III. Complete the following sentences 

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III. Complete the following sentences


1. London stands on ….

2. Westminster Abbey was founded in … during ….

3. There is only one building, but it is called the Houses because ….

4. … live in Buckingham Palace.

5. One of the greatest and oldest churches is ….

6. … is located in the very centre of London.

7. The most interesting for the tourists museum is ….

8. Big Ben is the biggest clock of England, which strikes ….

9. Tower Bridge regulates ….

10. … is one of the London’s most famous up to date symbols.

IV. Read and match

1. Big Ben a. a castle

2. The Thames b. a museum

3. Madam Tussaud’s c. a monument

4. The Tower of London d. a park

5. Buckingham palace e. a wheel

6. Hyde Park f. the seat of the government

7. The London Eye g. a church

8. The Houses of Parliament h. a river

9. Westminster Abbey i. the Queen’s home

10.a statue of Nelson j. a clock


V. Arrange the words in the sentences using the correctword order

1. Parliament, the, is, the, of, Houses, place, Government, the, English, sits, where.

2. arms, the, of, Tower, a, now, is, museum.

3. British, home, is, of, the, kings, palace, and, Buckingham, queens.

4. the, Europe, of, Houses, are, in, the, beautiful, Parliament, among, most, buildings.

5. architecture, Abbey, for, famous, its, is, Westminster.

6. are, theatres, Piccadilly, restaurants, and, many, Circus, in, shops, there.

7. the, Art, on, square, of, side, National, Trafalgar, Gallery, North, is, the, situated, of, North.

8. old, a, manuscripts, in, Museum, with, one, has, of, libraries, the, world, largest, great, the, number, of, the, British, books, and.

VI. Arrange in pairs of synonyms


A memorial Common
Royal Not far from
Famous A trip
A short way from To be amazed
To guard To participate
Ordinary Sovereign
To be surprised An attraction
To take part A monument
A tour Well-known
A sight To protect

VII. Read about one of London’s sights and guess what sight it is

1. This bridge is situated near the Tower of London. It was built in 1894. It regulates a large part of London traffic.

2. It’s one of the oldest buildings of London. It was founded in the 11th century. There is the White Tower in the centre of it.

3. This church was built by a famous architect. It took him 35 years to build it. It is huge with a golden cross and a bell on the top. This church is more than 900 years old. Nearly all kings and queens were crowned there. It is also known for its Poets’ Corner.

4. This clock was named after Sir Benjamin Hall whose nickname was....

5. This square is in the centre of London. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson there. There are also two beautiful fountains there.

6. It is the largest park in London. It has been a royal park since 1536. It is famous for its Speaker’s Corner.

7. This palace was built in 1703. Now it is the resi­dence of the royal family. It has 600 rooms and 3 miles of a red carpet.

8.A lot of restaurants, hotels and shops can be found in this place.

VIII. Put different kinds of questions to the following sentences

1. Madame Tussaud’s museum represents wax figures of the famous and infamous people of the past and present.

2. The National Gallery was founded in 1824.

3. Admiral Nelson lost his life in Trafalgar.

4. The collections of the British Museum contain the antiquities of Egypt and Greece.

5. Crossing the river by the Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London.

6. There are a lot of places of interest in London.

IX. Read the following passage carefully. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in the bracket.

1. The world’s most famous clock, Big Ben, _____ (to stand) next to the Houses of Parliament in London.

2. Big Ben is the name of the bell which ______ (to chime) every hour.

3. The bell ______ (to name) after Sir Benjamin Hall.

4. The clock has four faces and ______ (to keep) accurate time.

5. One interesting thing about the clock is that when the light ______ (to shine) above the belfry at night, it ______ (to mean) that the House of Commons is still in session.

6. The National Gallery ______ (to found) many years ago when the House of Commons ______ (to buy) a collection of paintings from John Julius Angerstein.

7. There (to be) a lot of rooms and three miles of red carpet in Buckingham Palace.

8. Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster (to know as) Big Ben.


X. Britain Quiz

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

· Edinburgh

· Boston

· London

· Cardiff

2. The British flag is often called …

· the Union Jack

· the Stars and Stripes

· the Maple Leaf

3. What colour are the buses in London?

· red

· blue

· black

· yellow

4. Britain’s national drink is …

· Tea

· Coca-Cola

· Cacao

· Coffee

5. The kilt is…

· a pair of trousers

· a shirt

· a skirt

· a pair of shoes

6. What is the official name of this country?

· Britain

· The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

· England

7. Money in the UK

· Dollar

· Pound

· Euro

· Yen

8. The Prime minister lives at …

· 12 Whitehall

· 10 Downing Street

· 7 Russel Street

· 15 Oxford Street


9. Sir Christopher Wren built…

· Buckingham Palace

· The Tower of London

· Trafalgar Square

· St. Paul’s Cathedral

10. Speaker’s Corner is in…

· Hyde Park

· Green Park

· Regent’s Park

· St. James’ Park

11. When is Halloween celebrated?

· December 25th

· February 14th

· October 31st

· January 1st

12. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in …

· Piccadilly Circus

· Hyde Park

· Trafalgar Square

· Buckingham Palace

13. … is a very democratic park.

· Hyde Park

· Regent’s Park

· St. James’ Park

· Kensington Gardens

14. They change the Guard every day at …

· 9:30 a.m.

· 11: 30 a.m.

· 12:00 a.m.

· 8.45 a.m.

15. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting-point of …

· 5 streets

· 7 streets

· 6 streets

· 4 streets

16.The seat of the British government is …

· the Houses of Parliament

· Buckingham Palace

· Piccadilly Circus

· The Tower

17. Which countries make up the United Kingdom?

· England and the Irish Republic

· England, Wales and Scotland

· England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

18. Who can vote in United Kingdom elections?

· All people living in the UK

· British citizens aged 18 or over

· All people in full time employment




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2. Голіцинський Ю.Б. Great Britain. – К.: Арій, 2006.

3. Гужва Т.М. Reasons to Speak. Сучасні розмовні теми. – Х.: Торсінг Плюс, 2006.

4. Ісаєва Г., Комар Р., Веселівська С., Сологуб Л., Шумська О. Basic English. – Львів: Паїс, 2005.

5.Коганов А.Б. Сучасна англійська мова: Розмовні теми. – К.: Д.С.К., 2002.

6. Кубарьков Г.Л., Тимощук В.О. 1000 English, збірник нових тем із сучасної англійської мови. Донецьк: БАО, 2005.

7. Масюченко І.П. Англійська мова. – Донецьк: БАО, 2004.

8.Розмовляй англійською мовою: збірник текстів. – Тернопіль, 1997.

9.Шпак В.К. English. – К.: Вища школа, 1999.


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