IV . Translate into English . 

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IV . Translate into English .


1. Электрические машины приводят в действие многие электрические приборы.

2. Электричество играет важную роль.

3. За последние годы ученые сделали большой вклад в развитие науки.

4. Кроме того, мы применяем электричество в автоматике и научных исследованиях.

5. Научные исследования зависят от решения трудных математических задач.

6. Вычислительные машины решают сложные задачи за секунды.

V. Give Russian equivalents to the following verbs.

to apply, to invent, to add, to transform, to create, to measure, to operate, to produce, to depend, to solve, to require, to observe

VI. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words underlined.

1. Professor Popov was the first scientist in the world who transmitted signals by means of electromagnetic waves,

2. In spite of difficult conditions under which Russian scientists worked they have discovered many electrical phenomena.

3. In addition to that they always tried to find practical application for their discoveries.

4. We have electric lighting in our rooms thanks to Lodygin's great invention.

5. In spite of high pressure the machine operated well.

6. Edison communicated with other people by means of a device of his own invention.

7. Studying this problem lie made numerous experiments and in addition to that he read much on this subject.

8. By means, of a transformer we can change current.

9. We express our thoughts by means of words.

VII. Read the text, find the predicates, call the tense.

Today we have a meeting. We discuss a very important question. Many people have gathered in the hall. They are sitting and listening to the speakers. This is comrade Ivanov. He is telling the meeting about the work he has done. He works at a very important problem. He has worked at it for some years. Everybody is interested in the results he has obtained. Some of those present have taken out their notebooks and are making notes.


Lesson 4.


Famous Inventor

                               P. N. Yablochkov

P. N. Yablochkov was born in Saratov Province, on September 26, 1847. The boy was taken by his parents to Petersburg, when he was 14 years old. Having finished school, he entered the military engineering College and later the Electro technical. School for officers. At both schools he studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, foreign languages, and other subjects. After graduating from these two schools he continued to perfect his knowledge in electrical engineering.

Then Yablochkov moved to Moscow. While being in Moscow, Yablochkov often met with well- known scientists and inventors of that time. He organized a physical laboratory and workshop of his own. It is there he spent all his free time studying electrical phenomena. However, never getting any support in Russia he was obliged to leave his Motherland.

It is in France he received the patent for his "candle" or "Russian candle" as it was generally called. The practical application of the electrical arc for lighting purposes begins with Yablochkov. He placed the two carbon electrodes parallel to each other instead of placing them end to end. The arc appeared between the upper ends of the parallel rods.

All newspapers and magazines of that time published articles discussing Yablochkov's great invention. The practical application of the electrical candle spread and Yablochkov's name became known all over the world.

In spite of such great success he went on working hard at the improvement of his invention. Working at his candle, he arrived at the idea of the transformer.

He wanted to organize a mass production of the candle in his own fatherland. So, he came to Russia in order to develop electrical engineering here. Yablochkov continued working in the field of electricity to the day of his death.

Words and word combinations:

to enter – поступать (в высшее учебное заведение)

to graduate from – окончить (высшее учебное заведение)

after graduating from – после окончания

to move to – переехать

workshop – мастерская

support – 1)поддержка, 2) поддерживать

to oblige –обязывать, быть обязанным, заставлять

to receive – получать

purpose –цель

carbon electrode – угольный электрод;

article – статья

such great success – такой громадный успех

to work hard – работать упорно (усердно)

Motherland – родина

fatherland – отечество

improvement – улучшение

death - смерть


I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

Окончив школу, военное инженерное учебное заведение, другие предметы, после окончания, находясь в Москве, его собственную мастерскую, никогда не получал никакой поддержки, получил патент, дуга появилась между, великое изобретение, несмотря на такой огромный успех.   


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