Заполните пробелы глаголами mustn't или needn't. 

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Заполните пробелы глаголами mustn't или needn't.


1. Carol__________ help you with your homework. It's important that you do it yourself.

2. You__________ go shopping. John has already bought everything.

3. We__________ ask Bill about his holiday. He doesn't want to talk about it.

4. You__________ write a letter. I have already called him.

5. You look really tired. You studied all night last night, so tonight you__________ work so hard.

6. We__________ make the same mistake again.

7. You__________ read my letters. They're private.

8. We__________ leave yet. We've got plenty of time to get to the station.

9. Close friends often__________ speak to each other to be understood.

10. You__________ walk on thin ice!

11.5. Выберите в скобках правильный вариант.

1. Who (could have/should have) done such a terrible thing?

2. You (mustn't/don't have to) decide now, but you must decide by the end of the week.

3. You (needn't/shouldn't) shout, I can hear you perfectly well.

4. David (ought/must) to see a doctor about his leg.

5. They (mustn't/can't) take the car because the petrol tank is empty.

6. You (could have/must have) been crazy to do something like that!

7. You (should/have to) tell him that you are sorry for what happened.

8. When I went to secondary school, I (had to/ought to) wear a uniform.

9. I (can/might) not be able to come to the restaurant with you, so don't wait for me.

10. You (could/should) wash your hands before preparing food.


Проверочные работы

Проверочная работа по теме «Местоимения»


Задание 1. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями.

1. Victor helped the guests to choose the wine. 2. Mother asked Mary to wash the plates. 3. My friend prepares the breakfast. 4. Jane took three cups from the table. 5. His cousins live in Moscow (there). 6. The guests will come tomorrow. 7. Mary works in the kitchen.


Задание 2. Выберите правильные притяжательные местоимения.

1. Is he (our/ours) customer?

2. It’s (their /theirs) house, not (our/ours).

3. They’re new guests and I don’t know (their /theirs) names.

4. (My/Mine) flat is bigger than (her/hers), but (her/hers) is more comfortable.

5. That’s not (my/mine) table. (My/Mine) is near the window.

6. They took (our/ours) books and we took (their /theirs).

7. Are these pencils (her/hers)!

8. Is this (your/yours) house or (their / theirs)!

Проверочная работа по теме «Множественное число существительных»


Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:


Вариант № 1 Вариант № 2
  1. child
  2. animal
  3. monkey
  4. rhino
  5. ox
  6. deer
  7. goose
  8. delivery
  9. potato
  10. tomato
  11. photo
  12. video
  1. niece
  2. meal
  3. child
  4. knife
  5. dish
  6. potato
  7. tooth
  8. mouse
  9. wall
  10. woman
  11. paw
  12. tooth


Проверочная работа по теме «Артикли»


Проверочная работа по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий»


Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени следующих прилагательных и наречий:


Вариант № 1   Вариант № 2
1. fast 2. clever 3. heavy 4. wide 5. beautiful 6. good 7. much 8. stupid 9. big 10. lucky 1. kind 2. tidy 3. nice 4. handsome 5. bad 6. little 7. expensive 8. fat 9. light 10. sunny


Проверочная работа по теме «Предлоги»


Проверочная работа по теме «Числительные»


Напишите словами количественные и порядковые числительные:

Вариант № 1   Вариант № 2  
1. 22 2. 34 3. 56 4. 78 5. 95 6. 32 7. 113 8. 234 9. 567 10. 934 1. 33 2. 43 3. 65 4. 87 5. 59 6. 23 7. 111 8. 432 9. 765 10. 439


Проверочная работа по теме «Формы английского глагола»

Вариант № 1

1. Определите, в каком времени написано предложение.

1. I have already done the task.

2. I will go there at 6 o`clock tomorrow.

3. He likes to read.

4. He will be reading at five o’clock tomorrow.

5. I had done my homework by my mum came.

6. I was waiting for you.

7. She will have come.

8. I went to Egypt last summer.

9.  Turn off the TV! Mary is sleeping.

2. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect).

1. I... letters every day.

a) write b) writes c) am writing d) is writing

2. They (to begin) to think it is late.

a) am begins b) are beginning c) is beginning

3. I (clean)..........the room.

a) have just cleaned b) has just cleaned

Вариант № 2

1. Определите, в каком времени написано предложение.

1. I was waiting for you.

2. She will have come.

3. Mary likes to read.

4. Bob broke his leg yesterday.

5. I will be waiting for you at 7 o`clock.

6. He is reading now.

7. I have known him for 5 years.

8. Mary had written a letter by mom came.

9. I will go there at 6 o`clock.

2. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect)

1. I... this rule. Can you help me?

a) doesn't understand b) don't understand c) understands d) understand

2. She (to speak) to you.

a) is speaking b) speaks c) are speaking

3. He (read)............this book.

a) have never read b) has never read



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