Why students and school students do not want to study or Basic teaching skills in unity of its logical, rhetorical and psychological-pedagogical aspects 

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Why students and school students do not want to study or Basic teaching skills in unity of its logical, rhetorical and psychological-pedagogical aspects

Abstract Young people are becoming increasingly apathetic towards ideological concerns, they demonstrate motivation deficiency, lack of cognitive interest and existential indifference which is looked upon as something quite natural by teachers and nearly fails to surprise them. But what are the reasons for that? One can hardly imagine a pre-school child to be so unenthusiastic about the world and everything there is in it, whose eyes would not sparkle with curiosity. How comes that the promising light of keen interest to the world in the eyes of a pre-school child almost dies out by the time this same child becomes an adolescent?

Part of the answer to this question might lie in the type of educational content students are exposed to first at school and later at college or at university as well as the way the educational material is presented. Many of the school students say school is boring. Why? Because often what the teachers tell in class is often incomprehensible for the children whereas it is known that a person can only hear what they really can understand. The incomprehensible becomes predictably uninteresting and even boring, having nothing to do with real life and as a result unnecessary. This is how motivation deficiency, lack of cognitive interest and intellectual apathy arise.

A teacher or an educator might base their professional performance on different paradigms both efficient and deficient, constructive or disruptive. Generally one of them can be labeled as egocentrism, the other as dialogism. In the first case the teacher is a boss and the students are humble subordinates. In the second case the teacher is the guardian and friend to the young ones and the teacher’s main aim is to explain educational material not in the way the children could understand but in the way they could not help understanding.  

Key words: teacher, education, logical culture, law of identity, rhetorical culture, genre of academic literature, educational literature, educational content, motivation, cognitive interest.


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