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Duties of the Chairman of the Board


1. To supervise and review the activities of the Office.

2. To be referred any matters which come to the Education Office which are beyond its scope.

3. To refer them further to the Board of Education or to the GBC Body.

Gurukula Education

That within ISKCON, gurukula schools shall open only with the permission of the Board of Education, and operate under the guidance of the Board of Education and the local GBC.(81)

Children's Books

All children's books, including coloring books, for use by Krsna conscious schools should have approval of the Board of Education.(79)

13 (1998)

Social Development Information

13.1 The purpose of this Ministry is to:


a) Help with the development of other ministries in the social circle (cow protection and agriculture, grhastha and community development, and health and welfare.);


b) Actively pursue improved communications between ISKCON and its members;


c) Facilitate communications among ministries on matters of social development;


d) Propagate understanding of social principles among devotees by publications, seminars and visiting devotee communities;


e) Identify competent devotees to head various projects for social development;


f) Engage in fund raising for it and the ministries it represents, in addition to any funds that the individual ministries are able to generate for themselves. (Funds are to be allocated by a committee representative of the four ministries.)

14 (1999)

Ministry of Cow Protection & Agriculture (1998)

“Minimum Cow Protection Standards” prepared by the Ministry of Cow Protection and Agriculture is hereby ratified by the GBC Body and it thereby becomes part of ISKCON Law. (1999)


Note: Details of Standards required to be mentioned to become part of Law.

Sankirtana - Book Distribution


That the leaders of ISKCON, as followers of Srila Prabhupada, ought to see book distribution as our most effective means of preaching. "Know it for certain that there is no better way to preach Krsna consciousness than through the distribution of my books." We can make a worldwide revolution in the hearts of the people of this world and save these people from material existence through the distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books. But book distribution strongly increases only when we have a constant influx of new ISKCON devotees. So to increase book distribution, we must make new devotees. Therefore, wherever we have powerful leaders-whether GBC members, gurus, sannyasis, or Temple Presidents-they ought to impress upon their followers that book distribution and making new devotees to go out on book distribution are ISKCON's main work. The guru, whether siksa or diksa, has great power to increase ISKCON's preaching. Therefore, in cooperation with the GBC Body and the individual GBC members, the guru should use that power to encourage and inspire his disciples to make new devotees and increase the distribution of books. gurus can impress upon their disciples the importance of the Mayapur Project, remind them of its dependence on the BBT's income from book distribution, and encourage them to dedicate themselves to the mission of distributing books and building the Mayapur City. Srila Prabhupada himself did this, and so can the leaders who follow him. We all understand that we must build the temple and city in Mayapur. And the way to do this is through book distribution. Therefore the leaders of ISKCON-GBC members, gurus, sannyasis, Temple Presidents, and senior devotees should bring the Mayapur City, and the book distribution that supports it, to the forefront of ISKCON's consciousness. All ISKCON leaders are urged to strive vigorously to instill within their followers a consciousness of the crucial importance of the Mayapur City and book distribution to the success of ISKCON's mission.


1. GBC Zonal Secretaries and Temple Presidents shall be responsible to ensure that Srila Prabhupada's books are distributed on sankirtana on a regular basis.(81)

2. Regarding temple's BBT debts, Srila Prabhupada said a temple can order with thirty days credit, and after that time they must pay in full for the books received, even if they were not all sold.(75)

3. If the establishment of a project within a particular zone will cause that zone or the temples within that zone to stop or greatly diminish their BBT remittances (i.e. the GBC mandate of 25%-50%), the GBC Zonal Secretary must receive approval from the GBC Body at the annual GBC meeting.(86)


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