II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises. Ex. 1. What are the Ukrainian equivalents for: 

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II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises. Ex. 1. What are the Ukrainian equivalents for:


Ex. 1. What are the Ukrainian equivalents for:


cooked vegetables, dressing, sharp taste, dried fruits, habit, lump, buckwheat, porridge, variety, granulated cream cheese, cabbage, proverbial, farmer products, dressing.


Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the following words and word -combinations:

тісто, консервувати, рецепт, страва, різноманітність, гречана каша, сир, шматочок цукру, чорнослив, сушені фрукти, маринувати, велика кількість, крохмаль, змішувати, капустяний суп, начинка, загальновідомий, ікра, гострий смак, млинці.


Ex. 3. Add question-tags to the following sentences:

1. Traditional Russian foods vary greatly.

2. Many basic recipes have their own local variations.

3. In Ukraine pelmeni are known as vareniki.

4. Russian Cookery is noted for its abundance of appetizers, soups and other dishes.

5. Russian Caviar is world famous.

6. The most common third-course dishes are "Kissel" and "Compote".

7. Russians drink tea with lemon.

8. Russians have a great variety of milk products.


III. Speech exercises

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions about the text:

1.  Does Russian Cookery vary greatly?

2. What kind of food are pelmeni?

3. How are they called in Ukraine?

4. What milk products of Russian food do you know?

5. Why do you think they are very popular in Russian cookery?

6. Why is Russian Cookery noted for its abundance of appetizers, soups and other dishes with spiced, pickled and cured ingredients?

7. What is «vinigret»?

8. What is the cooking method of «Kissel» and «Compote»?

9. What is tea-drinking habit in Russia?

10. What soups of Russian Cuisine do you know?


Ex. 2.

a) Read and translate the following proverbs. Give their Russian equivalents.


Too many cooks spoil the broth.

His eyes are bigger than his stomach.

Tastes differ.

Hunger is the best sauce.

As hungry as a hunter.


b) Say what the above proverbs will suit the following pieces of conversation.

Father:  Isn't it time to have dinner?

Mother: Is everything ready, Ann?

Ann:     Quite. Peter, will you lay the table, please? (After

              the table is laid). How do you like the soup, 


Father: Not bad. But don't you think it is a bit over salted?

Ann:              Really? But why? Peter, did you salt it too?

Peter:     I'm afraid, I did.


Alice:    What are you going to take, Mary?  

Mary:    I think I'll take bacon and eggs and tomato juice.

Alice:    I hate tomato juice. It's quite tasteless. How can  

             you drink it?

Mary: ...

Mother: Why are you looking so unhappy, Dick?

Dick:     I'm having a stomach ache.

Mother: What's the matter?

Dick: You see, Lena had a birthday party and there 

          were so many nice things on the table that I 

          couldn't help eating them.



Some Recipes of Russian Cuisine

Russian Blini

1/4 pint of warm water

1/2 ounce dry granular yeast

scant 1/2 pint milk at room temperature

5 ounces sieved flour

3 egg yolks

1/2 tea-spoon salt

1/4 tea-spoon sugar

3 ounces butter, melted and cooled

3 egg whites

butter for frying

1/2 pound butter, clarified and warm

3/4 pint sour cream

1 large jar caviar, red or black (at least 8 oz.)


It would be unthinkable to serve blini to Russians without butter, caviar and sour cream. Moreover, remember that blini cannot be cooked ahead and reheated; they must be eaten directly as they are cooked or they are hardly worth eating at all.

Prepare the batter about 2 and 1/2 hours before you plan to serve the blini. Stir into 1/4 pint of warm (not hot) water 1/2 ounce dry granular yeast and let it stand until it dissolves, or about 5 minutes. Pour this into the liquidizer and add the milk, flour, egg yolks, salt, sugar, and melted butter. Blend at high speed for about 40 seconds. Pour the batter into a mixing bowl and cover it loosely with a kitchen towel. If your kitchen seems cool, place the bowl near a warm stove or radiator.

