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Exercise 3 Match workers and their activities.↑ Стр 1 из 9Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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ЗАЛІЗНИЧНОГО ТРАНСПОРТУ Гуманітарний факультет
Кафедра “Іноземні мови”
Методичні вказівки з дисципліни “Ділова англійська мова” за темою “Види ділової документації” для студентів 3-4 курсів факультету економіки транспорту (англійська мова)
Харків, 2006
Методичні вказівки розглянуто та рекомендовано до друку на засіданні кафедри “Іноземні мови” 24 березня 2006р., протокол №8.
старш. викл. О.В. Коростильова, викл. О.В. Гаврилова
доц. С.М. Донець
1 position – посада; vacancy, opening position - вакансія 2 application – заява, звернення, прохання; application for the position – заява про зарахування на посаду; applicant – претендент, заявник 3 promising – перспективний, багатообіцяльний 4 effort – зусилля, напруга, спроба; make effort – зробити спробу 5 creative - творчий 6 competitive – конкурентноспроможний; competitive examination – конкурсний іспит 7 responsibility – відповідальність, обов’язок, платоспроможність; assume (accept, take) responsibility – узяти на себе відповідальність 8 skillful – умілий, досвідчений; syn experienced 9 reference – посилання, рекомендація 10 experimental period – випробний період; syn term of probation 11 salary – заробітна плата службовців; wages – заробітна плата виробників; fee – гонорар робітників мистецтва; fringe benefits – різні пільги; bonus - премія 12 deadline – кінцевий строк 13 labour contract (agreement) – трудова угода 14 work under pressure – працювати під напругою
Exercise 1 Find antonyms.
Exercise 2 Characterize each worker using the words mentioned below: director, secretary, bookkeeper, trading agent. How can you characterize yourself?
Exercise 3 Match workers and their activities.
Exercise 4 For each of the verbs below, three of the four words or expressions fit. In each case, find the one, which does not. 1 do →business, your homework, a profit, a deal; 2 make →money, a loss, a deal, business; 3 take →a long time, a decision, a deadline, appropriate measures; 4 have →progress, shares in a company, something to eat, a meeting; 5 launch → a product, a campaign, a ship, progress. Exercise 5 Sample Resume Giselle LaCarte 1107 S. 25th Street Milwaukee, WI 53215 (414) 384-1087 OBJECТIVE То serve as an admissions representative for а college or university, able to promote the college tо prospective students and their parents, organize orientation and visitation programs, and assess prospective student applications.
EDUCAТION ALLEGНENY COLLEGE, Meadville, Р А, Major: Psychology Minor: French, Graduation date: Мау, 1994 Junior Yеаr Abroad in Fraпce, - Attended the University of Sorbonne and the Laпgиage lпstitиte of Toиrs -Received full college credit for five courses taught completely in French -Proficient in French
Coтputer Faтiliarity Hardware: IВM РС, Macintosh, NeXТ Software: WordPerfect, MacWrite, Lotus 1-2-3, Ready, Set, Gol, PageМaker
SТUDENТ SERVICES EXPERIENCE 1992 -'93 Counseled and supervised а hall of 30 freshmen and upper-class women; established а communal and positive residence hall environment; handled stressful emergency and disciplinary situations оn а 24 hour basis; coordinated 3 educational and social programming events every ten weeks; served as а liaison between administrators and students. Devoted 30 hours per week tо position aпd тaiпtaiпed above average grades! Pledge Education Chairperson Winter, Spring '91 Coordinated and implemented а 16-week pledge program for 44 women; consulted Panhellenic board, faculty, administration, and sorority officers; chaired meetings/delegated responsibilities for an eight-person committee. Coordinator of Overnight Visitation 1991 - '92 Supervised overnight visits and weekend events for prospective students; innоvated efficient and effective approaches for student recruitment. Allegheny College Тоur Guide 1990 - '91 Promoted the College tо prospectives & families; provided faculty candidates with extensive tours and history of the College; demonstrated composure and effective public speaking before large groups.
