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3. What is the current problem with Steven’s glasses? They are to big. 4. Whose idea for a smart device seems to be the best? The idea of contact lenses with the same features. 5. What devices mentioned in the text could improve your life? The body sensors could improve my life
Задание № 3. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык, раскройте скобки, употребив выделенные глаголы в нужной видовременной форме: The way it was Today the police is able to make use of all kinds of scientific and technological aids in their fight against crime. Сегодня полиция в состоянии воспользоваться всеми видами научных и технологических средств в борьбе с преступностью This is was not always the case, however. Однако, это не всегда было так. In the early days of the British police force, during the nineteenth century, the police officer’s whistle was his main way of calling for help if he got into difficulty. В прежние времена полицейских сил Британии, на протяжении 19 века, свисток был для офицера полиции основным способом позвать на помощь, если он оказывался в затруднительном положении. Gradually, in the twentieth century, things begаn to improve. Постепенно в двадцатом веке ситуация начала меняться к лучшему. Those police officers lucky enough to be given a patrol car rather than a bicycle could also take advantage of radio communications. Этим полицейским, посчастливилось получить патрульную машину, а не велосипед, а также они могли пользоваться радиосвязью. In 1903, a new system for identifying people by their fingerprints was discovered. В 1903 году, была открыта новая система для идентификации людей по отпечаткам пальцев. Although it soon proved to be one of the most significant developments in crime investigation, a search of the national fingerprint collection could take days, if not weeks, until computers were introduced in the 1970s. Несмотря на то, что это было одним из самых значительных событий в расследовании преступлений, поиск в национальной коллекции отпечатков пальцев может занимл дни, если не недели, до тех пор, пока не были введены компьютеры в 1970-х годах. Задание № 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях предлогами места, времени и движения: 1. On weekends, we often go for long walks in the country. 2. I’ve been invited to …. a wedding of …. 14 February. 3. My car is being repaired in … the garage. It will be ready in …. two hours. 4. It took me a long time to find a job. In …. the end I got a job at …the hotel. 5. I wasn’t sure whether I had come … to. the right office. There was no name on … the door. 6. My brother lives in … a small village … in. the south-west of England. 7. My office is on …. the top floor. It’s in …. the left as you come out of the lift. 8. I wasn’t here when you phoned. I was at … my sister’s house. 9. My train arrives at … 11.30. Can you meet me at … the station. 10. Have you ever been in … China? Задание № 5. В предложениях вставьте правильные предлоги после глаголов и прилагательных. В некоторых случаях предлог не требуется: 1. Why are you always so rude with … your parents? Can’t you be nice to … them? 2. I’ve been trying to learn English, but I’m not very satisfied of …. my progress. 3. Helen works hard and she’s extremely good in her job. 4. I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh at me. 5. Why didn’t you answer to my letter? 6. I explained to everybody the reasons for my decisions. 7. I saw Sue as I was cycling along the road. I shouted to … her, but she didn’t hear me. 8. Don’t listen to …. what he says. He doesn’t know what he’s talking to. 9. I couldn’t find the street I was looking …, so I stopped someone to ask for … directions. 10. I don’t want to discuss about what happened last night. Let’s forget it. Задание № 6. Напишите нижеприведенные предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме: 1. My friend locked himself out of his house yesterday. Didn’t lock … Did your friend lock …? 2. My sister wears such strange fashions that everyone stares at her when she walks down the street. Does your sister wear…? My sister doesn’t wear … 3. We used to live in a small village, but now we live in London. We didn’t use … Did we use …? 4. Your friend has won some money. Has your friend won …? …didn’t win… 5. We were going to travel by train, but then we decided to go by car instead. Were you going to …? You weren’t go to… 6. We managed to find the restaurant you recommended. Did you menage …? You didn’t menage … 7. He has to get up at four. Yas he to get up…? He hasn’t to 8. The bus was late again. Was the bus …? The bus wasn’t late.. 9. There’s a lift in the building. Is there a lift…? There isn’t a lift… 10. You missed a great party last night. Did you miss …? You didn’t miss … Задание № 7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, употребляя составные предлоги и составные союзы в скобках, и переведите предложения на русский язык: (although, in spite of, as long as, because, because of, instead of, thanks to, due to, according to). хотя, несмотря на, тех пор, пока, потому что, из-за, вместо того, чтобы, благодаря, в результате, в соответствии с 1. The work is going on according to the schedule. 