At the end of two hours the batter will have risen considerably and bubbled at the top. Now beat the egg whites, with a pinch of salt, then gently fold them into the batter.

Prepare a bowl of warm clarified butter, one of sour cream, and another of caviar, each with its own serving spoon. Try to have your plates hot, or at least warm.

Ladle out enough batter to make blini about 3 inches in diameter, leaving enough space between them so that they can be turned easily. Cook until lightly browned on each side, turning them only before turning them over.

To serve, arrange three blini on each plate, and bathe them with a little of clarified butter. Drop a small mound of sour cream on each pancake and top with spoonfuls of caviar. Serve at once. They may be served with cocktails, dry champagne or white wine, or, more traditionally, with small glasses of chilled vodka.


Vocabulary notes:

1. pint Þ пінта (0,5л)
2. ounce Þ унція (28,3гр.)
3. scant Þ обмежений
4. yolk Þ жовток
5. clarified Þ очищений
6. dissolve Þ розчиняти
7. blend Þ змішувати
8. batter Þ взбите тісто
9. pinch Þ Дрібка
10. ladle out Þ розливати (наливати)
11. mound Þ купка

Ex. 1 What fest in Russia is usually accompanied with blini eating?

UKHA (fish soup)

Siberian Style

(four portions)

Ingredients: 750 g of various types of fish; 25 g parsley;

70 gr onion; 500 g potatoes, 300 gr fresh tomatoes,

3 egg-whites; 40 g butter; 2 lit water; 120 g carrot.

To cook Ukha, slice up the fish and pour on hot water, add

salt, fried carrots, onion and parsley. Then boil the broth on

a weak flame. Let the cooked broth stew. The fish is

removed from the broth. The strained broth is boiled once

again with sliced potatoes, onion and tomatoes. The broth

may be thinned with egg-white. Then add butter.


1. parsley Þ петрушка
2. slice up Þ різати на шматочки
3. weak flame Þ слабкий вогонь


Ex. 1. Read and translate the recipe. Give the recipe of Ukrainian – cooked fish soup.


Pelmeni are one of the most popular Russian dishes. They are boiled and served with bouillon as a soup. As a main course they are served with butter, smetana, vinegar and mustard.

To make the dough pour one egg and ¼ glass of water into the flour and mix well. Roll the dough out thin on a board and cut into small pieces. Put a ball of minced meat in each piece pinch the edges together. The minced meat is made from equal amounts of pork and beef. Mince the meat twice together with onions, then add a little water. Salt and ground pepper and mix well. The pelmeni can be frozen. The frozen pelmeni are dropped into hot water and boiled until they rise to the surface.

Ingredients: 400 g meat, 2 onions, 1.5 glass of flour, 1 egg.


1. mustard Þ гірчиця
2. mix Þ зміщувати
3. equal amounts Þ рівні частки
4. surface Þ поверхня

Ex. 1. Make up a dialogue about Russian pelmeni and Ukrainian vareniki.


Shangi are small round patties with an uncovered filling and very popular in Siberia. They were brought here from the north Russian European provinces. Shangi are best baked in a Russian stove. The sour dough is made with yeast. Mix the yeast with a small amount of milk and a pinch of salt and sugar. Leave for 20-30 minutes covered with a towel. When the yeast has risen, mix it with milk, eggs and vegetable oil and beat into the flour until the dough falls off your hands, then add a little salt to taste and leave in a hot place. When the dough has risen, beat it again and leave for another four hours.

The filling is made of boiled and mashed carrots or potatoes.

Divide the dough into pieces, shape the patties and let them rise.

Then put a filling on top, dust with oil and put a dab of smetana mixed with flour in the middle. The shangi are then put in to the stove on an oiled sheet. To make sure the dough browns nicely, dust it with egg before removing from the stove.

