I. Work with a partner and discuss the following questions. 

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I. Work with a partner and discuss the following questions.


1. Is lunch an important meal for you?

2. Do you ever have business lunches?

3. Which of the following are you most likely to say to a foreign colleague visiting your country?

I thought you might like to try some of our local cuisine.

I thought we could just grab a quick pizza or something.

I thought we'd just work through lunch and eat later.


II. What kind of restaurants do you like? Add the phrases in the box to the diagram to make twelve expressions.

specializes in fish  you can get fresh oysters   does an excellent lasagne  I sometimes go

down the road  round the corner   they know me  a fantastic view of the city  a superb menu

five minutes from here you might like   a very pleasant atmosphere

  There's     really nice   pretty good   great new       place just     which     where     with a.__________________________________ b.__________________________________ c.__________________________________ d.__________________________________ e.__________________________________ f. __________________________________ g.__________________________________ h.__________________________________ i.___________________________________ j.___________________________________ k.__________________________________ l.___________________________________


What's it like?

I. What do the following adjectives describe? Choose nouns from the box.


lunch   fish   salad  meat   dish   steak   vegetables


1. heavy / light / late / 3-course - ___________

2. fillet / rare / medium / well-done - ________

3. green / side / Waldorf / fruit - ____________

4. fried / raw / smoked / freshly caught - ______

5. roast / tough / tender / juicy - ____________

6. fresh / frozen / seasonal / mixed -_________

7. traditional / exotic / local / vegetarian - ____________




coffee  beer  bread  dessert  food  fruit  cheese


1. rich / spicy / plain / fast - __________

2. dried / tropical - _______________

3. crusty / stale / garlic / wholemeal - _________

4. 11. strong / mild / blue / cream - ____________

5. 12.fattening / refreshing / light / chocolatey - _____________

6. 13.draught / light / bottled / local - __________

7. 14.liqueur / milky / instant / black - __________


II. You can often turn a food noun into an adjective by adding –y.

· containing lots of salt = salt y

· containing lots of sugar = sugar y

1. Find five more food adjectives ending in –y in the list above.

2. How would you describe a dish with lots of

oil? ______________ fat? ______________ fruit? ______________ pepper? ___________ taste? ______________ nuts? ______________


Who said it?

The following thins were said during a business lunch. Who do you think probably said them – the host, the guest or could it be either? Write H, G or E next to each sentence.

1. Nice place. Do you come here often? () 2. Now, what would you like to drink? () 3. I'll just see if our table is ready. () 4. This is their standard menu. ()  5. It all looks very good. ()  6. And those are the specials. ()   7. Let me know if you want me to explain anything. ()  8. So, what do you recommend? ()  9. Well, they do a great lasagna. () 10. Is there anything you don't eat? () 11. I'm allergic to mussels. () 12.You could try the lamb. That's very good here. ()   13. That sounds nice.  () 14. Shall we order a bottle of the house red?  ()     15. Could we order some mineral water too?  () 16. This is absolutely delicious. How's yours?  () 17. Now, how about the dessert?  ()   18. Better not. I'm on diet.  ()    19. I'll get it.  () 20. No, no, I insist. You're my guest.  ()          


How to sound intelligent about wine?

Complete the description of a wine below using the words in the box on the left.

from with of    with It's a dry, crisp wine ____ a delicate bouquet. It comes ____ the Napa valley region _____ California and goes very well _____ fish. 1995 was a reasonable year

2. Think of a wine you like and prepare a description of it using the words below. Try some other food and drink adjectives as well. Don't worry if you sound a bit strange – so do the wine experts!

soft classic fruity flowery sparkling dry    France pasta rich ruby colour peppery steak powerful bouquet smooth seafood fish light golden colour crisp Napa valley vintage delicate bouquet a very good  cheese Bordeaux  Spain  young Rioja robust  full bodied sweet California a reasonable an exceptional a disappointing   


A healthy diet.

Eating the proper foods is important to stay healthy. I think you know from your school course of biology that there are five basic groups of food a person should eat: Meat; Dairy; Fruits / Vegetables; Bread / Cereal; Fats / Sugar/

· Meat – helps you have a strong and healthy body by providing proteins (белками).

· Dairy – builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium.

· Fruits / Vegetables – help you have healthy gums, good eyesight etc. by providing Vitamins A, C, B, E, F, K and carbohydrates (углеводы).

· Bread / Cereal – gives you energy by providing protein, iron, and several B vitamins.

· Fats / Sugar – they are fast sources of energy.


To have healthy food habits means to eat high fibre food (пища, богатая клетчаткой), to eat wholemeal bread (хлеб из непросеянной муки), to eat low fat food, to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and to drink a lot of mineral water. Of course, you should keep the regular hours of your meals, not skip your breakfast or dinner and not eat the whole daily ration in the evening.



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