2. Due to the establishment of new bus routes the passenger service in the city was improved. 3. Who can repair the car instead of … him? 4. Thanks to computers we can process information millions times quicker. 5. Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. 6. I went home because. I was feeling unwell. 7. She only accepted the job because of the salary, which was very high. 8. I managed to get to sleep although …. there was a lot of noise. 9. In spite of ….. having very little money, they are happy. 10. I don’t mind if you come home late as long as you come in quietly. Задание № 8. Выберите из данных глаголов (а-d) тот, который больше всего подходит к данному предложению: 1. They would be offended if I didn’t go to the party. a) Would go b) go c) will go d) didn’t go 2. If you took more exercise, you … better. a) Would feel b) feel c) will feel d) felt 3) What …. you do if you won a lot of money. a) do b) did c) would d) are 4) If you … hard at your English you will pass your exam well. a) works b) work c) will work d) worked 5) If I were you I …….. a) Agree b) don’t agree c) wouldn’t agree d) will agree 6) If we ….. new methods, we would have saved a lot of time. a) Had used b) uses c) doesn’t use d) had been used 7) If you help me, I …. the engine in an hour. a) Repair b) repaired c) will repair d) don’t repair 8) If I ….. you, I’d see a doctor. a) Am b) are c) will be d) were 9) If you park here, you …. be find. a) Are b) will c) was d) don’t Задание № 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык: 1. Главный недостаток нового дизайна – его высокая, стоимость. 1. The main drawback of the new design - it is his high cost. 2. Его изобретение было признано во многих странах. His invention was recognized in many countries 3. Если вы пойдете быстрее вы доберетесь туда через два часа. If you go faster you'll get there in two hours. 4. Одним из главных достоинств этого самолета является его очень высокая скорость. One of the main advantages of this aircraft is a very high speed. 5. Я считал, что эта была хорошая идея, но он не согласился.. I thought that this was a good idea, but he did not agree. 6. Если ты увидишь его сегодня вечером, скажи ему, что я хочу с ним поговорить. If you see him tonight tell him that I will talk to him 7. Если ты мне одолжишь свою машину, я приеду на работу вовремя. If you lend me your car, I'll come to work on time 8. Если бы он пришел вчера, я бы попросила его помочь нам. If he came yesterday, I would ask him to help us. 9. Что бы вы сделали завтра, если бы были свободны? What will you do tomorrow if you are free? 10. Если ты будешь шуметь, ты разбудишь ребенка. If you make noise, you'll wake the baby. Задание № 10. Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами: SCIENCE 2002 ‘Science 2014’ is the name given to an IMAGINED development which aims to make SCIENTIFIC and technological developments exciting, even to people who thought they were INTERESTED in the subject. «Наука 2014»является названием, данным научному направлению, которое стремится сделать научные и технологические разработки захватывающими даже для тех, кто считал себя заинтересованным темой. As well as its main permanent EXHIBIT, there is also a changing SELECTED of educational programmеs, such as sessions for schools and colleges, and adult TRAINING courses. Наряду с его основной постоянной экспозицией, есть также изменяющиеся ОТДЕЛЬНЫЕ образовательные программы, таких как занятия для школ и колледжей, и учебные курсы для взрослых. Everyone can share the EXCITING of experiment and discovery. Каждый может разделить возбуждение от экспериментов и открытий. Even EXPERIENCED visitors can carry out simple experiments with the help of SPECIALISTS, who are always available to give them all the PRACTICAL advice and guidance they need. Опытные посетители могут даже выполнить простые эксперименты с помощью специалистов, которые всегда готовы дать им практический совет и необходимые рекомендации. What’s more, the friendly staff are keen to provide a welcoming atmosphere. Более того, дружелюбные сотрудники стремятся обеспечить уютную атмосферу. персонал Контрольная работа № 4 Вариант № 2 Задание № 1. Прочтите текст и письменно переведите на русский язык: The coiled serpent 1. Bad weather often disrupts our well-ordered plans, but occasionally it can become so extreme and