Тема3.4. Scientists and Their Contribution to Medicine /Ученые-медикииихвкладвмедицину 

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Тема3.4. Scientists and Their Contribution to Medicine /Ученые-медикииихвкладвмедицину

Level A

Мыучимновыеслова /We learn the new words

inject- вводить, впрыскивать


develop- разрабатывать

invent- изобретать


surgery -хирургия

discovery- открытие

x-rays- рентген

vaccine -вакцина


cure – средство, лекарство (от болезни)

cowpox – коровья оспа

Weread / Мы читаем

Readthetextanddotheexercisesafterit / Прочитайте текст «Научные открытия» и выполните задания после него

Scientific developments of the 18th - 20th centuries

In the 18th century doctors discovered cures for many dangerous diseases such as smallpox (оспа). In 1796 a British doctor Edward Jenner developed a method of “vaccination”. He made smallpox vaccines from cowpox – a disease that cows had. His vaccine stopped thousands of people dying of smallpox. The vaccine is a weak type of a virus or bacterium. When a vaccine is injected to a patient, his body starts to make antibodies (substances in the blood that can kill viruses and bacteria). In future the patient who has been vaccinated will not get this disease again because the antibodies in his body will kill viruses or bacteria if they get inside the body.


Later in the 19th century a French chemist Louis Pasteur developed Edward Jenner’s invention and made a vaccine for hydrophobia. Louis Pasteur is also known as the founder of modern microbiology. He discovered that infection is caused by germs that spread through the air. He proved that germs can be killed in liquids by heat and developed the process of pasteurization.

About one thousand years ago doctors in the Middle East started to make anesthetics (drugs which help patients not to feel pain). The first anesthetics were made from plants. Doctors made some plants into medicines for patients to put into their mouth. Later new anesthetics were invented. One of them was cocaine which was discovered in the 19th century. Cocaine was very effective as a local anesthetic. Surgeons could inject cocaine into a certain part of the body and stop the patient feeling pain during the surgery. When the problem of pain was solved, surgeons could perform long and complicated operations.

In 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays. He placed his hand in front of the apparatus and saw that the rays passed through the hand and cast a shadow of bones on the screen. These rays were unknown to him and he called them X-rays.

During the first part of the 20th century a lot of important advances were made. In 1922 Frederik Banting discovered that insulin was very effective against diabetes.

In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. It was used in hospitals to reduce infections in wounds during the Second World War. After penicillin a series of other anti-infectious drugs were discovered. All these drugs are known as antibiotics.   

Say it in English / Скажитеэтопо - английски

Оспа, вакцинация, коровья оспа, ввести вакцину, кровь, развивать, изобретение, вакцина от бешенства, анестезия, лекарство, чувствовать боль, хирургическая операция, открывать (обнаруживать), жидкость, местное обезболивающее, хирург, длинные и сложные операции, рентгеновские лучи, диабет


Complete the table / Закончитетаблицу


Who When What
..... in 1796 method of “vaccination”
Louis Pasteur ..... vaccine for hydrophobia
..... ..... X-rays.
..... in 1922 .....
Alexander Fleming ….. .....


True or false?

1. During the 15th century doctors discovered cures for many dangerous diseases.

2. The vaccine is a weak type of a virus or bacterium.

3. He made smallpox vaccines from cowpox – a disease that dogs had.

4. Louis Pasteur is also known as the founder of modern microbiology.

5. He proved that germs could be killed in liquids by cold and developed the process of freezing.

6. The first anesthetics were made from plants.

7. Cocaine was discovered in the 21th century.



Раздел 4. Medical Institutions. TheFutureSimpleTense / Медицинскиеучреждения. Будущеепростоевремя


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