Passive, Impersonal and Other Constructions 

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Passive, Impersonal and Other Constructions


1. Such difficulties are often met with. 2. Three scales of 50, 100 and 250 volts have been decided upon. 3. It is necessary to point out that only brief description will be given here. 4. These capacitances are known to be inter-electrode capacitances. 5. The above possibility was not given due consideration at first. 6. It is evident that the best shielding is  obtained at 0.65 wave length. 7. One could not obtain a good knowledge of the results without repeating the test. 8. It has been established that this voltage was sufficient. 9. In the following article the different components of a cable are dealt With in turn. 10. One should keep in mind all the above-men­tioned disadvantages. 11. The device is said to have been described in some earlier papers. 12. One must always be careful when operating this machine. 13. The assistant was asked to complete the experiment. 14. He was supposed to look after the machine. 15. They employ new devices to obtain better results. 16. This machine is often made use of. 17. This invention is considered to be particularly important. 18. It is quite possible that the device under consideration will work well. 19. The new power plant is reported to have gone into operation. 20. This mechanism is believed to be the best for converting heat into work. 21. They say that the problem in question was not given due attention.

Prepositional Phrases

1. The problem of converting rotary motion to linear motion is an extremely difficult one due to the conditions just mentioned. 2. At first, this make of engine seemed to be very effective. 3. In spite of, or perhaps, because of its appar­ent simplicity, the scientific law in question is often misun­derstood. 4. The engineer made some remarks with reference to the problem under consideration. 5. The above phenomenon may be due to two causes. 6. The inventor made a new discov­ery with regard to the improvement of his engine. 7. The usual method of producing high-frequency waves is by means of vacuum tubes. 8. In view of the various sources of supply no attempt at standardizing power-station equipment was possible. 9. In the case of gases, we find that the higher the temperature, the less gas will dissolve. 10. Owing to two opposing effects, the pressure in the gas tube can be either high or low. 11. In effect, what is said with regard to one de­vice will apply to the other, as well. 12. According to the data obtained, the test was successful in spite of unfavourable conditions. 13. Galvanized iron is often used instead of alu­minium because of its cheapness. 14. Great progress has been made in science due to the discovery of the law of gravity. 15. In order to classify the elements, they are arranged in a

table in the order of increasing atomic weights and each one is assigned a number by means of which we find its position in this table. 16. Silver stands out among the tested materials thanks to its low resistance and stability. 17. Every atom is composed of at least an electron in addition to a central nucleus. 18. The apparatus, in question, broke on account of its having been made of an unsuitable material.


1. It is an increase in temperature that increases the speed of the molecules. 2. The chief requirements for silent and vibrationless running of small motors may be found in any standard textbook on mechanical design. 3. If that be true the curves should also be true. 4. Such conditions can and do occur due to shortage of generating plants in this area. 5. It was with this object in view that this device was in our laboratory. 6. If this system is to serve as a voltmeter, a resistor has to be added in series. 7. In 1870Mendeleyev arranged the elements in the form of a table and it is to Mendeleyev that we owe the present tabular form of the periodic law. 8. The brevity of the table doubtless requires that something further be said in explanation. 9. It is obvious that provided the magnetic field is produced by a coil of several turns, its intensity is much greater than if only one turn were used. 10. Naturally, this circuit can be modified if necessary. 11. Evidently, the fre­quency could be varied to meet different conditions. 12. Even now, it is impossible to say whether future improvements may not depend on the results of researches that seem unim­portant today. 13. No matter in what position the cell may be put, it will serve its purpose. 14. It is clear that the decision had to be made as to whether the uranium should be in the form of long rods. 15. One must keep in mind all the above figures. 16. Unless they apply new devices, it will be necessary to proceed as follows. 17. It was the diameter of the wire that we did change to obtain the above results. 18. It is desirable that there be only one tuning control for picture and for sound. 19. There will be no transfer of electricity between the two charged bodies provided they are joined by a glass rod. 20. Had we carried our scheme further at that time (that is 3 weeks ago), the instrument indication would have been quite different. 21. Were that liquid heated, it would greatly ex­pand.