violent that it threatens our homes, possessions and even our lives. That is why scientists are always studying threatening weather conditions in the hope of finding better ways to predict more accurately where and when they might occur, so that timely warnings can be given and appropriate action taken to avoid damage and loss of life. 2. One of the worst weather hazards faced by people in tropical areas is the storm known as a hurricane or cyclone. This is a rotating storm about 800 kilometers across. Around one hundred of these storms form across the world’s ocean each year, causing an enormous amount of damage when they hit land. They are so frequent in the Atlantic that each one is given the name of a person, starting with the letter A at the beginning of the year and then working through the alphabet. 3. The process by which an ordinary rainstorm changes into a hurricane involves so many unknown factors that meteorologists can only identify what they think happens. In the Atlantic, the starting point for many such storms is a calm area known as the Doldrums. The calm is, however, deceptive because from time to time the stillness of the Doldrums is broken by violent thunderstorms. most of these storms travel thousands of miles westwards and just die out, but occasionally, for reasons that are unclear, one will develop into an extremely dangerous cyclone. 4. The movement and characteristics of these tropical hurricanes are closely monitored by satellites and radar as well as by aircraft, whose pilots fly bravely into the turbulent clouds of the hurricane to record wind speeds and air pressure. However, even with such detailed information, predicting the course of a hurricane remains extremely difficult. 5. It is nonetheless for forecasts to be accurate, because the question of when and how to best prepare for a hurricane is a tricky one. If the alarm is raised, whole communities may be forces to abandon their homes. If there are too many false alarms, people may decide not to bother leaving next time, with disastrous consequences. Obviously a short-term warning of, say, twelve hours is more likely to be accurate, but the time needed for evacuation is often considerably longer than that. 6. The treat to island and coastal communities from tropical cyclones comes from a combination of enormous wind speed, high seas and heavy rainfall. A measure of the potential violence of a hurricane is the air pressure in the centre of the storm. The lower the pressure, the stronger the wind speeds, the higher the seas, and the heavier the rainfall. In affected areas, low-lying coastal communities with high population densities are always working to be prepared for the worst. 7. Once they reach land, hurricanes begin to die, cut off from their source of energy, but they can give rise to tornadoes. These are black, twisting clouds that suddenly appear from nowhere, travel at terrifying speed, move in unpredictable ways and cause catastrophic damage in seconds. Their small size and brief duration makes forecasting when and where they are likely to strike extremely difficult. Задание № 2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы: 1. What kind of weather conditions are especially threatening? 2. How and why do they happen? 3. How do scientists predict these conditions? 4. Why is it difficult to make accurate predictions? 5. What should people do to prevent damage and loss of life? Задание № 3. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык, раскройте скобки, употребив выделенные глаголы в нужной видовременной форме: Global warming The Earth’s climate (be) a very complicated system. What’s more, it is now widely recognized that human activity (be have) an effect on it. The pollution which results from the use of oil and coal in industry, as well as the increased use of private cars, (be cause) significant changes in temperature in many parts of the world. These changes often (have) a knock – on effect on other aspects of the climate, leading to things like extreme weather conditions and rising sea levels. Studying the changes which (be take) place and predicting those that are likely to happen in the future (be) now a major area of scientific research. The information which the scientists provide is very useful in helping governments to (predict) the effects of climate change and so be better prepared to cope with them. A much more serious problem, however, is how to (prevent) the situation from (get) worse. This (depend) on how quickly, and to what extent, the amount of pollution in the atmosphere increases. Although many countries have now (agree) to try and limit the pollution they create, much more needs to be (do). If no further action (be take), then temperatures are set to rise by about 0.2% per decade during the 21st century. Such a rate of warming is greater than anything that (have occur) over the last ten thousand years.
