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Individual Standing Committees


Ksetra Committees Definition

1. The GBC has Standing Committees, known as Ksetra Committees which are comprised of the Ministers of the committee's topics, assigned GBC Members, and any other qualified devotees as the GBC deems necessary. The committees shall have a permanent chairman and permanent members.

2. The following Statements of Mission / ISKCON Statements of Aims are accepted (91-95):

Ksetra Committee 1: Essential Preaching

1. Book Publication and Distribution

To publish and distribute the books and periodicals of Srila Prabhupada and his followers in all languages and distribute them in ever-increasing numbers and with ever-increasing effectiveness, so that an ever-growing collection of Krsna conscious literature is enshrined in every household in the world.

2. Public Chanting and Festivals

To celebrate the congregational chanting of the holy name of Krsna by regularly organizing public chanting and joyous festivals in every city, town and village of the world.

3. Congregational Development

To bring to all homes in the world the continuing association of devotees and the regular practice of devotional activities.

4. Restaurants

To establish Krsna-prasadam restaurants in every city and town and make them famous all over the world so that millions eat in them every day.

5. Food for Life

To establish massive free prasadam distribution programs all over the world so that all human beings are adequately fed and nourished with Krsna-prasadam, reducing hunger as far as possible.

6. Prasadam Distribution

Ksetra Committee 2: Specialized Preaching

1. Vedic Science

To convince all people of the world of the errors of materialistic science and philosophies and to research, elucidate and teach God-centered science, based on bona fide Vedic knowledge.

2. Padayatra

To bring the congregational chanting of the Holy Name to every town and village of the world through organized Padayatra festivals.

3. Cultural Programs

To reveal Vedic culture as the universal and essential culture of all the world's peoples, and to supplant all mundane productions of literature, drama, music, and art with Krsna conscious alternatives.

4. Youth Preaching

5. College Preaching

Ksetra Committee 3: Education and Spiritual Development

1. Gurukula

To provide children with a life-long devotional foundation and to progressively train them according to their natural propensities in occupational duties of devotional service to Krsna.

2. Spiritual Standards

To establish and maintain in ISKCON and its members the high standards of Krsna conscious understanding and practices taught by Srila Prabhupada.

3. Adult Education

To convince receptive people all over the world to commit themselves to rendering devotional service, as taught by Srila Prabhupada, under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master.

4. Training New Recruits

To teach new devotees, through proper Vaisnava association and instruction, the philosophy and basic devotional practices of Krsna Consciousness.

Ksetra Committee 4: Essential ISKCON Infrastructure for Preaching

1. Finance and Accounting

To ensure that every ISKCON organization and program meets standards of excellence in handling fiscal matters.

2. Fund Raising

To establish systems and programs of fund-raising throughout the world to provide ISKCON with adequate funds to realize its goals.

3. Management and Administration

To ensure that the leadership of ISKCON is characterized by devotion to guru and Krsna, spiritual purity, compassion, integrity, commitment, consistency, competency, accountability, and to ensure that the devotees and assets of ISKCON are appropriately engaged, protected and increased.

4. Communications

To win respect for and trust in the ISKCON in all nations and among all people of the world.

Ksetra Committee 5: Holy Places and Communities

1. Deity Worship

To attract all peoples of the world to the personal service of the Lord, to engage them as devotees in that service, and train them in the principles and techniques of that service.

2. Mayapur and Vrndavana

To develop and maintain, for devotees and society, Mayapur and Vrndavana and other such holy places dedicated to the pastimes of Lord Krsna and His devotees.

3. Spiritual Communities

4. Daiva-varnasrama Development

5. Cow-Protection

6. Self-sufficiency

To reform the economic and social structure of all communities in the world by demonstrating the God-centered culture that depends on the land and the cows.

7. Temples as places of pilgrimage [tirthas]

Ksetra Committee 6: International ISKCON

1. Justice Systems

2. Legal Affairs

3. Unity of ISKCON

4. Zonal Affairs

5. Constitutional Issues Regulations

1. To submit a written report to the GBC before the annual GBC meeting at Mayapur.(79)

2. To fulfill the duties as prescribed for a Standing Committee under the GBC Rules of Order (See GBC Rules of Order for further information).