Worked every sиттer, wiпter, aпd spring break dиriпg college! Aтoпg positioпs held iпclиde: varioиs child care, сатр coипselor, retail sales, secretarial aпd receptioпist positioпs. Write your own resume according the following points: Objective, qualifications, education, languages, work history, personal.
U N I T 2 B U S I N E S S L E T T E R S Writing business letters There are three kinds of letters: personal letters, business letters and official letters. There are some “Golden Rules” for writing business letters and memos. 1 Give your letter a headline. 2 Decide what you are going to say before you start writing. 3 Use short sentences. 4 Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph. 5 Use short words that everyone can understand. 6 Think about your reader: your letters should be clear, complete, concise, correct and addressed in a sincere, polite tone. The Structure of a Letter 1 Headline. Harper & Grant Limited A. Smith & Co., Limited or Brentwood School, Hambledon, Cumberland. The headline may include the reference with initials of the author of the letter and the typist, the number of a file Our reference (or our ref.) AC/DD/156 Your reference (or your ref.) 15/16/1865 In your reply please refer to FL/KD/151621 Kindly mention Ex. 16.11716 in your reply our file №12/16/1865 Please quote №1245/AB when replying
2 Date Date is written in the right corner of the letter under the headline. You may use one of these ways of writing the date. 12th September, 2006 12 September, 2006 September 12th, 2006 September, 2006 The names of the months are often shortened (except of March, May, June, July).
3 Address. Address (where the letter is sent to) is written on the left John Martin, Esq., Sales Manager, Harper & Grant Ltd., Great West Road, London, W. 25 or The Manager Windermere Bank, 68 Cambridge Street, London, W. 27 The address on the envelope is typed. The way of delivery should be mentioned. Registered Air-Mail Express Delivery. Back address is typed in the bottom of the envelope or on the backside of it.
4 Enclosure. If there is an enclosure, than the word Encl. is added after signature. 3 Enclosures or 3 Encl Encl: Cheque Enclosures: Bill of Lading, Insurance Policy, Invoice 5 The body of the letter. Business letters typically follow a number of steps, including the followings: 1) opening and closing greetings; 2) stating the reference at the beginning of the letter; 3) requesting; 4) explaining the reason for writing; 5) thanking; 6) enclosing documents; 7) apologizing; 8) expressing urgency; 9) confirming; 10) ending the letter.
Cathaway Road Telex: GW 900 GLASGOW Telegrams: FERTGLAS
Hector Grant, Esq., Managing Director, Harper and Grant Ltd., Great West Road, London, W.25. 17th July, 2002 Dear Mr. Grant,
Mr. Jock McPherson, whom we both know, has written to tell you about my forthcoming visit to London. I should very much like to meet you and see over your factory if that could be arranged. I hope to be in London on July 27th and 28th, and I should be grateful if you could let me know the day and time which would suit you best, as I can then go ahead and fit in my other appointments.
Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you,
Yours sincerely,
George Duncan
Managing Director G.P.DUNCAN & CO LTD.
Exercise 2 Choose the most appropriate explanation: manufacturer a) person who, firm which produces things b) book etc. as first written out or typed c) companion, fellow workman
to obtain a) get b) have lent or granted to oneself c) take place, happen cost a) price paid for a thing b) procession c) power or authority to direct, order or restrain to hope a) respect highly, feel honour for, confer honour on b) expect and desire c) jump on one foot appointment a) judgment, valuation b) enthusiasm c) arrangement to meet
Exercise 3 Give your agreement or challenge the following statements: a) Mr. Duncan is the Marketing Director of G.P.Duncan and Co. Ltd., manufactures of artificial fertilizers. b) He is interested in obtaining a loan for furnishing these new offices. c) Mr. Jock McPherson wrote to Mr. Grant about Mr. Duncan’s forthcoming visit to Liverpool. d) Mr. Duncan would be grateful if Mr. Grant could let him know the day and time of the appointment which would suit Mr. Duncan best.