Miscellaneous Examples

I. Having been used for a long time, the instrument partly lost its former efficiency. 2. The pressure range being beyond the limits of the existing diagram, data have been calculated by other means. 3. To do this, one proceeds as follows. 4. This prediction was given a direct proof by experiments, the results surpassing all expectations. 5. The very number of tube types may at first seem to be a source of confusion. 6. Drawing curves gives us a means of showing the relation ex­isting between the two constants. 7. Wishing to find out the cause of the fault, they examined the device in all its details. 8. The charge due to the presence of these electrons is called space charge. 9. That the beat of any pendulum is absolutely constant was first noticed by Galileo, when the scientist was a youth of nineteen. 10. By raising the filament temperature, we increase the number of emitted electrons. 11. In order to de­sign the contrivance in question, one should take into consid­eration the following factors. 12. Some 100 years ago steam engines were first introduced, the valves being hand-operated. 13. The next point to be studied is the geometry of the parts to be welded. 14. The stored power can be dissipated in vari­ous ways, these ways having been dealt with in the previous article. 15. Phototransistors are capable of transforming the infrared solar radiations into electric current. 16. The flow of the current being reduced, the speed of the motor is correspond­ingly decreased. 17. It is evident that these curves are similar to those shown in Figs 5 and 6. 18. As for the mechanism re­ferred to above, it should be made as small as possible. 19. All heat loss was assumed to take place during combustion and expansion, the total loss amounting to 35 per cent of the avail­able heat in every instance. 20. One may surmise that were there fewer drawbacks there would be better work done. 21. It is on the above basis that all our power plants are constructed at present. 22. It should be noted that this analysis differs considerably from a recently published explanation. 23. One might expect the temperature to rise to some extent if no precautions were taken. 24. Further tests have shown the re­ceiver to be very sensitive. 25. The conditions to be satisfied here are as follows. 26. The instrument to be used for testing purposes is similar to that widely applied in the research laboratories. 26. We know of copper having been used as a conductor owing to its suitable characteristics. 27. Copper being a good conductor, we were recommended to use it when carrying on our research work. 28. In spite of all difficulties encountered the research laboratory succeeded in mastering the method under consideration. 29. During cold weather it often happens that the engine exhaust is not sufficient to supply the heating system, the radiators condensing the steam more rapidly than it can be supplied. 30. At the end of the last century, for the first time in the world, Popov trans­mitted and received electromagnetic power over a consider­able distance without using any conductors. 31. Apart from giving mankind a powerful means of communication, Popov's work laid the foundation for further inventions leading to the creation of the modern systems of broadcasting, radiolocation and the like. 32. Although he was not the first to invent radio communication, Marconi nevertheless played an important part in developing it. 33. We know heat to pass from each particle to adjacent particles at a lower temperature. 34. Our purpose is to reduce the production cost to as low a figure as possible. 35. As previously stated, to construct such an appa­ratus is not difficult at all. 36. To master new methods of production is the aim of our research laboratory. 37. The parts to be used in the apparatus are to be previously tested. 38. Variations in this temperature affecting the final results but little, the new method of procedure was found to be entire­ly satisfactory. 39. The previously stated properties influence to a great extent the manner in which the device can most usefully be employed. 40. These series of tests were followed by others, no satisfactory results being obtained. 41. The two-way nature of force (i. е., action and reaction) holds true even though one of the objects involved moves so little that it does not seem to move at all. 42. As mentioned above some improvements have been sacrificed for the sake of obtaining the least possible size and weight. 43. These conditions per­mitted oil to be forced by a pump before starting operation. 44. On studying the nature of that new phenomenon, they were not satisfied with the results obtained and started testing various engines. 45. The amount of heat power added as the result of agitation was found to be negligible, no rise in tem­perature being observed upon prolonged agitation, with the heater current turned off. 46. On leaving the oil separator, the exhaust steam is diverted into two parts, part of it entering the feed water heater and the remainder flowing to the heating system. 47. The effect of the test on the system may be said to have been practically negligible as far as harmful effects are concerned. 48. These materials being unsuitable for many reasons, some others must be found to replace them. 49. Max­well's equation led to Hertz discovering radio waves which, in turn, resulted in Popov inventing wireless telegraphy and all the subsequent brilliant developments in radio-engineering. 50. Thanks to the theoretical research carried out by our phys­icists and chemists, it proved possible to build atomic reac­tors provided with the proper equipment. 51. To observe is the primary rule of any experiment. 52. To prevent rust the exposed parts of the mechanism under consideration should be covered with a thick coat of paint. 53. Scientists of all countries should join their forces to make science serve peace and the well-being of mankind.