Задание № 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях предлогами места, времени и движения: 1. It’ difficult to listen if everyone is speaking …. the same time. 2. I’m busy just now, but I’ll be with you … a moment. 3. Are you going away …. the beginning of August or … the end? 4. There was a long queue of people …. the bus stop. 5. Do you know that man standing …. the door? 6. Is your sister …. this photograph? I don’t recognize her. 7. We got stuck in a traffic jam on our way … the airport. 8. We had lunch …. the airport while we were waiting for our plane. 9. Julia’s grandmother died recently …. the age 79. 10. I’m tired. As soon as I get …. home, I’m going ….. bed. Задание № 5. В предложениях вставьте правильные предлоги после глаголов и прилагательных. В некоторых случаях предлог не требуется: 1. We waited ages …….. a taxi. We gave ….. in the end and walked home. 2. The car broke …. and I had to phone for help. 3. A strange thing happened … me a few days ago. 4. I don’t believe …. working very hard. It’s not worth it. 5. My present job isn’t wonderful, but I prefer it …. What I did before. 6. Do you spend much money ….. clothes? 7. The country is divided …. six regions. 8. Some words are difficult to translate ….. one language …. another. 9. What happened …. the money I lent you? What did you spend it ….? 10. I wanted to go out alone, but my friend insisted …. coming with me. Задание № 6. Напишите нижеприведенные предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме: 1. They live on a busy main road. 2. There used to be a church here. 3. She had a great holiday. 4. We’ve got a problem. 5. I gave him a key to our house. 6. The police want to interview two men about the robbery last week. 7. Life has changed a lot in the last thirty years. 8. He never gets up before 9 o’clock. 9. My brother has always been very healthy. 10. We missed our train because we were waiting on wrong platform. Задание № 7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях необходимыми местоимениями в скобках, и переведите предложения на русский язык: (no, nothing, anybody, anything, something, somebody, any, nobody, some, ours, nothing,) 1. I don’t remember …. about the accident. 2. I shouted for help, but …. came. 3. Last night we went out with some friends of ….. 4. Can I have …. milk in my coffee, please? 5. There’s ….. on at the cinema that I want to see, so there’s no point in going. 6. There’s …. at the door. 7. I haven’t got …. money. 8. She didn’t tell …. about her plans. 9. We had to walk home because there were …. taxis. 10. I’m hungry. I want …. to eat. Задание № 8. Выберите из данных глаголов (а-d) тот, который больше всего подходит к данному предложению: 1. If I won the lottery, I …. on an exotic holiday. a) Will go b) would go c) went d) am 2. ….. we reached the station, the train had left. a) By the time b) if c) whether d) as 3. We …. dinner when the phone rang. a) Ate b) were eating c) has eaten d) was eaten 4. Jame’s car ….. last night. a) Is stolen b) were stolen c) was stolen d) will be stolen 5. Colin …. his wallet stolen twice this year. a) Will have had b) had had c) has had d) have had 6. John is very honest. He always …. the truth. a) Told b) say c) tells d) speak 7. He said he …… her the following day. a) Calls b) had called c) would call d) will call 8. The police ……….. investigating the crime. a) Is b) will c) are d) was 9. Simon said that he ….. a great time at the party. a) Had had b) has had c) is having d) has 10. If I had locked up my bike, it …… have been stolen. a) Would b) wouldn’t c) didn’t d) could Задание № 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык: 1. Они живут в Париже с 1970 года и считают, что это самый красивый город в Европе. 2. Я думаю, что она вернется к концу недели. 3. Мне бы хотелось поговорить с г. Смитом. Извините, он сейчас занят, его интервьюируют. 4. Сколько дней вы работаете над своим докладом? 5. Он сказал, что хочет поехать в Японию, так как никогда там не был. 6. Двадцать лет назад мало людей понимали, что компьютеры будут частью нашей жизни. 7. Ее советы всегда полезны. Они очень мне помогают. 8. Какая ужасная погода. Идет дождь и дует холодный ветер. 9. Нам сказали, что мы сегодня свободны. 10. Ты знаешь, когда была написана эта статья? Задание № 10. Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами: 1. Scientists are preparing a report and will publish their (conclude) next month. 2. There are fewer (differ) than you may imagine between apes and humans. 3. The dictionary gives a complicated (define) of intelligence. 4. You can often predict the weather by observing the (behave) of animals. 5. Tornadoes can have (disaster) consequences. 