Заменяемые наречия и местоимения при переводе прямой речи в косвенную 

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Заменяемые наречия и местоимения при переводе прямой речи в косвенную


При переводе прямой речи в косвенную изменяются следующие наречия и местоимения:

this на that

these на those

now на then

here на there

today на that day

tomorrow на the next day, the following day

yesterday на the day before, the previous day

next week на the following week

last week на the previous week

ago на before

      Случаи отклонения от правил согласования времен

1. Когда глагол в дополнительном придаточном предложении  

выражает общеизвестный факт, он может быть выражен в

простом настоящем времени и в том случае, когда глагол

главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени:

The teacher told the children that water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.

2. Глаголы should, ought to употребляются в придаточном  

предложении независимо от того, в каком времени стоит

глагол главного предложения:

He says (said) that I ought to send her a telegram at once.

Глагол must, однако, заменяется на had to:

She said that she had to answer the letter at once.

Обратите внимание на то, как переводятся глаголы в придаточном дополнительном предложении на русский язык:


    Past Simple или Past Progressive Past Perfect Future-in-the-past      настоящим временем прошедшим временем будущим временем    

Проверочные задания на тему «Прямая и косвенная речь, согласование времен»

Задание 16. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод глаголов в придаточном дополнительном предложении.

1. Franklin proved that lightning is an electrical phenomenon.

2. He said that he worked for a big company.

3. At the conference scientists stated that air pollution in that region caused environmental problems.

4. Everybody saw that he was playing badly.

5. The manager asked her when she could start working.

6. He said that he had to catch a train.

7. Victor found out where we had made a mistake.

8. It wasn’t quite clear how the accident had happened.

9. We were sure that our groupmate would win the competition.

10. He was sure that soon everybody would see that he was



Задание 17. Поставьте глагол в главном предложении

в Past Simple и сделайте соответствующие изменения в предложении, соблюдая правило согласования времён.

1. My little brother knows that our planet moves round the Sun.

2. She realizes that that book is valuable.

3. I have no idea what it will lead to.

4. The customer asks when he can phone for some more details.

5. He hopes that his observations may help him in his research work.

6. I don’t understand what she is talking about.

7. She is sure that she planned everything thoroughly.

8. She is sorry that she didn’t warn me about the changes.

9. Mary hopes that the guide will take them to the Hermitage.

10. The head manager asks the applicant what salary he


Задание 18. Переведите предложения в косвенную речь.

1. Jerry said proudly, “My sister is a journalist. She has interviewed many famous people.”

2. The receptionist said, ”The chief is talking to the visitors. He asked not to disturb him.”

3. Liza said to her friend, “Mike got an interesting job offer a week ago.”

4. My uncle said, “My son graduated from Moscow university last year.”

5. The city guide said to us, “Museums were closed yesterday.”

6. The instructor pointed out, “The personnel should know what to do in case of emergency.”

7. The engineer explained to us, “If some device stops operating, maintenance people will come to check the equipment.”

8. Mary said to her parents, “Are we going to the country next week?”

9. My friend said to me, “Do you understand everything in this subject?”

10. Raymond said, “Have you heard the news?”

11. John said to her, “Did you enjoy your holiday last year?”

12. The teacher said to the students, “Will you need these data for your research or not?”

13. Jane said to him, “Can we measure the temperature here?”

14. Brian said, “What will come out of your plan, I wonder?”

15. I said to Sam, “How does this device work and how much does it weigh?”

16. I said, “Why is he looking for a new job?”

17. Mum said to his son, “Where have you been all this time?”

18. My sister said to me, “Turn off the music, please and help me with urgent work.”

19. Kate said to us, “Don’t worry and call the doctor at once.”

20. The engineer warned us, “Don’t touch this button for safety.”



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