Other Standing Committees The Philosophical Committee

1. The Philosophical Committee is a resource available to ISKCON members.

2. Individual devotees and ISKCON entities (e.g., the GBC Body, Continental Committees, or International Temple Presidents) may approach the Philosophical Committee for the settlement of disputes on philosophical matters that arise within ISKCON. The Philosophical Committee will examine the issues and their implications, clarify what the areas of conflict are, and determine what is at stake. The Committee may then propose resolutions to the GBC Body. However, if the Philosophical Committee finds that a dispute simply concerns questions of correct practical application of philosophy, it will refer the matter to the local GBC secretary. ISKCON leaders may also request the Philosophical Committee to review publications which are perceived to be questionable.(96)

3. In addition (to its appointed members), the International GBC Chairman shall be an ex-officio member of the committee and serve as its Chairman. Bhaktivedanta Memorial Committee

A Bhaktivedanta Memorial Committee shall determine where and how Prabhupada's rooms and paraphernalia shall be preserved.(78) Executors Committee

Executors Committee shall see that Srila Prabhupada's will is being carried out.(78) Sannyasa Committee

A standing GBC sub-committee established to deal with sannyasa matters.(96) Interfaith Commission

An officially GBC-appointed Interfaith Commission with the specific purpose to present officially authorized ISKCON representatives for interreligious dialogue. These official representatives are authorized to speak on behalf of the ultimate managing authority, the GBC. This commission encourages the devotees in their taking initiative to speak on behalf of ISKCON in less official capacities.

This commission will be empowered to act as ISKCON's official voice and representation to the heads of all world religions and is empowered to engage other devotees in this service. Before publishing or issuing any major position statements, the commission will obtain the approval of the GBC Executive Officers.

The Commission will have different functions. It will act as a consultant for those who meet heads of religions; its members and their representatives will meet heads of religions; its members will appoint, assign and authorize official ISKCON representatives. Before a ISKCON representative is made official, the committee must to vote and approve him or her by majority vote. After each meeting with a major faith or its representative, the ISKCON representative will send a report to each member of the commission. These reports will be kept carefully by the commission. At the end of the year, the commission will make an official report to the GBC Body of its activity throughout the year. Among themselves, the committee members will decide how they will administrate their various functions throughout the year. If they are in doubt at any point about their decision-making, they will consult with the GBC Executive Committee officers for guidance.

The specific purpose of this commission is to present officially authorized ISKCON members to speak on behalf of the entire organization. This is our internal system for that. Ritvik Committee (2000)

In order to protect the interests of ISKCON, the GBC Body hereby establishes the Ritvik Committee as a permanent standing committee. This committee can also appoint others at their discretion and is to include one International GBC Body member who does not have zonal responsibilities in India. The purpose of this committee is to address and make decisions regarding Ritvik related lawsuits to protect the interests of ISKCON. Others

Other Standing Committees are:

1. ISKCON Board of Examinations (see Adult Education)

2. ISKCON Board of Education (see Primary and Secondary Education)

3. Sri Mayapur Vrndavana Festival Committee (see International Projects)

4. Sri Mayapur Project Development Committee (see Sri Mayapur Project)

5. Justice Committee

6. Facilitators Committee

7. Child Protection Guidelines Committee

8. Funding Committee

9. Nominations Committee

10. Guru Services Committee (2000)


(Amendment 2002)

3.4 Geographic Area Committees


3.4.1 ISKCON Regional Governing Bodies Definition


An "ISKCON Regional Governing Body" ("RGB") is a formally constituted body that performs certain managerial functions on behalf of the GBC Body for conduct of the affairs of the ISKCON society within a clearly designated contiguous geographical area, called a "Region," consisting of either a single country or a group of contiguous countries. Functions Delegated by the GBC Body to RGB's


If the GBC Body delegates a particular function to a Regional Governing Body, then any decision of the RGB within the scope of that function is binding within the Region as if the decision had been made by the full GBC Body, but it may be overruled by majority vote of the GBC Body.


There are minimum delegated functions as well as optional delegated functions: Minimum Delegated Functions:


The functions that are delegated to an RGB by the GBC Body shall include, as a minimum, the following:


1. To serve as a forum for increasing coordination of the overall preaching strategy in the Region.

2. To serve as a forum for increasing the coordination of the implementation of GBC policies, guidelines and resolutions applicable within the Region.

3. Subdivision of the Region into Divisions for the purpose of organizing Divisional Councils as described below, in consultation with all Zonal Secretaries actively functioning in the Region.

4. Making recommendations to the GBC Body, where appropriate, for GBC legislation.

5. Making recommendations to any Zonal Secretary or other ISKCON official functioning within the Region on matters concerning the affairs of the Region.

6. Appointment of Regional Ministers, Committees, etc., as it deems necessary for the conduct of its delegated functions.

7. Resolution of any conflicts within the Region that are beyond the scope of any Divisional Councils constituted within the Region. This includes handling of complaints on Regional matters referred to it by the GBC Body, the Divisional Councils, any ISKCON official or body, or from individuals.

