Изменение времён глагола в косвенной речи 

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Изменение времён глагола в косвенной речи

Прямая речь Косвенная речь
Present Simple Write Past Simple wrote
Present Continuous am/is/are writing Past Continuous was/were writing
Present Perfect has/have written Past Perfect had written
Present Perfect Continuous has/have been writing Past Perfect Continuous had been writing
Past Simple Wrote Past Perfect had written
Past Continuous was/were writing Past Continuous was/were writing или: Past Perfect Continuous had been writing
Past Perfect had written Past Perfect had written
Past Perfect Continuous had been writing Past Perfect Continuous had been writing
Future Simple will write Future-in the-Past would write
Future Continuous will be writing Future Continuous-in the-Past would be writing
Future Perfect will have written Future Perfect-in the-Past would have written
Future Perfect Continuous will have been writing Future Perfect Continuous-in the-Past would have been writing


Изменение модальных глаголов при переводе их в косвенную речь

can may – – could might must should – – must should


Изменение обстоятельства времени, места и некоторых указательных местоимений при переводе прямой речи в косвенную

Прямая речь Косвенная речь
Now сейчас then тогда
Here здесь there там
this/these это, этот/эти that/these то, тот/те
Today сегодня that day в тот день
Tomorrow завтра The next/following day на следующий день
Yesterday вчера the day before, the pre-vious day накануне
next week на следующей неделе the next / following week на следующей неделе
last week на прошлой не-деле The previous week за неделю до
last year в прошлом году The year before за год до

Задание 13.5. Переведите на русский язык. В скобках напишите слова, раскрывающие характеристику действия (сейчас, давно, вчера и т.д.)

– wrote stories

– was writing a story

– had been writing stories

He said that he – had written a story

– would write a story

– would be writing stories

– would have written a story

Найдите соответствия этим предложениям:

– пишет рассказ (сейчас)

– пишет рассказы (вообще)

– написал (только что, вчера)

Он сказал, что – пишет (уже давно, с какого-то времени)

– будет писать (завтра в 6 часов)

– напишет (к какому-то времени)

– напишет (когда-нибудь)

Задание 13.6. Передайте высказывания в косвенной речи.

1. “We have a lift but very often it doesn’t work”, they said. 2. “We have moved into our new flat”, said my aunt. 3. “Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun”, she said. 4. “Who put salt in my coffee?” he asked. 5. “Why did you travel first class?” I asked him. 6. “Don’t argue with you father”, I said. 7. “Please don’t leave the gate open”, the farmer said to visitors. 8. “Don’t climb that tree in your new trousers, Richard”, his father said. 9. “Did they understand what you said to them”, he asked. 10. The old lady asked, “Is this my seat?” 11. “I’m busy”, he asked. 12. “Please make yourselves comfortable”, she said to us. 13. He said, “I must go and make some calls”. 14. She said, “It may be true”. 15. When I met him last week, he said, “I’ll call on you tomorrow”. 16. “What are you looking for”, he asked the boy. 17. “Shall I repeat it?” he asked. 18. “Have you heard the news?” she asked me. 19. She asked me, “Are you hungry?” 20. She asked the doctor, “Shall I follow a strict diet?” 21. He said to Jim, “I’ll be writing my report at two o’clock tomorrow”. 22. The boy said to his mummy, “Don’t worry I’ll have learned the poem by heart by 5 o’clock”.


Ing-формы и ed-формы

Ing-формы (Participle I и герундий) имеют формы залога и относительного времени. Неперфектная ing-форма обозначает действие, одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого или будущего по отношению к глаголу-сказуемому. Перфектная форма обозначает действие, предшествующее глаголу-сказуемому.



Ed-формы (Participle II) имеют только пассивные значения и могут выражать как предшествование, так и одновременность.

The books translated… – переводимые – переведённые
ing-формы ed-формы
действительный залог страдательный залог действительный залог страдательный залог
V + ing translating writing being + V3ф. being translated being written   –     V + ed translated written
having + V3ф. having translated having written having been + V3ф. having been translated having been written   –

Ed-форма участвует в образовании временных групп Perfect и страдательного залога. В предложении ed-формы могут быть:

1. Частью сказуемого:

The work is done. – Работа выполнена.

2. Определением:

The method used depend on the material selected.– Используемый метод зависит от выбранного материала.

3. Обстоятельством:

When asked about it, he didn’t say a word. – Когда его спросили об этом, он ничего не сказал.

4. Частью сложного дополнения и обстоятельства, выраженных предикативным оборотом:

а) состав сложного дополнения с ed-формой:

существительное в общем падеже или местоимение в объектном падеже + ed-форма:

I want the letter posted at once. – Я хочу, чтобы письмо было немедленно отправлено.

I had my suit cleaned. – Я почистил костюм (его мне почистили, я отдавал его в чистку).

He hаs flat redecorated. – Он сделал ремонт квартиры (работали мастера).

б) состав сложного обстоятельства с ed-формой:

существительное в общем падеже + ed-форма (часто называют независимым оборотом).

We sat silent, he eyes still fixed on me. – Мы молча сидели, он неотрывно смотрел на меня.

Задание 14.1. Определите функцию ed-форм в следующих предложениях.