What is power? A scientist-would say that power is the ability to do work. You use power when you walk. You carry your books with you to the Institute. It takes power to carry books. You can do nothing without using power. You wash with water warmed by power. You put on clothes washed and ironed with power.

There are many forms of power. Each of these is useful to us. For example, we use heat power to do a lot of useful things, namely, to heat our homes, to transport us from one place to another, and so on. Automobiles, trams, trains and airplanes are moved by changing heat power to other forms of power.

Electrical power does many things for us. It is changed to other forms, such as: light, mechanical, heat, chemical, and others. When you watch television, you hear the sound and see the picture. The television (TV) set gets warm. Thus, electrical power changes to heat, light and sound.

Many machines use electrical power. They change power from one form to another. Devices that are operated with electrical power help us to work. Indeed, electricity plays an important part in our modern life.


The electric fish is mentioned in the oldest writings of man. History tells us that the Greeks and the Romans knew about it. They knew, for example, that any man coming into contact with the electric fish could obtain an electric shock. In later years, experiments were carried out to find out the nature and amount of the shock given by one of them called the electric eel. The so-called electric eel is found in the tropi­cal waters of South America.

Small electric eels, only one inch long, can give a small shock. However, by the time they are 6 inches long their  internal battery gives as much as 200 volts. When it is quite grown a good electric eel can generate 600 volts. When it is short circuited, a current of 1 ampere can be obtained. The electricity in the electric eel seems to be produced at will. Besides, the discharges take place at speeds from 10 to 100 per second. It is interesting to mention here that the eel's head end is positive and the opposite end is negative. By the way, the electric eel has some ability for finding polarity. Thus, if two charged electrodes are placed in water, even in the dark, the electric fish which is somewhere near the elec­trodes, will move towards the positive electrode, possibly thinking that it is the head of a friend.


Electrical power plants are needed in many places where water power is not available. At present only about 25 per cent of the power used in the Russian Union is obtained from moving or falling water.

Great numbers of electric power stations throughout the country are run by the mechanical power of steam turbines. These contain large wheels with blades attached to their edges. Hot steam under great pressure is directed through nozzles against these blades. The wheels can be made to turn very fast. As many as 40 such wheels connected together may be part of a large steam turbine. A jet of high pressure steam hits the blades of one wheel, passes on to the blades of the next wheel, and so on, dropping in pressure and temperature as it pro­gresses. The jet of steam comes in at speeds as high as 1,200 miles per hour and at a temperature of 900 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature the first metal wheel gets red hot. By the time the steam hits the last wheel and is ready to come out el the turbine, it has dropped to a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and to a pressure of less than the pressure of the air outside. The power of the steam is thus used up completely when it turns the turbine wheels.

The turbine wheels, travelling at speeds of 600 miles per hour have very great mechanical power. This power is used to turn large coils of wire between the poles of large electromag­nets in generators. When the coils of wire are rotated very rapidly, they can generate large currents of electricity. The mechanical power of hot steam under great pressure is thus converted into great quantities of electrical power„

How is this steam produced? In almost all of these power plants, coal or other suitable fuel is burned to heat water a turn it into steam.


All substances have some ability to conduct electric cur­rent, however, they differ greatly in the ease with which the current can pass through them. Substances through which electricity is easily transmitted are called conductors.

Metal is a good conductor of electric current, copper being our most commonly used conductor. That is why the electri­cally operated appliances in your home are connected to the wall socket by copper wires. Indeed, if you have turned on the light and are reading this book by an electric lamp and some­body pulls the metal wire out of the socket, the light will go out, at once. The electricity has not been turned off but it has no path to travel from the socket to your electric lamp. The flow of electrons cannot travel through space and get into an electrical device when the circuit is broken.

Not all substances can be used to conduct electric current. For example, if we use a piece of string instead of a metal wire, we find that the current stops flowing. A material like string, which does not permit electric current to flow, is called an insulator. Some commonly used insulators are air, glass, porcelain, plastics, paper, and oil. Some insulating materials used to cover wire are rubber, asbestos, lacquer and plastics.

Air is the most important of these insulators because it is the one we often rely upon. Surround your wire with plenty of space and you have built a reliable insulation. That is why transmission lines are bare wires depending on air to keep their thousands of volts in place. However, even these lines must be supported at intervals and it is the porcelain insulator that supports the wire of the transmission lines. The higher the voltage, the better should be the insulation.

