IV . Translate into English . 

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IV . Translate into English .


1. Медная и цинковая пластины часто используются в элементах.

2. Небольшой поток тока может быть показан гальванометром.

3. Гальванометр является электрическим измерительным прибором.

4. Постоянный ток получается на зажимах батареи.

5. Существуют два распределенных способа соединения элементов или параллельно, или последовательно.

6. Элементы соединяются последовательно, чтобы увеличить выходное сопротивление.

V. Give Russian equivalents.

flow — to flow, increase — to increase, influence - to influence, place — to place, use — to use, lecture — to lecture, charge —to charge, discharge — to discharge, wire - to wire. form - to form. heat — to heat, limit — to limit, point - to point, release — to release

VI. Translate, paying attention to the words underlined.

1. The usual electric lighting circuit operates either at about 127 or 220 V.

2. Matter can exist in either of three states: solid, liquid or gaseous.

3. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

4. There are two common ways of connecting cells: either in parallel or in series.

5. One hundred years ago there were neither motors nor telephone.

VI. Translate the sentences. Call tense and voice of each predicate.

1. Electricity has been much spoken about.

2. The above-mentioned problem was not spoken about at the last meeting.

3. The lecture was attended by many students,

4. The use of electricity for various purposes is followed by a wider application of electrical instruments.

5. It is a battery that supplies a potential difference for the circuit it is connected to.

VII. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words underlined.

1. In this table all conductors are given in the order of their conductivity.

2. We ordered many new measuring instruments.

3. In order to generate electric current the energy of some kind should be utilized.

4. That any object will continue to move because of its inertia is a well-known phenomenon.

5. Each machine loses its energy because of friction.

6. Because of Earth's rotation we have day and night on the Earth.


                   TEST YOURSELF

 Подберите правильные переводы для слов левой колонки.

Упр. 1.

1. obtain                     1. считать

2. influence                     2. означать

3. attract                     3. упоминать

4. repel                       4. решать

5. generate                       5. вырабатывать

6. mention                       6. планировать

7. mean                       7. отталкивать 

                                    8. влиять

                                    9. получать

10. притягивать


Упр. 2.

1. contain               1. заряжать

2. consist of                     2. желать

3. reduce                3. разряжать

4. insulate              4. представлять

5. supply                5. снабжать

6. discharge                     6. состоять из

7. charge                 7. изолировать

8. требовать

9. сокращать

10. содержать


Упр. 3

1. piece                   1. пластина

2. wire                    2. количество

3. surface      3. вид

4. kind                    4. поверхность

5. friction     5. кусочек

6. amount     6. проволока

7. flow                    7. трение

                                8. поток

                                9. элемент

                                10. батарея


Упр. 4.

1. cell                               1. общий

2. terminal                       2. элемент

3. copper                3. приблизительно

4. circuit                     4. зажим

5. plate                       5. провод

6. common                      6. поток

7. approximately            7. цепь

                                    8. влияние

                                    9. пластина

10. медь


Упр. 5.

1. указывать             1. due to

2. благодаря             2. the same

3. устанавливать           3. some

4.тот же самый             4. to point

5. несколько             5. to take part in

6. иметь место          6. to set up

7.сила                        7. to think

                                    8. to take place

                                    9. force

                                    10. to decide


Упр. 6.

1. отдаваемое напряжение             1. in order to

2. аккумуляторная батарея            2. in series

3. для того чтобы                 3. lines of force

4. из-за                                 4. lightning rod

5. параллельно                        5. storage battery

6. последовательно                6. field of force

7. громоотвод                         7. because of

                                                   8. voltage output

                                                   9. in parallel

                                                   10. just as


Упр. 7. Подберите синонимы для слов левой колонки

1. force                   1.get

2. several      2. thanks to

3. instrument     3. some

4. obtain      4. strength

5. source       5. appliance

6. due to        6. supply


Упр. 7. Вставьте нужные слова.

1. means (verb); 2, mean (adjective); 3. means (noun); 4. bymeans of; 5. by no means.


1. The increase in temperature... the change in the rate of the electron movement.

2. What is the... temperature here?

3. At present there are... for transmitting energy over long distances.

4. A series circuit is... the only possible way of circuit connection.

5. Alternating current can be changed in voltage... a transformer.



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