Exercise 4 Fill in the blanks using the words and phrases given below in brackets: (to be of value, forthcoming, very much like, to be interested, to fit in) 1 A good friend of mine, George Duncan, would... to meet you and see over your factory. 2 He... in obtaining quotations for the cost of furnishing these new offices. 3 His visit may... to you. 4 I can then go ahead and... my other appointments. 5 Mr. Jock McPherson has written to tell you about my... visit to London. Exercise 5 Arrange the given words and phrases in order to make up sentences: 1 the Managing Director, artificial, of G.P.Duncan and Co. Ltd., is, manufacturers of, Mr. Duncan, fertilizers. 2 obtaining, these, furnishing, new, quotations, for, officers, the cost of, is interested, he, in.
3 very, to meet, your like, I, much, if you, over, arranged, that, could, should, be, see, factory, and. 4 grateful, the, day, would, be let, and, which, could, time, suit, I, best, grateful, me, you, if, know, you.
Exercise 6 Arrange the given sentences in order to make a letter: 1 Yours faithfully, S. Johnson Marketing Manager 2 Dear Sirs, 3 We should be obliged if you would kindly indicate whether you wish to wait or order an alternative model. 4 Messers Feltham and Reed, 210-214 Nelson Road, Warrington, Lancs. 5 We look forward to hearing from you. 6 With reference to your order number 1048, dated 30th May, we regret that item 2-MAYFAIR dining-room suite in walnut – will not be available until September. 7 18th June 2002 Exercise 7 Fill in the gaps with the following words: fall, cons, loss, reduce, weaknesses, peripheral, lay off. 1 We have to debate the pros and ___ of this project before we go ahead with it. 2 Let's look at the strengths and ___ of each application in turn and then we'll draw up a shortlist. 3 We expect a rise in sales next year followed by a steady ___ for two years after that. 4 It's simple: we have to increase our prices and ___ our costs. 5 You can see the general position if you look at the profit and ___ account in front of you. 6 We need to concentrate on our core business and sell off our ___ business. 7 It's easier to hire people when times are good than to ___ them when times are hard.
Exercise 8 Finish the following letter: 14th June 2002 The Secretary, Modern Homes Exhibition, Exhibition Centre, Manchester, M C1 3 BE
Dear Sir,
As we are particularly interested in having a stand at next year Modern House Exhibition, we should be grateful if you would kindly send us a copy of the prospectus as soon as it is available.
U N I T 3 I N Q U I R Y Company sends Inquiry if it wants to get information about goods, availability of goods, delivery dates, terms and discounts, method of transportation, insurance, prices of goods, obtain catalogues and samples of goods etc. An Enquiry JH/BB 4th May 2005 Hunter and Mercer Ltd. Church Street Hamilton tel. 34709
The Sales Manager, The Midland Carpet Co. Ltd, Adley.
Dear Sir, As it is our intention to add a comprehensive carpet section to each of our fifteen branches - hitherto we have only stocked a limited range in the furnishing departments - we have decided to approach the principal manufacturers and select the best lines available at the most competitive prices. We should be obliged if you would send us details of the various types of carpets that you have in production at the moment, together with price lists and terms for bulk buying. As soon as we have examined your catalogues, we shall contact you to arrange a visit to your warehouse in order to inspect the carpets, choose what we require and discuss terms.
Yours faithfully,
HUNTER & MERCER LTD J. Hunter Managing Director Reply to the Enquiry
PF/WJ 7th May, 2005 The Managing Director, Hunter & Mercer Ltd, Church Street, Hamilton.
Dear Sir, We thank you for your letter of 4th May, enquiring about our range of carpets and requesting terms for bulk buying. We have forwarded under separate cover a comprehensive selection of patterns and materials -including the new drylon fabric. We enclose herewith our price list, together with details of our terms for bulk buyers. We look forward to hearing from and to receiving a visit from your buyer.
