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Перевод герундия на русский языкСодержание книги
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Герундий переводится на русский язык различными способами, а именно: 1) именем существительным – We were counting on your being present. – Мы рассчитывали на твоё присутствие. 2) инфинитивом – She is afraid of swimming there. – Она боится плавать там. 3) деепричастием – He went away without leaving his address. – Он уехал, не оставив адреса. 4) глаголом в личной форме – She reproached herself for having said it. – Она упрекала себя за то, что сказала это. Проверочные задания на тему «Герундий» Задание 54. Сравните предложения и определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова. Предложения переведите. 1. a) Boiling occurs when vapour is formed both at the bottom of the vessel and at the top.
b) Boiling water is changing into steam and the pressure of steam is driving the steam engine.
2. a) A lightning conductor is protecting the building from strokes of lightning. b) The function of a lightning conductor is protecting the building from strokes of lightning.
3. a) Changing the resistance of a circuit is one of the methods of controlling the flow of current in the circuit. b) Changing the resistance of the circuit one may control current flow.
4. a) By adding heat to a solid body we transform it into a liquid. b) Adding still more heat we transform liquid into gas.
Задание 55. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление герундия в функции подлежащего. 1. Understanding electrical phenomena requires a knowledge of chemical, physical and some other concepts. 2. Showing the technical difficulties of the scheme is the object of the paper. 3. Studying natural phenomena without making observations is useless. 4. Connecting the two terminals in a closed circuit leads to a steady flow of current from one terminal to the other. 5. Describing the facts of nature events is the fundamental aim of science.
Задание 56. A. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление герундия в функции дополнения. 1. Avoid making mistakes in the tests. 2. Please keep trying to achieve good results. 3. We prefer using new methods of work. 4. Do you mind staying here? 5. Solids resist changing in shape. 6. It is no use translating this article because it does not contain any new information. 7. In studying magnetism, we cannot help observing the relation between magnetism and the electric current.
Обратите внимание на употребление Indefinite Active Gerund в следующих конструкциях, имеющих пассивное значение.
B. Составьте предложения по образцу, употребив глаголы в скобках в форме герундия, и переведите предложения.
1. The story has no end. (to finish) 2. The work is urgent. (to do) 3. The car has broken down. (to repair)
4. The room is not cleaned. (to clean) 5. The resume is not perfect. (to review) Задание 57. Поставьтеглаголы в скобках в форму герундия, который употребляется в функции предложного дополнения, обращая внимание на правописание герундия, и переведите предложения. 1. The students went on … (to study) the properties of that new substance. 2. Bad weather prevented me from … (to come). 3. The solution of this problem depends upon … (to receive) the latest data. 4. We insisted on … (to continue) the experiment. 5. We have succeeded in rapid … (to read) these new articles on optical fibers. 6. He didn’t object to … (to participate) in the contest. 7. I look forward to … (to hear) from you soon. 8. We are interested in … (to improve) working conditions. 9. I am fond of … (to read) scientific fiction. 10. A lightning conductor is capable of … (to protect) buildings from strokes of lightning.
Задание 58. Поставьтеглаголы в скобках в форму герундия, который употребляется в функции определения, обращая внимание на правописание герундия, и переведите предложения. 1. There are different ways of … (to produce) electric current. 2. Isotope instruments have the property of … (to find) out faults in metals. 3. The new method of … (to read) rapidly is of great importance in our age of enormous amount of information we get. 4. From time immemorial the problem of … (to harness) the solar energy has interested scientists of different countries. 5. One way of … (to classify) a conductor and an insulator is according to their electrical properties. 6. The problems of … (to reduce) danger of road accidents are very important for modern cities. 7. A generator is a machine for … (to convert) mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Задание 59. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму герундия, который употребляется в функции обстоятельства, обращая внимание на правописание герундия, и переведите предложения. 1. After … (to study) the properties of solids we shall deal with the properties of liquids. 2. Before … (to deal) with this new device one should study all its parts. 3. A constant speed of the device is maintained by … (to supply) it with energy. 4. By … (to change) the value of the resistance we can increase the current. 5. Thermometers are employed for … (to measure) temperature difference. 6. On … (to review) the records of tests we could find the reason of failure. 7. On … (to split) atoms in the reactor heat is developed. 8. I cannot proceed with my research without … (to read) new technical journals. 9. We could not achieve good results without … (to compare) the two figures. 10. The process can go faster due to … (to raise) the temperature.
Задание 60. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление герундия. 1. We can start testing the materials as soon as we receive them. 2. Understanding the laws of heat transfer is of great practical importance. 3. In electric motors, transmission lines and generators heat is useless and overeating is most undesirable. 4. Programming is the process of preparing, testing and correcting instructions for a computer. 5. We call any device on wheels or runners for conveying persons or objects a vehicle. 6. For heating a body, we place it in contact with another body at a higher temperature. 7. Comparing the performance of the instruments is the only means of solving our problem.
8. After being subjected to severe testing the material was recommended for use.
Задание 61. Употребите герундий или инфинитив. 1. I remember … (to see) that man before. 2. He offered … (to help) the collegues. 3. I got used to … (to get) up early. 4. I used to … (to walk) in the evenings. 5. I enjoy … (to play) tennis on Sunday. 6. She made me … (to clean) the flat. 7. He gave up … (to dance). 8. They decided … (to visit) their friends in Moscow. 9. He suggested … (to go) to the cinema. 10. She managed … (to collect) the data.
Герундиальные обороты Обратите внимание на употребление герундиального оборота, состоящего из притяжательного местоимения или существительного в притяжательном или общем падеже и герундия в различных формах:
Проверочные задания на тему «Герундиальные обороты» Задание 62. Переведите предложения, содержащие герундиальный оборот в различных функциях, обращая внимание на формы герундия. 1. The mechanical engineer’s dealing with complicated installations is known to everybody. 2. The professor knew about the students’ going to the power station. 3. He is interested in the magnetic field becoming stronger when radio radiation is faster. 4. Can you rely on her turning off the light in the laboratory? 5. After our making a comparison of two last experiments it was possible to give the correct answer as to the type of the device needed. 6. Everyone knows of Lomonosov’s being a great Russian scientist. 7. We burn coal in spite of its being a source of chemical products. 8. Atomic energy is used in medicine besides its being a source of heat and power. 9. We inform you of the tests being successfully done. 10. One cannot use this new instrument without its being regulated. 11. His having designed a new machine was not known to our group. 12. I was told of their having repaired the motor. 13. Everybody knows about your having worked at the nuclear power plant. 14. We know of the term “civil engineering” having been set up as a distinction of military engineering. 15. We read about this substance having been used owing to its high quality.
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