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Ex. 13. Translate the following verbs into Russian. Give 3 forms of these verbs. Make up the sentences.Содержание книги
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To work, to live, to take, to write, to finish, to read, to give, to go, to have, to do, to make, to include, to speak, to see, to meet, to decide, to enter, to miss, to know, to understand, to tell, to pass, to situate, to form, to steal, to find, to come. Ex. 14. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the right form. Pay attention to the usage of the Indefinite Tenses. 1. He often (to go) to his work by bus. 2. I (to finish) school 5 years ago. 3. The students usually (to take) exams and tests at the end of each term. 4. There (to be) a lot of students at the lecture tomorrow. 5. We (to see) an interesting detective film yesterday. 6. I (to look through) the fresh newspapers every day. 7. He (to write) the project in History last week. 8. Sometimes I (to meet) my friends. 9. This young man (to come back) next month. 10. The teacher (to check) our tests the day before yesterday.
Ex. 15. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the usage of the construction to be going to. 1. I am going to be a lawyer in five years. 2. She is going to make a law report tonight. 3. They are going to become good specialists. 4. My sister is going to become a prosecutor. 5. We are going to visit him tomorrow. 6. He is going to solve this problem. Ex. 16. Translate into English. Use the Future Simple or the construction to be going to. 1. Я збираюся готуватися до конференції сьогодні ввечері. 2. Ми не будемо розмовляти з її адвокатами завтра, ми будемо опитувати свідків. 3. Я збираюся стати хорошим спеціалістом. 4. Що ви будете робити завтра? 5. Коли ви збираєтеся працювати над доповіддю з цивільного права? Ex. 17. Fill in the gaps with the correct Prepositions.
1. The book is … the table. Will you take the book … the table! 2. The newspaper is … the box. Will you put the newspaper … the box! Will you take the newspaper … …the box! 3. The computers are … the room. Will you put the computers … the room! Will you take the computers … … the room! 4. The fax is under the box. Will you put the fax … the box! 5. Will you take the fax … … the box! 6. The lamp is … the table. 7. The map is … the computer. 8. The lawyer is … the table. 9. Will you sit down … the table! 10. These students are … the university.
Ex. 18. Translate into English. В університеті, на курсах, біля офісу, за столом, на землі, у театрі, у бібліотеці, на занятті, у прокуратурі, до суду, у кіно, у неділю, навесні, улітку, через два дні, по вулиці, на стадіоні, на вулиці, за годину. Ex. 19. Work in pairs. Dramatize the dialogue answering the following questions. Pay attention to the usage of Indefinite Tenses.
1. What university do you study at? 2. How much time does it take you to get to the university? 3. How many classes did you have the day before yesterday? 4. What is your future profession? 5. Do you like to go in for sport? What kind of sport do you prefer? 6. How do you usually prepare for your practical classes? 7. Do you like to be a caddet? Why? 8. Where did you meet your friends last time? 9. When will you get the degree? 10. When did you go to the library last time? MODULE 1 UNIT 3
DAILY ROUTINE I am a first-year student at the Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs. I entered this university because I wanted tostudy law. When I graduate from this university I will be a militia officer. I understand I must work hard to become a good specialist. Our university is also a military school that is why the daily program includes not only instructions and classes but also military training, drill and ceremonies, physical training and interior guard duty. The daily routine starts with the command “ reveille ” at 6 o’clock. We get up and do our morning exercises. At 7 o’clock we have breakfast. Then we have spare time to prepare for classes. Our classes begin at 9 sharp and last till 13.30 (half past one). Normally we have three lessons a day. After classes we form up at the drill ground and go to the canteen to have dinner. According to the daily program we have time for self-preparation from half past two to six o’clock. At that time we can go to the reading room to prepare for seminars and practical classes. In the evening we can go in for sport. Many students prefer boxing, wrestling, combat fighting, others to play tennis, volleyball or basketball. At half past nine we form up for the roll-call and at ten o’clock we go to bed with the command “taps”. Interior guard duty is also a part of the students’ life as it makes them to be disciplined and executive. Students are detailed for duty according to a duty roster. The detail for the guard consists of an officer of the day with necessary officers and privates. The senior of the guard is to perform the duties of the commander of the guard. He reports to the officer of the day that his relief is ready to be posted. A tour of duty lasts 24 hours. It consists of a system of patrols and fixed posts. Sentinels on post and guards on duty are posted armed and equipped according to there particular duty. The officer of the day inspects the guard and sentinels at least once between midnight and the daytime and he visits the guardhouse. At the end of the tour a new guard relieves the old one. Vocabulary
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