Only when there is a very high voltage (high electrical pressure), which gives a strong push to the flow of electrons, they can be made to jump the air gap from one wire to another. When this does happen, a "spark" jumps the gap. Ordinarily even a small gap of air in the circuit is enough to cut off the current.



Heat is a form of power transported from one body to another because of a temperature difference. When two bodies at different temperatures are brought into contact, the warmer body will be cooled and the colder body will be warmed. In this case, heat is said to flow from the hot body to the cold body by conduction. The molecules of the hot body, being at a high­er temperature, have a higher level of kinetic power than do the molecules of the cold body. Thus, power is transferred through the molecules from the hot body to the cold body. The power being transferred is called heat while it is flowing from the hot body to the cold body.4 The power received by the cold body increases its temperature and may be stored in its molecules as an increase in molecular or internal power.

Heat may also be transferred from one body to another through space by means of radiation. Heat is received from the Sun by any body which is exposed to the rays of the sun. The molecules of any substance at high temperature emit waves of power which travel through the air with the speed of light. They are known to differ from light waves only in their wave lengths. The radiant power may be absorbed and reflected by a body upon which it falls. Upon absorption, the radiant power is stored as molecular power in the body and a rise of temperature takes place.

Heat may be transferred from one body to another body at a distance from the first one by means of convection. In this case, a fluid is heated or cooled by conduction through contact with one body after which the fluid flows to another place where heat is transferred between moving fluid and the second body. For instance heat is transferred by conduction from the hot metal surface of a stove to a stream of moving air, the temperature of which is increased. The heated air is then transported to a room in which the moving warm air transfers heat by conduction to the objects in the room. When heat is transferred by convection, a fluid transports the power from one body to another through the movement of the fluid.


In measuring the rate at which electrons are moving through a conductor, an electrician could say that the electric current is flowing at the rate of one coulomb per second. How-

ever, electricians have a unit which measures it directly and, therefore, instead of using the above-mentioned expres­sion, an electrician would simply say: the current is one am­pere. The ampere is the electrical unit which measures directly the quantity of electricity flowing in the conductor. The kiloampere, the largest unit of current, is equal to one thous­and amperes. Where the ampere is too large a unit to be used, we may employ the milliampere or the microampere, the prefix "milli" meaning a thousandth and "micro" standing for a mil­lionth.

Keep in mind exactly what a volt is because the term is constantly used in all branches of electrical work. It is the practical unit used to measure the pressure that causes electric current to flow through the circuit. However, it is necessary to have both larger and smaller units. Thus, we have megavolt (million volts), millivolt (a thousandth of a volt), and micro­volt, that is a millionth of a volt.

In electrical circuits, we are also interested in the magni­tude of the resistance in each conductor. I Resistance plays a very important part in the operation of every electrical circuit. For that reason, it became necessary that some special practical unit be developed which would indicate definitely how much resistance were present in any given conductor or circuit. That unit is called the ohm, a megohm equalling one million ohms arid a micro-ohm being one millionth of an ohm.

The ohm was named after an experirmentor who experi­mented with the phenomena of resistance taking place in electrical circuits. His name was George Simon Ohm. He carried on numerous experiments which demonstrated that there is a very close relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in any given circuit. He showed that the amount of current which flowed in a circuit depended both upon the amount of resistance in the circuit and the amount of voltage which caused the current to flow.

Having considered the measurement of electrical quanti­ties, we shall define now two units of heat. These are the calorie and the British thermal units. The first is a metric unit and may be defined as the average amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Centigrade. In the same way, the British thermal unit, or Btu, is the aver­age amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. Since the calorie is a rather small quantity of heat, a larger" unit called the kilogram calorie, or large calorie, is often used. It is not difficult to understand that the kilogram calorie is 1000 times as large as the calorie which was defined above.


The foundations of the modern theory of electricity were laid in the study of the electric discharge through gases, and in particular the so-called cathode rays. The nature of these cathode rays was first described by Crookes (1879) when he considered them as negatively electrified particles which were emitted from a metal under the influence of a strong electric field.

Further experiments made on these particles confirmed that they carried a negative charge and the name "electron" was given to them.

