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Exercise 9 Write a reply to the model letter written by Mr. Duncan.


Exercise 10 Marcia Garcia tells us about her educational background. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases from the box below. You will need to put the verbs into the right tense.

apply, graduate, grant, honour degree, place, stay on, job, primary school, study, option, scholarship, subject, higher degree, PhD,

secondary school, thesis

1 I started at ___ in London when I was 5. 2 At the age of 11, I went on to ___, also in London. 3 At 17, I ___ to university. 4 I got a ___ at Manchester to ___ Engineering. 5 In fact I was awarded a ___. 6 But at the end of the first year I changed to another ___. 7 I ___ from university in 1988. 8 I have a first class ___ in Economics. 9 I decided to ___ at university. 10 So I did a ___ in business administration at the University of California. 11 During the course, I did an __ on small business development. 12 I found the topic so interesting that I applied for a ___ to do a doctorate on the same subject. 13 Once I had got the money, I had to write a 50,000 word ___. 14 So now I have a BA, an MBA and a ___.

15 All I need now is a ___.

U N I T 3


Company sends Inquiry if it wants to get information about goods, availability of goods, delivery dates, terms and discounts, method of transportation, insurance, prices of goods, obtain catalogues and samples of goods etc.

An Enquiry


4th May 2005

Hunter and Mercer Ltd.

Church Street


tel. 34709


The Sales Manager,

The Midland Carpet Co. Ltd,



Dear Sir,

As it is our intention to add a comprehensive carpet section to each of our fifteen branches - hitherto we have only stocked a limited range in the furnishing departments - we have decided to approach the principal manufacturers and select the best lines available at the most competitive prices.

We should be obliged if you would send us details of the various types of carpets that you have in production at the moment, together with price lists and terms for bulk buying.

As soon as we have examined your catalogues, we shall contact you to arrange a visit to your warehouse in order to inspect the carpets, choose what we require and discuss terms.


Yours faithfully,



J. Hunter

Managing Director

Reply to the Enquiry


PF/WJ 7th May, 2005

The Managing Director,

Hunter & Mercer Ltd,

Church Street,



Dear Sir,

We thank you for your letter of 4th May, enquiring about our range of carpets and requesting terms for bulk buying.

We have forwarded under separate cover a comprehensive selection of patterns and materials -including the new drylon fabric. We enclose herewith our price list, together with details of our terms for bulk buyers.

We look forward to hearing from and to receiving a visit from your buyer.


Yours faithfully,


P. Fennington

Sales Manager


Exercise 1 a) Translate the following expressions.

With regard to your advertisement in … of …, we would ask you...

We have heard of your products from …

We have seen your current catalogue showing …

We are interested in buying (importing, etc.) …

Would you please inform us if it is possible to deliver …

Please let us know what quantities you are able to deliver till …

Would you kindly quote your prices and terms of delivery (terms of payment, etc.) for …

We would like to have further details about …

Please send us samples of … (your catalogues, leaflets, etc.)

In connection with this …

Your prompt answer would be appreciated.

b) Translate the following sentences.

1 Нам би хотілось встановити контакт з виробниками. 2 Нам би хотілось репрезентувати ваші вироби на українському ринку. 3 Ваші вироби знайдуть у нас свого покупця. 4 Якщо ваші ціни влаштують нас (зразки відповідатимуть вимогам стандартів, ваше устаткування відповідатиме нашим вимогам та ін.), ми плануємо регулярно замовляти вашу продукцію. 5 Зазвичай ми здійснюємо оплату шляхом відкриття акредитиву (letter of credit). 6 Якщо зразки відповідатимуть нашим вимогам, ми зробимо велике замовлення. 7 Він збирається встановити контакти з постачальниками.


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