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Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:Содержание книги
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1. Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant? 2. What fast food outlets do you know in your city? 3. What methods of cooking do the kitchen hands use to prepare fast food? 4. What are the benefits of fast food? UNIT 3
TEXT PRINCIPLES OF RECIPES MAKING No one food furnished all the necessary food elements. A day's, or even a week's menus should be considered as a unit, rather than one meal. By varying the foods from meal to meal, and day to day, one may include all the essential foods. A knowledge of the chemical composition of foods, and of the physiology of digestion, makes possible a wiser selection of food. One must maintain a good balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and the regulatory elements, such as minerals, cellulose, water, and vitamins. There is no one perfect food. No vegetable or fruit can be used to the exclusion of all others. A variety of all the many fruits and vegetables is essential, not only for appetite's sake, but for the actual needs of the body. Here are examples of recipes which include different foodstuffs, and combined methods of cooking. HORS D’OEUVRE Hors d’oeuvre applies to those side-dishes served as relish or appetizers at the very beginning of a meal, even before the soup, or between two courses. Hors d’oeuvre can easily consist of one dish e.g. oysters, caviar, or smoked salmon for the happy few; radishes and butter, scraped carrots, or sardine in oil for the not-so-well-off. Some restaurants make the most of the occasion. They pride themselves on their lavish display of hors d’oeuvre. Some cold hors d’oeuvre such as raw vegetables or fruit do not call for elaborate preparations though great care should be taken to show them to their best advantage; shell-fish, cold dishes (cold meat or cold fish), salads, and egg preparations can be served on the spot. Fresh butter, mayonnaise and jelly play an important part in brightening the aspect of these hors d’oeuvres, and various kinds of bread (crisp French bread and rolls, thin slices of brown or white bread, hot toast) will add another pleasing touch. Hot hors d’oeuvre are based upon various types of pastry and batters, not to mention toast, supplemented with appropriate garnish. They are served after the cold ones. The cook in charge of the preparation of hors d’oeuvre is the “Carver” or the larder-cook. He must have a deft hand for carving, trained taste for seasoning, as well as an eye for colour and a touch of imagination. In short, a master of his trade. On the other hand some of these dishes are welcome at evening cocktail parties, where they feed those guests who lunched off an apple and a glass of milk. Vocabulary notes
Vegetable Soup Peel and cut into very small pieces three onions, three turnips, one carrot and four potatoes; put them into a pan with a quarter of a pound of butter, a 1/4 of a pound of ham and a bunch of parsley; pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire; then add a spoonful of flour, mix well in; add 4 pints (2 liters) of broth and a pint of boiling milk; boil up, keeping it stirred; skim it; season with a little salt and sugar and run it through a sieve into another pan; boil again and serve with fried bread to it. Vocabulary notes
Potatoes Fried in Slices Peel large potatoes, slice them about a quarter of an inch thick or cut them into shavings as you would slice a lemon; dry them and fry in lard or dripping. The pan should be put on a quick fire and as soon as the lard boils put in the slices of potatoes and keep moving them until they are crisp; take them up and lay them to drain on a sieve. Send to table with a little salt sprinkled over them.
Vocabulary notes
Stewed beef and pork Put into a saucepan about 2 pounds (800 gr.) of well-soaked beef cut into 8 pieces; 1/2 a pound of soaked pork cut into 2 pieces; six tablespoons of rice; 4 middle-sized onion-peeled and sliced; a tablespoonful of sugar; a little pepper and salt; add 4 pints of water; simmer gently for three hours; remove the fat from top and serve. Vocabulary notes
Apple jelly You need: 1 Ib apples (500 gr) 4 oz sugar (125 gr) half a lemon 4 leaves of gelatin 1/2 pint of water (250 gr) 1. Peel the apples and cut them into small pieces. 2. Cook them in the water until they are soft. 3. Rub the apples through the sieve. 4. Put the apple puree into a dish with the melted gelatine. 5. Squeeze the lemon. 6. Grate the lemon peel. 7. Mix together the apple puree, the sugar, the lemon juice, and the lemon peel. 8. Put it in a cold place. Leave it until it sets. 9. Eat it very cold with cream. Delicious!
EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the following questions: 1. Why is it necessary to include all the essential foods into the menu? 2. What helps to do wiser selection of food? 3. What regulatory elements do we need to maintain while cooking? 4. Why is it very important for the actual needs of the body to have the variety of fruits and vegetables? 5. What do you think about combined methods of cooking?
