Read the following. Use the rise-fall. 

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Read the following. Use the rise-fall.

1. I ˈdon’t ˈwant to ˈspoil ˈeverything before we ˄ start our ˌevening. (emphatic) (Intermediate English. A Date for the Theatre)

2. His ˈstudents were ˏadults∣ and he enˈjoyed the ˈwork im ˄ mensely. (emphatic) (Intermediate English. Profile: Peter Parker)

3. She ˈonly ˈgot her ˈsecond di ˄ vorce in the ˌspring. (reproach) (Intermediate English. A Little Gossip)

4..…the way you ˄ usually ˌdo. (reproach) (Intermediate English. A Lost Tie)

5. I suppose it’s ˈstill on the ˈshelf under the ˄ dashboard. (emphatic) (Intermediate English. A Lost Tie)

6. You enˈjoy yourself in the ˄ process. (admiration) (Intermediate English. Weight Problem)

7. I’ve got to ˈdrink ˈtwo or ˈthree ˄ pints. (emphatic) (Intermediate English. Weight Problem)

8. Oh, come on. You’ve ˈprobably ˈdone ˄ better than you ˌthink. (emphatic) (Intermediate English. After the Exams)

9. Well, it’s up to you I suppose. But I‘ve had e ˄ nough of ˌreading. I’m ˈnot ˈgoing to ˈopen aˈnother ˈbook for ˄ months. (emphatic) (Intermediate English. After the Exams)

10. Don’t be silly, Harry. ˈYou’ve ˈgot a ˄ temperature. (reproach) (Meet the Parkers 12)

11. Well, you beˎgan it by be ˄ having like a ˌnaughty ˌboy. (reproach)(Meet the Parkers 12)

12. He’s done well in all his exams up to now. But we ˄ daren’t ˌcount on his ˌwinningˏone. (emphatic) (Meet the Parkers 3)


Exercise 2.

Read the following conversational situations, use the rise-fall in the answers. Make your utterance much more emphatic and create contrast with the previous sentence.

1. A. The poem is good. - B. The poem is ˄ beautiful.

2. A. It’s an interesting place. - B. It’s a be ˄ wildering place.

3. A. I doubt if it’s true. – B. It’s most unbe ˄ lievable.

4. A. The coat is bad. – B. The coat is ˄ dreadful.

5. A. It smells good. – B. It smells ˄ lovely.

6. A. She looks well. – B. She looks ˄ happy.

7. A. It’s very cold today. - B. It’s ˄ bitterly cold today.

8. A. You are not trying. – B. I most ˄ certainly am.

9. A. I like this colour. Do you? – It isn’t e ˄ xactly the shade I want.

10. A. The party was nice. And the food wasn’t bad. – B. The food was ˄ terrible.

Exercise 3.

Read the following statements. Sound definite and categoric. Show that you are anxious.

1. I ˈcan’t ˈfind it ˄anywhere.

2. It is ˈso an˄noying.

3. It ˈcan’t be ˄otherwise.

4. It ˈsimply ˄can’t be.

5. She ˄thanked me.

6. You ˈdon’t ˈknow how ˄ignorant she ˌis.

7. Of ˎcourse│ I ˈknow him ˈvery ˄well.

8. ˎAnyhow, │ we ˈcan’t ˈget there in ˄time.

Exercise 4.

Read the following sentences. Create contrast between the two variants using the rise-fall and the low fall. Comment on the difference.

1. ˈThat would be ˄wonderful! ˈThat would be ˎwonderful

2. I’m aˈfraid it ˄is. I’m aˈfraid it ˎis.

3. I should ˈnever have be˄lieved it. I should ˈnever have beˎlieved it.

4. But she ˈdidn’t ˈsay a ˄word. But she ˈdidn’t ˈsay a ˎword.

5. It ˈlooks as if it’s ˈgoing to ˄rain. It ˈlooks as if it’s ˈgoing to ˎrain.

6. You ˄really ˌmustn’t ˌmake that ˌnoise! You ˈreally ˈmustn’t ˈmake that ˎnoise.

7. It’s ˄perfectly ab˄surd! It’s ˈperfectly abˎsurd.


I. The law fall

II. The high fall

III. The low rise

IV. The fall-rise

V. The rise-fall

The low fall

The low fall is used in calm, unsurprised, reserved exclamations.

E.g. Would you like an apple? – ˎ Thank you.

He’s just arrived. – ˎ Fine!

Exercise 1.

Read the following conversational situations. Use the low fall in the exclamations. Sound calm and reserved.

1. He’s just arrived.– ˎOh!

– ˎRight!

– ˎGood!

– ˎFine!

2. Would you like an apple? – ˎThank you.

3. Oh, I’m cold.– ˎNonsense!

– ˎRubbish!

4. I’ve lost my umbrella. – ˎPity!

5. Did you lock the back door? – ˎSure.

6. I’m afraid I’ve got a cold. – No ˎwonder.

7. All the students are present. – ˎFine!

8. Here’s the book. – ˎThanks.

9. You’ve got many mistakes in pronunciation. – ˎOh!

10. We can go now. – ˎFine!

11. Don’t go so fast. – ˎGood!




exclamations are rather emphatic.

E.g. The exams are over at last. – ˈ Isn’t it ˎwonderful!


Exercise 2.

Read the following conversational situations, use the low fall. Be emphatic.

