site or VK? Read and comprehend the texts. A. Recruitment – or hiring – refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointingsuitable candidates for jobs within an organization. Human resources managers and recruitment agencies are tasked with carrying out recruitment. Recruiters employ various tactics to bring the best talent to their companies. https://www.recruiter.com The following are guidelines to help you in the hiring process. Step 1: Review the Job Description Step 2: Develop a Recruiting Strategy Step 3: Review and Sort Resumes/Applications Step 4: Conduct Telephone Interviews Step 5: Conduct Face-To-Face Interviews Step 6: Get another Opinion Step 7: Narrow it down and Make the Final Selection Step 8: Check References Step 9: Make Offer and Introduce the new employee to the Organization http://www.nyu.edu B. There are many places that you can place an ad to find potential workers. These places include: - Local Newspapers, including local/neighborhood publications; - Newsletters of community churches, mosques, or temples, local organizations or support groups; - Job service offices, employment, and temporary agencies; - Bulletin boards at grocery stores, apartment buildings, libraries, local recreational facilities, Laundromats, clinics; - The student employment office or nursing and social work programs at area vocational schools, community colleges and universities; - Word-of-mouth; - Use the web. There are many job board sites on the 'Net that you can use for employee recruitment. C. There are two key stages to getting the job you want. The first is securing an interview with a well presented and relevant CV and the second is how you perform in the interview. A CV, also known as a résumé, is a summary of your professional background. Your CV should be one to two pages long and include an overview of your work experience, studies, achievements or awards, special skills, and references. Your contact information should always be included at the top of the first page. http://work.sweden.se/ The company will review your documents and contact you if you have gone forward to the interview stage of the recruitment process. The employer already knows your basic qualifications; during the interview, you have the chance to show your enthusiasm for the job at hand and give the employer a sense of who you are as a person. Don’t be surprised if some of the questions asked are not directly work-related – be prepared to talk about your family and what you do in your free time. Answer the following questions. 3.1. What is recruitment? What are the main stages to recruit an employee? 3.2. What recruitment channels do you know? Can you name other recruitment channels than in the text? 3.3. When do you use CV. What’s the purpose of the CV? What information is included in the CV? 3.4. What’s the purpose of the interview? How should you behave on the interview? Vocabulary study. 4.1. Explain the meaning of the underlined words in the text. 4.2. Make up proper combinations based on the given text.
Study tips to write your best CV. What do you find interesting and useful. - A good CV will never be more than a couple of pages of A4.
- Check, check and recheck every single word and every grammar and punctuation mark. - Give your CV to somebody else to read. - Arrange your qualifications to illustrate ongoing career development. - Most employers are looking for experience rather than personal details, so if your hobbies have no relevance to the job vacancy, don't include them. Study tips for the interview. What do you find interesting and useful. - Research the organization, their website. - Prepare: Have confidence in yourself. - Be on time. - Know your resume. - Present yourself professionally and conservatively, "dress for success". - Have at least 3 questions prepared for the end of the interview. http://www.budgerecruitment.com/cv-interview-tips 6. Skill activity. Study the example of CV. Produce your own CV. *** Pay attention that the freshest date in the Education and Professional Experience sectors come first.
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Research and creative activity. 7.1. Make up a monologue about recruitment procedure. 7.2. Suggest tips on how to write your best CV. 7.3. Suggest best behavior for the job interview. UNIT 5 Employee Discipline and Termination Ice breaking questions. Do you personally like discipline? Do you like to be disciplined? What are the advantages of the discipline? What is the motive behind the discipline? Have you ever fired an employee? Is it easy to fire an employee? Read and comprehend the texts. A. Effective discipline can protect organization. Everyone benefits when rules and consequences for violations are carefully formulated, clearly communicated, and consistently carried out. Many potential challenges are often resolved before they get out of hand. Employee termination is often the last step in an unsuccessful attempt to help a worker meet work standards. Confronting employees during a disciplinary or termination interview takes much interpersonal skill and preparation. Throughout this kind of interview, it is important to distinguish between the employee as a person, and any unwanted behavior, so as to avoid building artificial walls between the supervisor and worker. If the employee needs to be disciplined or terminated, this is best done while permitting the employee to preserve as much dignity as possible. Management can help coach and mentor an employee into improving his or her performance or behavior, but at the end it is the worker who must decide if the job is worth the effort. The responsibility to improve behavior must remain with the employee. B. Reasons to fire/ terminate employee: • poor effort (e.g., working at a reduced speed, poor quality, tardiness, sleeping on the job, absenteeism, wasting time); • poor co-worker relations (e.g., fighting on the job, lack of cooperation); • inadequate subordinate-supervisor relations (e.g., insubordination); • inadequate supervisor-subordinate relations (e.g., favoritism, withholding of key information, mistreatment, abuse of power); • workplace violence (e.g., verbal or physical abuse, threats, bullying);
• dishonesty, espionage and theft; · violation of safety rules and other practices (e.g., not wearing safety equipment, carrying weapons on the job, drug and alcohol abuse). http://nature.berkeley.edu/ucce50/ag-labor/7labor/14.htm C. There are different degrees of " punishment " to deal with offenses. Tools to respond to offenses include (1) communication of the standard, (2) disapproval, (3) verbal warning, (4) written warning, (5) suspension, and (6) termination.
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