Ex. 2. Retell the text and the recipes. Ex. 3. Read and translate the recipe given below. The instructions are in the wrong order. Can you decide what the correct order should be? There is one extra instruction which shouldn’t be there - find it and cross it out.
Potatoes fried in Slices
1 kilo potatoes 6 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 tablespoons sesame seeds about ¼ teaspoon hot pepper 1 teaspoon salt juice of half a lemon
Ex. 4
Someone has modified this shopping list and created lots of strange new foods. Can you take the words apart and fit them back together again correctly? Write a new shopping list.
UNIT 4 TEXT BEVERAGES AND DRINKS Coffee is one of the most popular beverages of the world. It is made from a berry grown in tropical climates and shipped to the country green, that is unroasted. All coffee trees are alike, but the berries produced vary in composition with variation in the rate of growth and the treatment after picking. For this reason, Mocha, Java, and South American coffees are quite distinct from each other. There are, in general, three methods of preparing coffee - boiling, percolating, and the drip method. 1) The ground coffee is treated with either cold or hot water brought slowly to boiling point or held just below this, and then allowed to stand in order to settle out the grounds. 2) The heated water is carried up and deposited on the coffee grounds which are held in a sieve. As the percolation continues the liquid carried up becomes a stronger and hotter brew. No settling of grounds is necessary and percolated coffee is usually clear and sparkling. 3) It is an old French method. Boiling water is poured upon the coffee grounds held in a suitable sieve like container. The liquid which drips through is used. Probably one of the greatest essentials in making of good coffee is a clean pot. The coffee should not stand long before serving. The desirable features of tea are less standardized than those of coffee. Some like it black, some like green, some with cream, some with lemon. Tea is made from the leaves of tea bush which is indigenous to the Orient. There are many factors which influence the quality of the tea as purchased. The younger the leaves the better the tea. Some of the poorer teas are made from the older leaves or even stems. The grade and flavour of tea are influenced by the treatment after picking. Black tea is made from leaves which are fermented before drying. The fermentation darkens the product and softens the flavour. Green tea is not fermented the leaves are steamed and dried. Its flavour is more astringent than that of black tea. Cocoa and chocolate. As beverages made from them are generally made with milk they are much more nutritious than the other beverages. Cocoa and Chocolate are made from the bean or seed of a tree which grows in tropical countries. Cocoa beans vary in quality according to the place where they are grown. In the manufacture of cocoa or chocolate products the roasting and blending of the different varieties are important factors. After roasting the shells and germs are removed. The shells are often used for beverages. When boiled in water they impart a pleasing flavor like cocoa but less sweet. The germ of the seed is a valuable by-product sold for the manufacture of cocoa butter. The remainder (cocoa nibs) is used for the manufacture of cocoa or chocolate. The nibs are finely ground and pressed into cakes for plain or bitter chocolate. Drinks may be classified into soft drinks which contain no spirits such as lemonades (Coke, Pepsi, etc.) and strong ones (these contain some part of alcohol). Whisky, gin, beer are considered as alcoholic drinks. Whisky originated in Ireland, then spread to Scotland. There are two sorts of whisky-malt whisky, made from malted barley only, and the lighter grain whisky produced from non-malted barley with an added mixture of maize or rye. The most famous whiskies are: Scotch, Irish, Canadian and Bourbon. You may drink Whisky either neat or diluted with water or any other Soft drink. Beer has long remained the most popular "long drink" with British people. Its different varieties-pale ale or shout, mild or bitter - are offered to the consumer all means any beer which is not stout. Stout is a beer brewed from highly-fried malts, with a proportion of roast barley. Stouts rank among the strong beers. Cider is the English wine. It has been a favorite drink in England for more than a thousand years. Cider is made from apples. This is not as much as beer but cider is becoming more popular all the time, and a lot of it is sold in other countries. There is an old English saying: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". We can say: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and a cider each night keeps him out of sight." Active Vocabulary
I. Phonetic exercises Ex. 1. Transcribe the following words and word-combinations. Consult a dictionary:
beverages, grown, climate, vary, distinct, ground, necessary, essentials, stem, cream, orient, purchase, flavour, cocoa, chocolate, tropical, germs, remainder, whisky-malt, barley, maize, rye.
Ex. 2. Mark stresses in the following words: composition, treatment, percolating, suitable, desirable, fermentation, astringent, important, nutritious, impart, manufacture, lemonades, contain, popular, standardized, essential, consumer, mixture.
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