Ingredients: 400 g flour, 0.5 liter milk, 3 eggs, 25 g yeast, 50 g vegetable oil, 5 carrots, 3 potatoes, 100 g smetana (sour cream)



1. uncovered filling Þ не загорнута начинка
2. stove Þ піч, яка опалюється дровами
3. sour dough Þ дрожжове тісто
4. mash Þ пюре
5. patty Þ пиріжок
6. a dab Þ невелика кількість
7. sheet Þ Лист для запікання
8. fall off Þ відставати від


(four portions)

Ingredients: 250 g cranberries; 210 g sugar;

40 g gelatin; 650 g water.

Mousse resembles beaten jelly or kissel (a kind of starchy jelly).

Fruit-berry sugar syrups and extracts are widely used. Syrups

are produced from natural juices cooked with sugar, with lemon

acid additives and aromatic stuff.

Gelatin is dissolved in syrup and then cooled at 30-40ºC. It is then beaten to be transformed into mousse. The ready-made mousse is then poured into vessels and cooled. The vessels with cooled mousse are put into hot water to be later removed and served.


1. cranberry Þ клюква
2. resemble (v) Þ бути схожим
3. starch Þ крохмаль
4. acid Þ кислота
5. dissolve (v) Þ Розчиняти
6. vessel Þ сосуд, ємкість 

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

1. What similar components do you use while preparing “shangi” and “vatrushki”?

2. Are shangi and mousse served for dessert?


Ex. 2. Retell the recipes.




Many changes are taking place in "food styles" in the United States. The United States is traditionally famous for its very solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes. Now we have many different alternatives to choose from: various ethnic food, health food and fast food, in addition to the traditional home-cooked meal.

Ethnic restaurants and supermarkets are commonplace in the United States. Because the United States is a country of immigrants, there is an immense variety. Any large American city is filled with restaurants serving international cooking. Many cities even have ethnic sections: Chinatown, Little Italy, or Germantown. With this vast ethnic choice, we can enjoy food from all over the world. This is a pleasant thought for those who come here to travel or work; they can usually find their native specialties. Besides sections of the cities, there are regions which are well known for certain food because of the people who settled there. For example, southern California has many Mexican restaurants, and Louisiana has a strong Creole accent to its food. (Creole is a mixture of French, African, and Caribbean Island food.)

Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about their physical well-being. The very term health food is ironic because it implies that there is also "unhealthy" food. Health food is fresh, natural, unprocessed food. It does not contain preservatives to make it last longer or chemicals to make it taste or look better. Most health food enthusiasts are vegetarians: They eat no meat: they prefer to get their essential proteins from other sources, such as beans, cheese, and eggs.

Fast –food restaurants are now expanding rapidly all over the country. In the United States, speed is a very important factor. People usually have a short lunch break or they just do not want to waste their time eating. Fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time. There is usually very little waiting, and the food is always cheap. Some examples are ‘burger and pizza places.

America’s attitude toward food is changing too. The traditional big breakfast and dinner at 6:00 p.m. are losing popularity. People are rediscovering the social importance of food. Dinner with family or friends is again becoming a very special way of enjoying and sharing. Like so may people in other cultures, many Americans are taking time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes at dinner, even if they still rush through lunch at a hamburger stand.


Active Vocabulary

solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes тверда та незмінна схильність до м’яса і картоплі
home-cooked meal домашня їжа
immense variety велика різноманітність
gain (v) придбати
well-being благополуччя
unprocessed не оброблена
preservatives консерванти
vegetarians вегетаріанці
essential  основні
expand (v) поширюватися
waste time марнувати час
lose popularity втрачати популярність
rediscover відкривати знову
strong accent to food суворо дотримуватися до прийняття їжі  


I. Phonetic exercises

Ex. 1. Transcribe the following words and word-combinations. Mark the stresses:

changes, style, traditionally, famous, unchanging, alternatives, addition, supermarket, international, restaurant, ethnic, specialties, regions, chemicals, essential proteins, sources, beans, expanding, break, burger, attitude, popularity, enjoying, hamburger stand.



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