1. The man saved was a French sailor. 2. The man was a French sailor. 3. I want him saved. 4. If sent away now, the letter will arrive the day after tomorrow. 5. He described the method used by the engineer. 6. The engineer used the method described in the article. 7. The paintings discussed attracted the attention of many visitors. 8. The rule explained we started doing the exercise. 9. The rule explained is difficult. 10. We would like it explained again. 11. If explained, the rule will not seem difficult. 12. Explained again, the rule became quite clear to everybody. 13. She wants this name remembered. 14. When changed, the article was published. 15. If changed, the article will be published.


Задание 14.2. Прочитайте первое утверждение. Закончите второе утверждение согласно образцу и переведите их.

Model: 1. Wash my shirt 2. Clean the house 3. The house was painted 4. The car needs to be washed Get my shirt washed Have the house cleaned I had the house painted I want the car washed

1. Register the letter. Get … 2. Shorten that dress. Get … 3. Do this job. Get … 4. Wash those dishes. Get … 5. Clean your suit. Have … 6. Mend the jacket. Have … 7. Polish your shoes. Get … 8. The TV was fixed. I had … 9. The house is clean. I got … 10. The walls have been papered. I had … 11. The motor has been installed. We got …


Ing-формы могут быть частью сказуемого и вместе с предшествующим вспомогательным глаголом be составляют единое целое (времена группы Continuous).

Ing-формы, не входящие в состав собственно сказуемого, могут выступать в предложении в функции:

1. Подлежащего:

Smoking is bad for you. – Вам вредно курить.

There is no avoiding it. – Этого нельзя избежать.

2. Части сказуемого:

They began arguing. – Они начали спорить.

His hobby is collecting stamps. – Его любимое занятие – коллекционирование марок.

He finished reading. – Он кончил читать.

The film is worth seeing. – Фильм стоит посмотреть.

3. Дополнения:

I gave up smoking. – Я бросил курить.

Avoid catching cold. – Избегайте простуды.

We were surprised at hearing the news. – Мы были удивлены, когда услышали эту новость.

There is no harm in trying. – Попытка – не пытка.


4. Определения:

He gave up the idea of becoming an actor. – Он отказался от мысли стать актёром.

The quality of being advertised leaves much to be desired. – Качество рекламируемых товаров оставляет желать лучшего.

The students writing a test were from my group. – Студенты, писавшие тест, были из моей группы.

She is looking at the boys playing in the yard. – Она смотрит на мальчиков, играющих во дворе.

5. Обстоятельства:

Reading a book he made notes. – Читая книгу, он делал заметки.

He left without saying a word. – Он ушёл, не попрощавшись.

When crossing the road in he UK, look first to the right. – Переходя дорогу в Англии, сначала посмотрите направо.

On hearing his name he turned round. – Услышав своё имя, он обернулся.

Having written a letter he posted it. – Написав письмо, он отправил его.

6. Части сложного дополнения и обстоятельства, выраженных предикативным оборотом.

I saw him photographing the monument. – Я видел, как он фотографировал памятник.

I saw the monument being photographed. – Я видел, как фотографировали этот памятник.

We were told of Mr. Taylor arriving next week. – Нам сказали, что мистер Тейлор приезжает на следующей неделе.

In London there are a lot of museums, the largest being the British Museum. – В Лондоне много музеев, и самый большой из них – Британский музей.

Задание 14.3. Прочитайте предложение, определите функцию ing-формы и переведите на русский язык.

а) 1. William likes reading detective stories. 2. Reading is useful. 3. William liked being read to. 4. Having read the telegram twice, he understood that the matter needed immediate attention. 5. The girl reading a book is my sister. 6. Charles denies knowing these people. 7. Charles denies having asked any questions. 8. Charles denies being helped. 9. Charles denies having been helped. 10. Charles denies having been asked any questions. Don’t leave without speaking to the chief. 12. Not knowing the man, I can’t introduce you to him. 13. Having spent a month in the country, she looked much better. 14. Apartments facing south get more sunlight. 15. While going home from school Betty met some of her friends. 16. Thinking he was asleep I turned off the lights. 17. While waiting for a train, he read a magazine. 18. After leaving school his son went to work at a factory. 19. On learning the news she decided to go and see her cousin. 20. When crossing the street, be careful. 21. I remember leaving a message for you. 22. I remember his leaving a message for Mr. Blake. 23. Jane doesn’t like being spoken about. 24. His knowing English will help him in his work. 25. The film is worth seeing.

b) 1. The situation being favorable, they bought the shares (акции). 2. It being Sunday, the shops were closed. 3. There being a lot of things to discuss, the conference lasted for a long time. 4. Jack insisted on your making a report on Tuesday. 5. Ann was proud of her pictures being exhibited at the show. 6. He was disappointed at not being invited to yesterday’s party.

Задание 14.4. Замените придаточные предложения конструкциями с ing-формами. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. After they had finished the translation, the students had a break. 2. As I had lent my dictionary to a friend, I had to go to the library to get one to myself. 3. When you fill in a form, you must write the name and address clearly. 4. As we had a lot of time we didn’t hurry. 5. As I had left your telephone number at home, I couldn’t ring up you. 6. After I had read the book, I turned it to the library. 7. The people who live in this old block of flats will soon get new flats. 8. The question, which is being discussed now, is very important.



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