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I. Make up word combinations.Содержание книги
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II. Fill in the chart.
Use the words: chairman, Federal Assembly, judicial, Federal Council, Speaker, representative, legislative, deputy, Federal Government, Prime Minister, Cabinet, executive, President, State Duma.
III. Find the English equivalents in the text.
IV. Match:
V. Answer the questions. 1. What political system does the Russian Federation represent? 2. How many branches are there in the political system of Russia? 3. Which institutions exercise the legislative, executive and judicial power? 4. What is each branch of power responsible for? 5. How do the branches of power interact? 6. Who is the head of state in Russia? Does he have much power? 7. Are there many political parties in Russia? 8. What are the most well-known parties? 9. Can you compare Russian and American political systems? 10. Would you like to become the President of Russia? Why?
VI. Use the chart to speak about Russian political system. Russian Federation presidential republic
QUESTIONS 1 Make questions with who and what. In these sentences who/what is the subject.
2 Make questions with who and what. In these sentences who/what is the object.
3 Make questions with who and what. Sometimes who/what is the subject, sometimes who/what is the object.
4. Complete these sentences with a question tag (isn't it? / haven't you? etc.).
5. Complete these sentences with a question tag, positive (is it? / do you? etc.) or negative isn’t it? / don't you? etc.).
6. Put a question tag at the end of these sentences.
Court system in Russia A Russia belongs to the continental legal system, and a written law is the, main legal source. So, the supreme law in Russia is the Constitution. Other major legal sources include federal constitutional laws and federal laws. Any law cannot contradict the Constitution. The Russian court system is composed of three independent parts. They are: - the Courts of General Jurisdiction - the Commercial (Arbitrazh) Courts - the Russian Federation Constitutional Court The Courts of General Jurisdiction include justices of the peace, District courts, Regional courts and the Supreme Court. Justices of the peace resolve small claims at the local level. District (rayon) courts functions as courts of first instance and courts of appeals for decisions of justices of the peace. These courts make initial decisions in the majority of criminal and civil cases. Regional (oblast) courts serve as trial courts in more serious crimes and civil matters, and as appellate courts reviewing district court’s judgments. As a result of the judicial reform of 2014, the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation has ceased to exist and its powers have been passed to the newly formed Supreme Court of Russia. The new Supreme Court is the highest judicial instance for both courts of general jurisdiction and the commercial courts. It can hear cases by way of supervision and for newly discovered circumstances. The Supreme Court may issue explanations on questions concerning judicial practice.
B The military courts are included into the system of courts of general jurisdiction. They include garrison, district (navy) courts and the Military Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The Commercial Courts adjudicate commercial and economic disputes between business entities. These courts are organized at the level of constituent components of the Russian Federation. The RF Constitutional Court adjudicates matters governed by the RF Constitution. Rulings of the Constitutional Court are binding and final. Some subjects of the Russian Federation have their own “subject” constitutional courts (14 courts) and also charter courts (4 courts). In all courts cases are tried in public. The participants in the trial (the prosecutor, the lawyers, the plaintiff, the judge, the defendant and the others) speak in the open court. The accused is guaranteed the right to defense. The press has the right to be present. During the hearing of a case any citizen may enter the courtroom and be present during the trial from the beginning to the end. The hearing of cases in closed sessions is allowed only in exceptional cases. Closed sessions are only allowed if it is in the interests of both sides or for the necessity to keep state secrets. Trial without participations of both sides is not allowed. The judges are independent and they must obey the law.
Vocabulary Notes supreme – верховный, высший to contradict – противоречить to be composed – состоять, быть составленным justice of the peace – мировой судья trial court – суд первой инстанции judgment – решение supervision – надзор, контроль circumstances – обстоятельства, условия to issue – выпускать garrison – гарнизон to adjudicate – судить, выносить решение legal entity – юр. лицо ruling – постановление, судебное решение binding – обязательный charter – устав, договор prosecutor – обвинитель plaintiff – истец defendant – ответчик, обвиняемы, подсудимый, подзащитный trial – судебное разбирательство participation – участие
I. Translate into Russian:
II. Answer the questions. 1. What’s the main legal source in Russia? 2. What does the Russian court system include? 3. Name the courts of General Jurisdiction. What do they deal with? 4. What are the duties of Commercial Courts? 5. What is the Constitutional Court responsible for? 6. Who are the participants in the trial? 7. Who can be present during trials/ hearings? 8. What right does the accused have? 9. When are closed sessions allowed? 10. What is not allowed?
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