8. Where necessary and appropriate, undertaking disciplinary action against ISKCON officials and/or other devotees serving within the Region, as allowed under ISKCON law for such a body. Optional Delegated Functions


If the GBC Body so chooses it may also delegate additional functions to a particular Regional Governing Body. Formation of an RGB:


An RGB for a particular Region may be created by simple majority vote of the GBC Body, but the effect of such a resolution will be pending the completion of certain formalities as specified below, and eventual notification by the GBC Secretary. Similarly, RGB's may have their geographic areas modified, and they also may be dissolved, by simple majority vote of the GBC Body.


In considering a proposal for creation of an RGB, the GBC Body shall consider the following criteria:


a. Are the needs of the region in question sufficiently uniform as to make amalgamation into a single region appropriate?

b. Is the existing leadership within the region sufficiently mature to be able to assume such a delegation of responsibilities?

c. Does the region have a track record of cooperative management, such as through the proper functioning of a Continental Committee or other informal body as described below?


Note: Bodies known as "National Councils" or "National Governing Bodies" which are managing ISKCON's affairs in a single country may be designated by the GBC Body as RGB's, or if they are not so designated then they may be Divisional Councils or informal bodies as defined in the following sections. Approval of Rules and Regulations:


In order to be recognized as a Regional Governing Body under this law, the regional leaders must submit to the GBC Secretary the proposed Rules and Regulations for how the affairs of the RGB will be conducted. These Rules and Regulations must include, as a minimum, information on:


a. How membership in the RGB is determined, and that there is allowance for a sufficient number of GBC Members functioning within the area to be members.

b. How meetings are convened and conducted.

c. Rules for the election of officers and their duties.

d. The rights and responsibilities of the members.

e. Procedures for reporting to the GBC Body on its actual membership and proceedings.

f. Procedures for maintaining a record of the official proceedings of the RGB.

g. Procedures for changing the Rules and Regulations by minimum 2/3 vote.


The GBC Secretary may also from time to time promulgate additional standards for what is to be included in the Rules and Regulations, as directed by the Executive Committee.


When the GBC Secretary is satisfied that the Rules and Regulations for the conduct of the affairs of the RGB are well formed then he or she shall issue notification to such effect and the RGB shall be considered created.


Any changes that the RGB proposes to make to its Rules and Regulations shall be submitted to the GBC Secretary for approval before they take effect.


In the functioning of an RGB, if any dispute arises among the members as to whether the Rules and Regulations are being properly followed, the GBC Secretary shall make a final determination.


Update 2010:


That all Regional Governing Bodies (RGBs), Continental Committees, and Divisional and National Councils provisionally accept and function on the principle that whenever the majority of GBC members present in their respective meetings are not in favor of a proposed resolution, the said resolution will go for more discussion until the majority of GBC members present are in agreement.


Update 2010: RGB Special Duties Reporting Duties

All ISKCON Regional Governing Bodies, as well as Continental Committees and Divisional and National Councils where there are no RGBs, have the duty to send to the Corresponding Secretary of the GBC, at the latest one month after being passed, a copy of any resolutions they pass at their regular or extraordinary meetings. If the resolutions are not in English, an accurate English translation should be sent. The Corresponding Secretary will evaluate those resolutions for the purpose of identifying those items that may conflict with ISKCON law.


Update 2010:


1. All ISKCON Regional Bodies (RGBs) shall establish a Regional or Continental Office of Communications. They shall appoint a Director and provide reasonable funding and facilities for the execution of that service. The appointment of Regional Director of Communications shall be made in consultation with the ISKCON Minister of Communications, and that Director shall report to both the RGB and the Minister of Communications.

2. Regional Bodies, Continental Committees, and Divisional and National Councils shall also give priority to the establishment of National Offices of Communications, with appointed National Directors and reasonable funding and facilities, for each country within that region where ISKCON has a significant presence. National Directors shall report to the National or Divisional Council of their country and to the Regional Communications Director where they exist. They should report to the Minister where the Regional Communications Director does not exist.

3. In those countries where ISKCON has multiple temples or communities, the National Bodies shall encourage and facilitate the establishment at each major temple of a Temple Communications Office with a local Communications Representative and reasonable funding and facilities. The local Communications Representative shall report to the Temple President and the National Communications Director.

4. The Minister of Communications shall assist with training and strategic coordination among Regional Directors, National and Divisional Directors and Temple Representatives of Communications to ensure expertise and progress in ISKCON communications efforts.