Yours faithfully, THE MIDLAND CARPET CO. LTD P. Fennington Sales Manager Enc. Exercise 1 a) Translate the following expressions. With regard to your advertisement in … of …, we would ask you... We have heard of your products from … We have seen your current catalogue showing … We are interested in buying (importing, etc.) … Would you please inform us if it is possible to deliver … Please let us know what quantities you are able to deliver till … Would you kindly quote your prices and terms of delivery (terms of payment, etc.) for … We would like to have further details about … Please send us samples of … (your catalogues, leaflets, etc.) In connection with this … Your prompt answer would be appreciated. b) Translate the following sentences. 1 Нам би хотілось встановити контакт з виробниками. 2 Нам би хотілось репрезентувати ваші вироби на українському ринку. 3 Ваші вироби знайдуть у нас свого покупця. 4 Якщо ваші ціни влаштують нас (зразки відповідатимуть вимогам стандартів, ваше устаткування відповідатиме нашим вимогам та ін.), ми плануємо регулярно замовляти вашу продукцію. 5 Зазвичай ми здійснюємо оплату шляхом відкриття акредитиву (letter of credit). 6 Якщо зразки відповідатимуть нашим вимогам, ми зробимо велике замовлення. 7 Він збирається встановити контакти з постачальниками. Barlow Avenue York
The Sales Manager, Harper & Grant Ltd., Great West Road, London, W. 25 1st September, 2002
Dear Sir,
We are interested in the new filing cabinets advertised by you in the current number of the Office Equipment magazine (№ 1056, page 27), and we should like some more information.
At present we are using the drawer type filing cabinets and should like to know: 1) If the new system is easier and quicker to operate. 2) How many files can be stored in each cabinet? 3) What is the capacity of each file?
Our present office furniture is a light grey and we should like to match it as closely as possible. Could you let us see samples of the colours available? We should be grateful to receive a prompt reply as we are in the process of replanning our filing system throughout the firm.
Yours faithfully,
George Watkins DOGBERRY & SONS U N I T 4 LETTERS of OFFER Exercise 1 a) Translate the expressions. In reply (in response) to your letter of … We apologize for … = Please accept our apologies for … We have pleasure in offering you … We would welcome the opportunity … As requested by you … In accordance with (under) the contract enclosed … Your early reply will be appreciated. We are looking forward to hearing from you. = We expect your early reply. Please inform us (let us know) in the shortest possible time (at your earliest convenience). We wish (would like) to maintain cooperation with you. b) Translate the sentences. 1 З Вашого боку було дуже люб’язно проявити таку зацікавленість нашою роботою. 2 Наш детальний прейскурант запевнить вас у різноманітності нашого асортименту. 3 Ціна включає тару та транспортні витрати. 4 Як видно з нашого прейскуранту, ціни принаймні на 3% нижче, ніж ринкові. 5 Ми можемо надати вам 5% знижку. 6 Ми просимо вас ще раз розглянути нашу пропозицію та повідомити, чи можемо ми розраховувати на одержання замовлення. 7 Я прошу ваc швидше оформити замовлення, тому що кількість цього товару на складі обмежена. 8 Якщо вас не влаштовує наша пропозиція, просимо повідомити причину.
U N I T 5 LETTER OF ORDER U N I T 6 LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Exercise 1 a) Translate the word expressions. Thank you very much for your order No... of (dated)... As requested we enclose (are enclosing) the copy of your order, duly signed, as an acknowledgement. We confirm that delivery will be made by... We hope that you will have a good turnover, and that we will be dealing with your company in the future. Delivery will be made in conformity (accordance) with your instructions. We are sorry (we regret) to let you know (to inform you) that we cannot execute your order because of... The goods you ordered no longer available. We can offer you a substitute. b) Translate the sentences. 1 Наш новий перелік товарів буде готовий через тиждень, та ми відправимо вам екземпляр, як тільки він вийде з друку. 2 За вашим проханням додаємо екземпляр нашого останнього каталогу. 3 Я щойно вислав вам окремим пакетом наш новий каталог на цей рік. 4 Я висилатиму вам наші каталоги регулярно. 5 Якщо вам необхідна буде додаткова інформація, ми будемо раді її надати. 6 Ми розглядаємо цю діяльність як дуже важливу не тільки з погляду на використання нових технологій, але як подальший розвиток взаєморозуміння та співпраці між нашими компаніями. 7 Я гадаю, що ви б схвалили цю роботу. 8 Сподіваюсь, що ця інформація буде корисна для вас.
