Theoretical questions list for students preparing to credit module control 

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Theoretical questions list for students preparing to credit module control


    Content module 2. Excitive tissues general physiology.

10. Resting potential, origin mechanisms, its parameters, physiological role.

11. Action potential, origin mechanisms, its parameters, physiological role.

12. Excitability. Depolarization critical level, cellular membrane depolarization threshold.

13. Cell excitability changings during single action potential development.

14. Excitement conductance mechanisms through nervous fibers.

15. Excitement conductance regularities in nervous fibers.

16. Excitement conductance mechanisms through nervous-muscular synapse.

17. Excitement and contraction conjugation. Skeletal muscles contraction and relaxation mechanisms.

18. Muscular contractions types: single and tetanic; isotonic and isometric.

Content module 3. Organism nervous functions regulation.

7. Representation about reflex. Reflectory arc structure and its links functions.

8. Receptors, their classification, excitement mechanisms.

9. Proprioreceptors, their types, functions. Muscular spindles structure and functions.

10. Excitement conductive mechanisms and regularities in central synapses.

11. Central inhibiting types. Pre- and post-synaptic inhibiting developmental mechanisms.

12. Excitement and inhibiting summation with CNS neurons.


Content module 4. CNS role in motor functions regulation.

9. Spine motor reflexes, their reflectory arcs, physiological importance.

10. Spine conductive function. Spine reflexes dependence on brain centers activity. Spinal shock.

11. Posterior brain motor reflexes, decerebrational rigidity.

12. Midbrain motor reflexes, their physiological importance.

13. Cerebellum, its functions, injury symptoms.

14. Thalamus, its functions.

15. Limbic system, hypothalamus, their functions.

16. Basal ganglii, their functions, injury symptoms.


Content module 5. Autonomic nervous system role in visceral functions regulation.

6. Autonomic nervous system structure general plan. Autonomical reflexes, their reflectory arcs.

7. Autonomic nervous system synapses, their mediators, cytoreceptors and blockators of conduction transmittance in synapses.

8. Sympathetic nervous system influence on visceral functions.

9. Parasympathetic nervous system influence on visceral functions.

10. Metasympathetic system role in visceral functions regulation.


Content module 6. Visceral functions humoral regulation and endocrine glands role in regulation.

14. Humoral regulation, its differences from nervous one. Humoral regulation factors characteristics.

15. Hormones features, their main influencings. Hormones actions mechanism to the target cells.

16. Humoral regulation contour. Hormonal secretion regulation by endocrine glands.

17. Hypothalamic-hypophyseal system role in endocrine glands functions regulation.

18. Somatothrophic or growth hormone, thyroxine and triiodtyronine, insuline role in body linear development, as well as organism physical and psychical development regulation.

19. Calcitonine, parathormone, calcytriole role in calcium and phosphates ions constancy in blood regulation.

20. Pancreas hormones role in organism functions regulation.

21. Thyroid gland (T3, T4) hormones role in organism functions regulation.

22. Female sexual system physiology, its functions, sexual hormones role.

23.  Male sexual system physiology, sexual hormones role.

24.  General representations about non-specific organism adaptation to the stress situation. Hormones role in non-specific adaptation.

25.  Sympathico-adrenal system role in the regulation of non-specific organism adaptation to the stress situation.

26. Hypophyseal-suprarenal system role in the regulation of organism non-specific adaptation to the stress situation. Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids main influencings on the organism.



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