3.4.2 ISKCON Continental Committees and Other Informal Bodies Regulation


In addition to Regional Governing Bodies, which have functions clearly delegated by the GBC Body, there may continue to exist in certain regions, as required, informally constituted bodies with the function of expanding cooperative management within a geographical area. They may be called Continental Committees or other names as appropriate. They may function to resolve issues of importance to the region on a cooperative or advisory basis, to give vision and prepare strategies for advancing the objectives of Krishna consciousness, and/or to make recommendations and proposals to the GBC Body. Decisions of such Continental Committees or other such bodies should be followed in a cooperative spirit. However, for the Continental Committee's resolutions to be obligatory they must either be ratified by the GBC Annual General Meeting at Mayapur or have been specifically previously empowered in that regard by the GBC Body.


3.4.3 ISKCON Divisional Councils Definition


An ISKCON Divisional Council is a body that performs certain managerial functions on behalf of an individual Zonal Secretary, on behalf of a group of Zonal Secretaries serving in the same general area or on behalf of a Regional Governing Body for conduct of the affairs of the ISKCON society within a clearly designated contiguous geographical area, called a "Division." The geographical area in question could be a group of small countries, a single country or a section of a single country, but it should be small enough such that all temple leaders within the area would be generally familiar with ISKCON's activities throughout the geographical area, and such that the members would be able to meet together several times per year. Formation of Divisional Councils


Wherever there are functioning Regional Governing Bodies, these Bodies shall designate the Divisions for formation of the Divisional Councils within the Region, in consultation with the Zonal Secretaries actively functioning within the Region.


Where there is no functioning RGB, the appointed GBC Zonal Secretaries may designate specific areas as Divisions and may form Divisional Councils for these Divisions. Such designation must be done in writing, addressed to the GBC Secretary and signed by all GBC Zonal Secretaries assigned to the area in question. The GBC Secretary shall acknowledge such designations. If no such written designation has been made then any bodies constituted shall be considered as informal bodies as described under Section 3.4.2. Divisional Council Membership


A Divisional Council shall be constituted of all Temple Presidents, all Preaching Center managers, all Regional Secretaries and all Zonal Secretaries (that wish to attend) within the region as well as resident sannyasis or other leading devotees as the council desires or as the local Zonal Secretaries recommend. Divisional Council Functions


1. Serve as a forum for coordination of the overall preaching strategy in the Division.

2. Serve as a forum for coordination of the implementation of GBC policies, guidelines and resolutions applicable within the Division.

3. Serve as a forum for resolution of any conflicts within the Division. This includes handling of complaints on local matters referred to it by the GBC Body, the RGB, any ISKCON official or body or from individuals.

4. Making recommendations to the RGB, where appropriate, for RGB or GBC legislation.

5. Making recommendations to any Zonal Secretary or other ISKCON official functioning within the Division on matters concerning local affairs.

6. Where necessary and appropriate, undertaking disciplinary action against ISKCON officials and/or other devotees serving within the Division, as allowed under ISKCON law for such a body.


A Divisional Council may also perform other functions within the Division as specifically assigned to it by a Zonal Secretary, the RGB or the GBC Body, such as approving the opening or closing of ISKCON centers, appointing Temple officers, taking final decisions on matters of dispute, deciding on territorial matters among the various temples, making recommendations on sannyasa candidates, formally considering the nomination of candidates who reside within their area of responsibility for serving as new initiating gurus, checking into the management of the local ISKCON centers, overseeing spiritual standards, etc.


[ACTION ORDER] It is further resolved, That India is hereby approved as a Region as per the above law. GBC Members serving in India shall submit proposed Rules and Regulations for an RGB for India as per Section

GBC Members


The expression “GBC member” exclusively indicates the full (voting) GBC members, the Acting GBCs and the Assistant GBCs; they are supported and aided by the GBC Emeriti, the GBC Candidates, the GBC Standing Committees, the Global Ministries, the Executive Secretariat, the Divisional Directors, the GBC Deputies and by any other office, committee or individual as required and approved from time to time by the GBCThe following shall be considered to be GBC Members: GBC Zonal Secretaries, GBC Ministers, Assistant GBC Members, and Candidates for GBC, GBC Deputies and GBC Emeritii.


1. A GBC Member shall practically accept as one's life and soul the mission, purpose, special projects, and will of Srila Prabhupada and accept the GBC, which is Srila Prabhupada's representative. (81)

2. The individual members of the GBC Body do not have any inherent authority but rather derive their authority from the Governing Body Commission itself and ultimately from His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Their authority may be over a particular geographic area or over a particular function. Whichever area of responsibility be given to the various members, their primary responsibility is to the Society as a whole. Therefore a GBC member should not consider himself as the whole GBC, but as a member or commissioner, commissioned by the whole Governing Board.(75)

3. A GBC Member shall represent the GBC by performing the assignments allotted in accordance with GBC policy.(81)



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