There are the names of the main religious confessions existing in the world given below. Please, answer the following questions. 

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There are the names of the main religious confessions existing in the world given below. Please, answer the following questions.

Christianity        Catholicism         Orthodoxy         Judaism        Islam Buddhism         Hinduism            Shinto       Confucianism

1. In which parts of the world are these religions particularly influential?

2. Which of them worship one God (monotheism) and which worship many gods (polytheism)?

3. Which of them believe in reincarnation?

4. Who is the founder of each religion?


Text I.

Population of Russia, Languages and Religions.

Render this text in English.

Ни в одной из стран нет такого количества народностей, обладающих собственной государственностью, но при этом считающих себя россиянами. Всего на территории России проживает более ста тридцати наций и национальностей - некоторые народы имеют численность во много миллионов, тогда как другие менее тысячи человек.

Государственный язык в республике – русский, который служит как средство коммуникации для всех народов, населяющих страну. Но еще тридцать других языков являются вторыми государственными языками (co-official languages) в различных регионах. В крупных городах есть национальные школы, где преподавание ведется на каком-либо национальном языке, большая часть из них являются воскресными школами.

Россия является по преимуществу православной страной. Вторая по численности религия – мусульманская. Многие люди исповедуют также католическую, протестантскую и иудаистскую веру. В Бурятии и Калмыкии распространен буддизм. Но более 50% населения считают себя атеистами.


When speaking about different countries, of course, we discuss not only the geographical position, economy, languages, political system and so on. It is interesting, but much more interesting is to learn about different customs and traditions, holidays and the lifestyle of a people.

Do you know the nationalities and languages the people speak in this or that country? Please, fill in this chart.

Country Nationality Language
Check Republic    
The Netherlands    


Which countries have the currencies listed below? And what nationality are most of the people who have that kind of money in their pockets? Can you name the capitals of these countries? Match the names of the currency in the first column with the name of the country. Fill in the other two columns independently.

Currency Country Nationality Capitals
1. Rand Russia    
2. Yen Iran    
3. Rouble Poland    
4. Rial Venezuela    
5. Shekel Thailand    
6. Zloty Israel    
7. Baht Chile    
8. Bolivar China    
9. Yuan Japan    
10. Peso South Africa    


Which countries have these cities as the capitals? And what nationality are most of the people living in them? Fill in the last column independently.

City Country Nationality
1. Sofia Kenya  
2. Nairobi Indonesia  
3. Montevideo Belgium  
4. Amman Bulgaria  
5. Baghdad China  
6. Jakarta Jordan  
7. Copenhagen Uruguay  
8. Brussels South Africa  
9. Beijing Denmark  
10. Pretoria Iraq  


In what countries would you find these dishes most often? And what capitals are there? What nationality would most of the people eating them be? Match the dishes in the first column with the name of the country in the second, please, fill in the last two columns.

Dish Country Capital Nationality
1. satay sauce Turkey    
2. couscous Sweden    
3. kebabs Belgium    
4. smőrgos Indonesia    
5. white chocolates Morocco    
6. brown cheese Portugal    
7. kangaroo-tale soup Denmark    
8. chicken livers in port Norway    
9. pastries with nuts & dried fruit Australia    


There are always famous people known not only in their own countries but all over the world. Can you say what nationality are they? The names of their native countries are given in the second columns; you should match the name and the country.

1. Bjorn Borg, tennis-player Denmark  
2. Pablo Picasso, artist Turkey  
3. Hans Christian Andersen, story-teller The USA  
4. Alexander Flemming, inventor of penicillin Sweden  
5. Kemal Ataturk, national hero Russia  
6. Lech Walesa, trade union leader Spain  
7. Thomas Alva Edison, inventor France  
8. Michael Gorbachov, state person Great Britain  
9. Charles de Golles, general, state person Poland  


Write or say the word you think first to go with each of the words below. Possible answers are given on the right. See how often you think of the same word as the one done here. You can give several variants.

Whose? Your answers. Possible answer
Danish   Bacon
German   Beer
French   Perfume
Irish   Whiskey
Japanese   Motor bikes
Americam   Football
Greek   Islands
New Zealand   Butter
English   Weather
Argentinean   Beef
Egyptian   Pyramids
Russian   Dolls



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