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ISKCON Related Organizations


General Regulations

1. Any ISKCON Ministry, organization, individual, or project (including those legally independent from ISKCON) receiving funding from ISKCON or the BBT, including mandatory assessments, taxes, and so forth, from temples and/or zones, be required to provide financial reports clearly delineating assets, liabilities, expenditures, and income. Such reports are to be submitted to the GBC Corresponding Secretary at least forty-five days prior to the beginning of the annual meeting, and shall be distributed to all GBC members and made available to other concerned ISKCON officials upon request.

2. The Corresponding Secretary shall compile a list of ISKCON Ministries, organizations, individuals, or projects to whom this resolution applies, and annually notify them of their report deadline at least sixty days in advance.

3. Anyone who is submitting a request for GBC/ISKCON funding should, along with their appeal, include their budget and previous financial reports for information. This resolution will not take effect until after the 1990 annual meeting.

4. All fund-raising activities performed by an ISKCON non-profit entity that are considered as un-related businesses which could endanger ISKCON should be separately incorporated and should comply with guidelines given by GBC legal advisors.(80)

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust

General Regulations

1. Only the BBT has the right to publish any of Srila Prabhupada's books. All books published by the BBT shall be copyrighted by BBT International.

2. The BBT Trustees' eligibility to serve shall be approved by the GBC Body if the GBC Body finds a trustee unacceptable.

3. Only BBT books may be sold on sankirtana by ISKCON temples. Anyone who wishes to write a book for mass distribution shall present that book to the BBT trustees for approval.

4. BBT publications shall only be sold to customers (for their book distribution) who are not attacking ISKCON institutions or what ISKCON stands for.

5. Every publication from the BBT shall invite readers to correspond with either the secretary of the BBT or the temple of their choice. If possible, a list of temples shall appear in each publication. All names received requesting free books shall be immediately sent to appropriate temples, provided the temples pay the costs involved.(84)

6. If the establishment of a project within a particular zone will cause that zone or the temples within that zone to stop or greatly diminish their BBT remittance (i.e. the GBC mandate of 25-50%) the GBC Zonal Secretary must receive approval before the GBC Body at the annual Mayapur meeting.(86)

7. There shall be a GBC subcommittee known as the Supervisory Committee for India BBT Funds. This committee shall recommend to the GBC Body how to allocate funds given to ISKCON for India Projects by the BBT. The committee shall also audit and supervise the spending of those funds and make regular reports to the GBC Body and the trustees of the BBT.(89)

8. The GBC accepts the authenticity of the unabridged complete edition of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is published by North America BBT.

9. After the BBT Trustees have determined the amount of funds available for ISKCON projects, the GBC shall decide how to divide it.

10. All ISKCON literature published [in quantities over 5000 intended] for the public in mass distribution on sankirtana, must be published exclusively by the BBT or a center or publisher specifically authorized by the BBT.(75)

11. No ISKCON temple or other entity shall sell, give away, or otherwise permanently dispose of any original works of art which were created to illustrate Srila Prabhupada's (or other BBT) books. If temples wish to transfer ownership of these artworks, they must do so to another ISKCON temple or to the BBT.(89)

12. When a temple continues illegal means of sankirtana, the BBT trustees are authorized to do the needful to rectify.(77)

13. The GBC will decide how the BBT contributions for temple building in India, etc. shall be spent.(75)

14. BBT publications shall only be sold to customers (for their book distribution) who are not attacking ISKCON. Any former member of ISKCON who preaches against ISKCON shall be excommunicated or appropriately disciplined. It shall be prohibited to sell BBT publications to them by ISKCON members. If they are claiming to be officially members of ISKCON, they should be legally disenfranchised.(83)


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