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1. Громадяни України мають право на освіту. 2. Право на освіту гарантується Конституцією України. 3. Моя молодша сестра навчається у початковій школі. 4. Твоя рідна мова українська, чи не так? 5. Випускники школи мають право поступити до інституту, університету чи академії. 6. Твій брат навчається на заочному відділенні університету, чи не так? VI. Read the given explanations of some topical words and guess the corresponding ones. A higher educational establishment where students are taught music. 1. A degree received by a junior specialist. 2. A degree received by a senior specialist. 3. A person possessing a natural talent. 4. A kind of education which is obligatory for everyone. 5. A student who devotes himself entirely for study. 6. A student combining study with job. 7. A subject or a group of subjects to be considered main ones. 8. A kind of activity to be conducted after classes.
VII. Decide which word is odd one in each group and give your reasons
1. an academy, a conservatory, a university, a vocational school. 2. an average pupil, a gifted pupil, a weak pupil, a funny pupil. 3. a report card, a day-book, a school-leaving certificate, an apple. 4. English, Mathematics, Biology, education. VIII. Anagrams. How quickly can you unscramble the following words? 1. fopround (a synonym to deep) 2. rrilumcucu (a programme of study) 3. traexlamur (a kind of department for those who combine study with job) 4. wonkledge (facts and skills gained through learning) 5. loosch-ealver (a person finishing school)
IX. Word formation Complete the chart:
X. Read and say your opinion on the topic. What makes a person educated? Of course we get education at school. The activities of the school day afford different chances for pupil's self-perfection. They provide many opportunities for deeper study and developing our talents. But school lays only the base, the foundation of our education. Here we get only necessary knowledge and after graduating the school we can continue studying in the universities, institutes, colleges or somewhere else. Not only school makes us educated persons. Reading books and press is also very important. It enriches our outlook, broadens the boundaries of our intellect, offers the opportunities to read the latest news and political discussions. TV also gives us wonderful and effective possibilities for education. Due to mass media we become better informed by watching documentaries, science programs and discussions. It is the principal role of after-school activities to deepen our knowledge in different subjects. To my mind if we want to be successful in our studies we must have the number of positive qualities of character. First of all we have to be attentive at the lessons. Attention always helps to acquire profound knowledge and to understand the material better. To make progress in all subjects we should be hard-working and persistent persons. Strong-willed and industrious people can stand up all difficulties and hardships and they have a purpose in life. So if we want to be well educated, we ought to have all these qualities in ourselves, only in these conditions we can succeed in our studies. I think that all people should be educated, because it is very useful and important. Educated persons are always ready to find a good job; they usually have a bright career. Besides, it is also much better to talk to educated, cultured and extraordinary person. I consider knowledge to be the really great power and that is why we must always increase it. XI.Write an essay about the necessity of education nowadays and what do you need to be an educated person. Text for Supplementary Reading. BRITISH UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Most big towns in Britain have both a university and a college of higher education. There are 91 universities in Britain and 47 colleges of higher education. Universities offer three- and four-year degrees courses; colleges of higher education offer both two-year HND (Higher National Diploma) courses, as well as degree courses. A degree is a qualification you get from university when you take your final exams. You are then awarded a BA (Bachelor of Arts), BSc (Bachelor of Science) and BEd (Bachelor of Education). Undergraduates – students who are studying for degrees - go to large, formal lectures, but most of the work takes place in tutorial: lessons in groups of ten or more when the students discuss their work with the lecturer. Only 25 percent of the students go to higher education. Competition to get into one of Britain’s universities is fierce and not everyone who gets A levels can go. Students usually need three A levels to go to university and grades go from A level, the highest grade, down to E level. Students apply to universities months before they take their A levels. The students are given a personal interview and the universities decide which students they want. The place which a student is offered depends on his or her A-level results. The more popular a university, the higher the grades it will ask for. If students do not get the grades that a university asks for, they have to try to get a place at another university or college before the new term starts in early October. Vocabulary: Science – природничі науки Technology – технічні та прикладні науки Arts – гуманітарні науки degree – ( учений) ступінь to award – присуджувати tutorial – практичне заняття competition – конкурс fierce – суворий grade – оцінка A level– найвища оцінка to apply – подавати заяву to take exam – здавати іспити to depend on – залежати від
XII. Be ready to speak about education in Ukraine and Britain. GRAMMAR EXERCISES. 1. Use Present Simple: 1. I (to take) her to school every day. 2. He (to help) his father very often. 3. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. 4. My father (not to work) at the office. 5. They (to eat) at school? 6. Your sister (to rest) after college? 7. How often she (to take) medicine? What language they usually (to speak)? Use Past Simple. 1. What your neighbours (to do) yesterday? 2. Her brothers (to shout)) at her. 2. She (to bake) a delicious apple pie. 3. Her husband (to smoke) a cigarette and (to talk) to his wife. 4. They (to wait) for the bus. 5. The bus (to arrive) at 9 o’clock. 6. Mr and Mrs Smith (to rest) very well last night. 7. They really (to have) a wonderful time at their friends.
Use Future Simple. 1. I want to get medical checkup. I (to go) to my doctor. 2. He (to give) me a complete examination. 3. The nurse (to lead) me into one of the examination rooms. 4. I (to take) off my clothes and (to put) on a hospital gown. 5. I (to stand) on his scale so he can measure my weight and height. 6. He (to stand) on his scale so he can measure my height and my weight. 7. He (to take) my blood pressure. Use Present Continuous. 1. Kate (to cook) dinner. 2. I (not to eat) ice-cream. 3. You (to go) to school now? 4. Look! My friend (to play) football in the yard. 5. Where is Boris? He (to do) homework. 6. Where your father (to do) now? 7. His grandfather (to listen) current news at this moment.
Use Past Continuous. 1. What your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday? 2. My friends (not to do) their homework now. 3. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 4. I (not to play) the piano yesterday from 5 till 7. 5. We (to play chess) the whole evening. 6. What he (to do) yesterday? – He (to read) a book. 7. She (to sleep) whole evening.
Use Future Continuous. 1. I (to do) my homework tomorrow at six o’clock. 2. She (to do) homework from 6 till 8 tomorrow. 3. My father (to visit) London during two days. 4. How many pages you (to read) at 5 o’clock. 5. Don’t come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening.
Use Present Perfect Tense. 1. Who has (to write) this article? 2. We have already (to learn) a lot of English words. 3. Have you (to find) the book? 4. You just (to hear) tomorrow’s weather forecast? 5. Mike (to leave) for work yet? 6. Lay never (to travel) overseas. 7. The children already (to decide) what to do with the books. UNIT X Our COLLEGE EXERCISES І. Listen and repeat Come here, my dear. He lived near London for years.
Mary takes care of her hair. I dare swear.
Poor, tour, jury, The steward is sure to come.
II. Remember these sayings. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. Knowledge is power. Practice makes perfect. Work has a bitter root, but a sweet fruit. Where there is a will, there is always a way. III. Make a test and guess “Are you good at college? ” Answer these questions:
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