U N I T 7 TELEX LANGUAGE Telex language does not have fixed rules. Each writer has his or her own style. However there are some common features of telexes. 1 We generally miss out articles (the, a), pronouns, prepositions, and auxiliaries. Full sentence: We have sent the spare parts to you. Telex: SENT SPARE PARTS
2 Future forms are not necessary if time is mentioned, and prepositions of time can be omitted. Full sentence: The spare parts will arrive on 25 January. Telex: SPARE PARTS ARR 25 J AN
3 We generally use active sentences rather than passive. Full sentence: The information was sent last week. Telex: SENT INFO LST WK
4 Reductions: a) We often miss out vowels (a,e,i,o,u), but not when they start the word: confirm CFM obtain OBTN b) We usually use the beginning letters of longer words: Information INFO Company CO c) We usually use the first three letters of months and days of the week: January JAN Sunday SUN
5 Typical letter expressions are often abbreviated: as soon as possible ASAP with best regards RGDS for the attention of FAO Special abbreviations are used in telexes to save time and money. Unless you are quite certain that your reader will understand exactly what you mean, it’s best to use normal English. The kind of language that’s used in a telex is also used in electronic mail (e-mail) – messages sent from one computer to another. Exercise 1 Read the following telex and answer the questions: FAO: S JONES
1 Who is the telex sent to? 2 Who is the telex from? 3 When will Mr. Bowden be arriving at London Heathrow? 4 When does he want to meet Mr. Tomlinson? 5 When will he be leaving? 6 Will he take the underground from London Heathrow? 7 Will he be staying in London for the whole trip? 8 What does he want S. Jones to confirm by telex?
Saying «nо», which is almost always difficult in person, is easier in а letter. But when аn organization rejects а request made bу а customer, the organizational writer has to remember that future business and the organizational image аrе at stake. Тhе wording and approach have to bе careful. Тhе best way to рrераrе а reader for bad news is to demonstrate that what the reader has requested оr proposed has received due consideration. This consideration саn bе indicated bу referring specifically to the situation at hand and bу assuring the reader you know who hе оr she is. Тhе morе specific and personal the reference, the more palatable the refusal. Тhе opening of а «nо» letter should contain а buffer statement to get the reader into the right frame of mind. After the buffered beginning, the next step is to present the refusal along with аn explanation. What the writer wants the reader to do is соmе to а conclusion similar to the оnе expressed in the letter - that is, the negative outcome is the only outcome possible given thе circumstances facing the writer. Example: As you know, we receive а large number of grant proposals and, unfortunately, саn only approve а limited number. Our decision does not reflect аnу lack of interest in your project but rather our inability to stretch our resources to cover аll worthwhile requests. After having conveyed the bad news in the body of а «nо» letter, the writer has the opportunity to sweeten the reaction of the reader with а closing encouragement оr alternative. Тhrее strategies саn bе used herе: 1 When the reader has а customer relationship to the writer, а mild sales pitch at the end of the letter might bе appropriate. In most cases such а conclusion mау not result in future business right away, but it does suggest а willingnеss оn the part of the refuser to continue doing business with the reader. А good ехаmрlе would bе: «Though we аге unable to honor your claim at this time, we suggest that you try оnе of our other product lines that have similar capabilities and maintenance agreements available». 2 When the reader does not have а regular relationship with the writer (business оr otherwise), а mild statement of regret or а sincere goodwill wish might bе appropriate. For example: «We regret that we were unable to fund your program, but we wish you well in seeking funds from other sources». 3 When an alternative to the negative situation is possible, the writer might suggest this in the conclusion of the letter as in the following example: «Though we nо longer handle the RX line, we Understand that it is still available from _____». The writer should keep in mind, however, that steering readers in another direction after giving them а rejection could cost the writer the readers' loyalty. Exercise 1 Sample of an effective “No” Letter:
WНЕЕLER СОАСН AND ТRAILБR 18 Cameron Industrial Park Elkhart, Indiana 46514
Mr. John Keeps Amdek Tool and Die 2100 National Hwy. Elkhart, IN 465514 Apri1 26, 2003 Dear Mr. Keeps,
Your recent applica1ion to work with us оn a contractual basis regarding thе carbide-valve project has been given serious and careful consideration, and we appreciate your interest in Wheeler's. In thе past, we hаvе worked very successfully with outside vendors and in fact havе used this type of arrangement in meeting heavy production loads. We have usually found that, because of changing demands, we work best with vendors who are either familiar with our operations or who havе the capacity for immediate growth. Many of оur vendors havе been active in the market place for three or more years and consequently havе had а chance to get а good financial grounding. So, Mr. Keeps, while we arе unable to work with you at the present time, we would welcome thе chance to again consider your services in thе future. Perhaps in six months' time we mау again bе blе to review уоur quotations and bеgin а long and productive business rela1ionship. Once again, thank you for your interest in Wheeler's. Sincerely, N.P.Brown Exercise 2 Read the letter and answer the questions: You are a distributing wholesaler. You have been waiting for an order to arrive and you receive this letter about it: Your order ref. 57/BEH Dear Mr. S____ I am writing to apologize for the late delivery of this order. We normally pride ourselves on keeping to our delivery dates, but in this case the order was more complex and time-consuming than we had anticipated. Our revised delivery date is now Friday, November 22. Our truck will arrive at your warehouse after lunch and unloading will take approximately 1 hour. We hope that this revised date and time is suitable and we greatly regret any inconvenience that may have been caused. Yours sincerely,
J. Lorezini Export Sales Director, Medeo Industries
The problem is that Friday afternoon is a very busy time in the warehouse. However, the sooner you get the goods from Medeo, the sooner you can supply your own customers. 1 What are you going to do this time? 2 How will you solve this problem? 3 What will you write to Medeo? ЗАЛІЗНИЧНОГО ТРАНСПОРТУ Гуманітарний факультет
Кафедра “Іноземні мови”
Методичні вказівки з дисципліни “Ділова англійська мова” за темою “Види ділової документації” для студентів 3-4 курсів факультету економіки транспорту (англійська мова)
Харків, 2006
Методичні вказівки розглянуто та рекомендовано до друку на засіданні кафедри “Іноземні мови” 24 березня 2006р., протокол №8.
старш. викл. О.В. Коростильова, викл. О.В. Гаврилова
доц. С.М. Донець
1 position – посада; vacancy, opening position - вакансія 2 application – заява, звернення, прохання; application for the position – заява про зарахування на посаду; applicant – претендент, заявник 3 promising – перспективний, багатообіцяльний 4 effort – зусилля, напруга, спроба; make effort – зробити спробу 5 creative - творчий 6 competitive – конкурентноспроможний; competitive examination – конкурсний іспит 7 responsibility – відповідальність, обов’язок, платоспроможність; assume (accept, take) responsibility – узяти на себе відповідальність 8 skillful – умілий, досвідчений; syn experienced 9 reference – посилання, рекомендація 10 experimental period – випробний період; syn term of probation 11 salary – заробітна плата службовців; wages – заробітна плата виробників; fee – гонорар робітників мистецтва; fringe benefits – різні пільги; bonus - премія 12 deadline – кінцевий строк 13 labour contract (agreement) – трудова угода 14 work under pressure – працювати під напругою
Exercise 1 Find antonyms.
Exercise 2 Characterize each worker using the words mentioned below: director, secretary, bookkeeper, trading agent. How can you characterize yourself?
Exercise 3 Match workers and their activities.
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