1. It’s my birthday today. – ˈMany ˈhappy reˎturns!

2. She refused my help. – What a ˈstrange ˈthing to ˎdo!

3. Hello, Jane! – It’s ˈvery ˈnice to ˎsee you, ˏHarry!

4. So sorry he’s left. – What a ˈpity we ˈdidn’t ˈring ˎsooner!

5. I really wanted so much to see her. – It’s a ˈpity you ˈdidn’t ˈcome a ˈbit ˎearlier.

6. What nasty weather we are having! – ˈFancy such a ˈday in Juˎly!

7. Fine day, isn’t it? – What ˈlovely ˎweather we are having toˌday!

8. I’m going on a voyage round Europe. – What an extraˈordinary ˈpiece of ˎluck!

9. He says it’s your fault. – How riˎdiculous!

10. I’ve sprained my ankle. – Too ˎbad!

11. I’ll give you an interesting book to read. – ˈThanks ˎawfully.

12. It’s my birthday. – ˈVery ˈmany ˈhappy reˈturns of the ˎday!

13. Lovely day, isn’t it? – ˈIsn’t it ˎbeautiful!

14. Here’s to you! – Your ˈvery ˈgood ˎhealth!

15. She asked us to tea. – How ˈperfectly ˎcharming of her!

16. Here’s your tea. – What a ˈbig ˈpiece of ˎcake you’ve ˌgiven me!

17. We are going picnicking. – What a ˈpleasant surˎprise!

18. Isn’t it mild today? – What a ˈdifference from this ˈtime last ˎweek!


Exercise 3.

Reply to the verbal context, use the low fall. Keep the attitude in mind.

1. What do you think of the book? – …

2. I’d like to see you tomorrow. – …

3. How much have you paid for it? – …

4. How long have you been there? – …

5. What have you bought for lunch? – …

6. I’m afraid I can’t do it in time. – …

7. I’m afraid I don’t understand you. – …




The high fall



The high fall in the nucleus starts very high and usually reaches the lowest pitch. The syllables of the tail are pronounced on the low level.

This intonation pattern is used in exclamations which are very emotional and sometimes they are pronounced with affronted surprise.

E.g. It’s eight o’clock. – ` Heavens! I’m late. (affronted surprise)

Exercise 1.

Read the following conversational situations, use the high fall. Sound emotional.

1. Alice is coming as well. – `Really! `Splendid!

2. Will you have a drink? – `Thank you!

3. I’ll give it to you. – How `lovely!

4. I’m most grateful to you. – Don’t `mention it, my ˌdear ˌchap.

5. Isn’t it a lovely view! - En`chanting!

6. Thank you very much. – `Thank you.

7. Would you like to stay up for the television? – In`deed I would.

8. I’ve been helping Tom, Mummy. – `That’s a ˌgood ˌgirl.

9. How are you getting on? – `Wonderfully.

10. I’ll ring you on Sunday. – `Fine!

11. It all depends on the weather. – E`xactly so!

12. I shall take you to the Opera House. – `Settled.

13. Will you be ready by six? – De`cidedly!

14. I believe he’s finished his job. – I `think so.

Exercise 2.

Read the following conversational situations, use the high fall. Pronounce the exclamations with affronted surprise.

1. He’s over seventy. – `Well!

2. She says you are to blame. – What `nonsense!

3. Hello, Mary! – Oh, `there you are, Tom.

4. I’ll ring you up on Sunday. – Oh, `no! That `won’t do!

5. It all depends on the weather. – `Far from it.

6. Will you be ready by six? – ˌSurely `not!

7. She says she’s twenty nine. – `Nonsense!




The high fall starts from a higher pitch than the preceding syllable of the descending head. It is used in exclamations, conveying mild surprise without the affront.

E.g. Tom has passed his exam. – ˈWell ˈfancy `that! (mild surprise)

Exercise 3.

Read the following conversational situations, use the high fall. Convey mild surprise.

1. I forgot every word about it. – What a ˈfine ˈmess you’ve ˈmade of `things!

2. We’ll go there on Friday. – The ˈsooner the `better!

3. I’m sorry to have to vote against you. – A ˈfine ˈfriend you ˈturned ˈout to `be!

4. She’s laid up with quinsy again. – ˈPoor `thing!

5. Hallo, Fred! – ˈWell if it ˈisn’t my ˈold ˈfriend `Tom!

6. He’s sending you a copy. – How ˈvery `nice of him!

7. He’s actually engaged. – ˈWould you be`lieve it!




The low rise


Intonation pattern (LOW PRE-HEAD +) LOW RISE (+ TAIL)

When the speaker uses the low rise in exclamations he reserves judgment; encourages further conversation; expresses calm, casual acknowledgment.

E.g. If you like I can book four seats for next Saturday. – All ˏright.

(Intermediate English. A Date for the Theatre.)


The low rise is often used in greetings.

E.g. Good morning. – ˏ Morning!



Exercise 1.

Read the following conversational situations, use the low rise. Reserve judgment and encourage further conversation by developing it.

1. 1 He just can’t be bothered. – Pity!

2. Is it really yours? – Of course.

3. John says he can’t come. – Oh! (Why not?)

4. Something has gone wrong with my electric iron. Can you put it right? – Of course!

5. Ann, please bring some more milk from the kitchen. – Right!

6. I’ve passed this exam. – Wonderful!

7. He is seriously ill. – Pity!

8. I can’t see it from behind you. – Pardon!

9. It’s half past ten. – Well!

10. Shall we meet at ten? – All right!

11. It’s half past ten. – Well.(We’re not in a hurry.)


Exercise 2.


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