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Exercise 6 Sample of Cover Letter WritingСодержание книги
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Allegheny College, Bох 2110 Meadville, РА 16335 April 13, 1993 Мr. John Неnry Employment Services Specialist Pittsburgh National Вank Pittsburgh, РА 15222-3779 Dear Мr. Неnry, Dan Sullivan refеrred your namе to mе. I wish to bе considered for а teller position in уоur bank this summer. Having worked in Allegheny College's Business Office and as а cashier for а local supermarket, I will bring strong communication and monеу management skills to а teller position. Му candidacy is unique. А true liberal arts major (biology), I have complemented mу science interest with several business-related courses. This is mу deliberate effort to strengthen the problem-solving skills biology develops, while cultivating а strong foundation for business. Working as а student secretary for the business office, I was entrusted with the delivery of large sums of monеу tо local banks. I have answered phones, alphabetized records, processed paid invoices, and prepared out-going checks. As а cashier I accurately gathered and counted thousands of dollars while maintaining positive, public relations with a diverse constituency. If уоu want а teller who has an ingrained work ethic and who will takе pride in her work, I аm the person for уоu. I will call within а week to see if уоu have received mу resume and to further discuss the opportunity. Тhank уоu for уоur consideration. Sincerely, Мyrnа Greenback Write your cover letter on the position of manager. Exercise 7 а) Translate the following phrases. 1 With reference to your advertisement in “Kiev Post” of Tuesday, January 10, I would like to apply for the position of … in your company. 2 I recently heard from … that there is a vacancy in your sales department. 3 I appreciate the opportunity to work on my own initiative and to take on a certain amount of responsibility. 4 Since my present position offers little prospect for advancement, I would prefer to be employed in an expanding organization such as yours. 5 Thank you for offering me the position of … 6 I have pleasure in accepting this position. 7 I am looking forward to commencing work on September 1. 8 I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept the position, since I have received another more attractive one.
b) Translate the sentences. 1 Ваша фірма має великі перспективи. Я би хотів Вас запитати, на чому ви збираєтесь зосередити свої зусилля у найближчі роки. 2 Нам потрібна сильна творча команда, щоб наша фірма з часом стала конкурентноспроможною на світовому ринку. 3 За що я буду відповідати та які будуть мої обов’язки у перший рік роботи? 4 Ви маєте бездоганні відгуки з попередньої роботи. Я вважаю, що ми почнемо з 450 доларів, а якщо Ви добре себе проявите, то через 3 місяці ми переглянемо Вашу заробітну плату. 5 Під час навчання для одержання посади, яку я займаю зараз, я закінчив курси маркетингу. 6 Мені б дуже хотілось зайняти посаду, про яку ми з Вами говорили, і я сподіваюсь, що Ви мене вважаєте серйозним кандидатом. 7 Мені здається, що мій досвід роботи у цій сфері не буде використаний повною мірою, тому я змушений відхилити цю пропозицію. 8 Яку заробітну плату Ви вважаєте гідною Вас? 9 – Коли Ви бажаєте, щоб я почав роботу? – Якщо це можливо, то через тиждень. 10 Мої три основні позитивні риси – це надійність, лояльність та енергія. Я звик працювати напружено.
U N I T 2 B U S I N E S S L E T T E R S Writing business letters There are three kinds of letters: personal letters, business letters and official letters. There are some “Golden Rules” for writing business letters and memos. 1 Give your letter a headline. 2 Decide what you are going to say before you start writing. 3 Use short sentences. 4 Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph. 5 Use short words that everyone can understand. 6 Think about your reader: your letters should be clear, complete, concise, correct and addressed in a sincere, polite tone. The Structure of a Letter 1 Headline. Harper & Grant Limited A. Smith & Co., Limited or Brentwood School, Hambledon, Cumberland. The headline may include the reference with initials of the author of the letter and the typist, the number of a file Our reference (or our ref.) AC/DD/156 Your reference (or your ref.) 15/16/1865 In your reply please refer to FL/KD/151621 Kindly mention Ex. 16.11716 in your reply our file №12/16/1865 Please quote №1245/AB when replying
2 Date Date is written in the right corner of the letter under the headline. You may use one of these ways of writing the date. 12th September, 2006 12 September, 2006 September 12th, 2006 September, 2006 The names of the months are often shortened (except of March, May, June, July).
3 Address. Address (where the letter is sent to) is written on the left John Martin, Esq., Sales Manager, Harper & Grant Ltd., Great West Road, London, W. 25 or The Manager Windermere Bank, 68 Cambridge Street, London, W. 27 The address on the envelope is typed. The way of delivery should be mentioned. Registered Air-Mail Express Delivery. Back address is typed in the bottom of the envelope or on the backside of it.
4 Enclosure. If there is an enclosure, than the word Encl. is added after signature. 3 Enclosures or 3 Encl Encl: Cheque Enclosures: Bill of Lading, Insurance Policy, Invoice 5 The body of the letter. Business letters typically follow a number of steps, including the followings: 1) opening and closing greetings; 2) stating the reference at the beginning of the letter; 3) requesting; 4) explaining the reason for writing; 5) thanking; 6) enclosing documents; 7) apologizing; 8) expressing urgency; 9) confirming; 10) ending the letter.
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