It is the movement of these electrons, whether in a conduc­tor or gas which gives rise to the phenomenon known as the electric current. The number of the electrons comprising the unit of current has been computed. At present, we know one microampere to be equal to the passage of 6 milliard electrons per second.

To keep a 100-watt lamp burning requires a flow of six billion billion electrons—not in a day, nor an hour, but every second. Six billion billion means the figure six with eighteen zeroes after it.

The reader should remember that an electron, being nega­tively charged, will move towards that end of the circuit or that part which is termed "positive". The old convention of the electric current flowing from the positive pole or end of the circuit to the negative was accepted long before the existence of the electron theory. It is in direct opposition to the real —direction of flow of electrons. The convention is, however, too firmly established and the current is still assumed to flow from positive to negative.


Steam is the principal factor in producing usable power because of the power created by its expansion. The discovery of the power in steam produced great changes in industry.

Steam power is used mainly in the generation of electri­city. There are, however, many other examples of steam-operated machines. There are two main types of steam machin­ery: the reciprocating engine and the turbine. In the former, steam pressure pushes against a piston connected with a crank that converts the forward and backward movement into rotary motion. In the second or turbine type, the operation is sim­ilar to that of water turbine. Jets of steam under high pressure hit the blades on the turbine wheel causing rota­tion.

The reciprocating engine develops high power at low speed while the turbine develops high power at high speed. The recip­rocating engine is often used to pump great quantities of water. The turbines are generally used in steam-electric gener­ating plants where high speed as well as great power is neces­sary. The reciprocating engine is from ten to thirty per cent efficient. Turbines usually are much more efficient because they allow a more complete expansion of steam than do recip­rocating engines.


How would you measure electricity? You can weigh coal. You can count apples. You can measure milk. But it is quite different with electricity because you cannot even see it. Electricity does not weigh anything. How do you measure electricity?

Well, that was not an easy question to answer, even for the scientists who tried all kinds of ways to find a suitable arrangement. But the problem was finally solved, and if you want to see how, look at your electric meter.

It does more than just measure current. It multiplies current times voltage, which is not an easy thing to do when you remember that the voltage is changing from 127 volts positive to 127 volts negative and back again 50 times a second- -. The current is also changing all the time with the demands of your electric appliances-.The multiplication of current times voltage gives watts, which is a measure of electric power.

Having the watts all figured out at any instant, the meter multiplies those by the length of time they are being used. This gives an answer in watt-hours, which is a measure of electric power. Then as if that were not enough, the meter divides by 1000 and shows the final result of the calculation on a set of dials at any and every instant in terms of kilowatt-hours—the units in which you get electric power.

Knowing what it has to do, one might expect a meter to be as big as a piano. But as everybody knows, it is not. Instead of it, it is a little box, starting its arithmetic lesson when you turn on a light, stopping when you turn it off


If we heat some water in an open glass container, we can see that evaporation goes on from the top surface. This evapor­ation is indicated by the clouds forming where the vapour mixes with the colder air and condenses. We find that the temperature of water gradually rises until the thermometer registers 100°C. A little before this point is reached, bubbles appear on the sides of the container. They consist partly of gases driven from liquid and partly of water-vapour, for eva­poration is directed into the bubbles. Water is said to boil when vapour is formed both at the bottom of the container and at the top of it. The motion of the boiling water is caused by the bubbles of vapour rising through the water. The temperature of the boiling water is constant. This temperature is known as the boiling point of the liquid.

The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which it boils under some given pressure. When this point has been reached, further heating does not increase the temperature of the liquid, but only changes it into steam.

When water boils in a container we say that we see steam coming out of it. In fact what we see is not steam at all but fine water particles. Steam itself is invisible. It is the con­densed steam in the form of fine particles of water that we see.

As liquids always increase in volume when passing into the state of vapour, an increase in pressure always produces an increase in the boiling point.

Just as solids may under certain conditions be cooled below their melting points without freezing, so liquids may be heated above their boiling points without boiling.


The principal laws of boiling are as follows: 1. When a liquid is heated, it begins to boil at a definite temperature, known as the boiling point, and on further heating the temperature remains constant at this value until the whole of the liquid is converted into vapour.

2. This temperature is constant for a given liquid if the pressure is constant.

3. The boiling point of a liquid increases if the pressure upon it is increased.

4. A definite quantity of heat is required to convert the unit mass of the liquid into vapour at the same temperature. This is known as the latent heat of evaporation.


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