6. Forecasters rarely predict the weather very (accurate). 7. The students listened to the counsellor in (silent). 8. When I was a child I wanted to be an (explore). 9. There is so much noise and (pollute) in towns and cities. 10. I found the lecture about the environment very (inform). Контрольная работа № 4 Вариант № 3 Задание № 1. Прочтите текст и письменно переведите на русский язык: The greatest of All Time 1. The sixteenth-century Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci must be one of the greatest men who has ever lived. He is best remembered as a painter and a sculptor, but the extent of his abilities in other areas of knowledge is still a source of astonishment to scholars today. A recently published book describes him as the world’s first real scientist and shows just how great his achievements really were. 2. Leonardo’s imagination was so vivid, his thirst for knowledge so powerful, that he dreamt up inventions that, at the time, seemed quite impossible. He produced drawings, plans and diagrams of pieces of equipment which have come into being only in the last hundred years or so. For example, he worked out the principles for a parachute, a diving suit, contact lenses and the camera, long before the world was ready for them. 3. What drove Leonardo was his desire for information. Rather than accept what people at the time could understand and explain, he looked for a new understanding of how nature worked, gained through observation and experiments. Leonardo’s ideas remained largely unpublished and unknown for years after his death, however. Meanwhile, other people, ignorant of his findings, struggled to make the discoveries described in his notebooks all over again. If his ideas had been common knowledge, western science might have progressed much faster. For example, he had sketched designs for a telescope one hundred years before Galileo came up with the same idea. 4. Although Leonardo was a very good painter, and was in great demand, he was more interested in his experiments. He wrote details of these in his notebook. By nature, Leonardo was a secretive man and always suspicious that others might steal his ideas. So from the beginning, his notebooks were written in various codes, including one known as mirror writing, where the words are written in such a way that they can only be read in a mirror. Although Leonardo’s discoveries destroyed many theories which existed at the time, unfortunately, few of them came to light during his lifetime. 5. And, what’s more, all was nearly lost when he died in 1519. He entrusted the job of sorting out his notes to a young man called Francesco Melzi. But the task was beyond his capabilities. Melzi’s son, who inherited them, was equally unable to cope and abandoned them in an attic cupboard. When the notebooks were eventually rediscovered, there were 13,000 pages remaining, containing 1,500 diagrams and anatomical drawings. Some had, however, already been lost to treasure hunters. The pages are now divided between museums and libraries all over Europe. 6. One of the great mysteries of Leonardo’s character is that he started so much and finished so little. Only a handful of his paintings were completed, few of his inventions were ever made and the books he aimed to write remained unpublished. It’s almost as if he was involved in so many investigations, which led him on to even more unanswered questions, that he was never able to call a halt. Towards the end of his life, he must have realized that the world of nature was too large and complicated for even a brain like his to fully understand.
Задание № 2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы: 1. Why were Leonardo’s inventions so remarkable? 2. How many people knew about Leonardo’s findings? 3. Why did he write his notes in such a way that others could not understand them? 4. What did Leonardo care about most? 5. Were Leonardo’s ideas published? Задание № 3. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык, раскройте скобки, употребив выделенные глаголы в нужной видовременной форме: The home of the future Before the 1800s, few homes (have) any luxuries. Devices like vacuum cleaners and dishwashers only (appear) in the 1900s. Until then, all housework (have) to be done by hand and this took a very long time. The home of the future (will be design) to offer its inhabitants a secure, comfortable and adaptable environment. Architects and engineers will take advantage of advances in electronics. They will create living spaces that can easily be altered by the occupants. Intelligent devices will play an important role in many houses. Robot cleaners and ‘smart’ exercise machines that can monitor health will be as common as today’s microwave ovens and washing machines. Experts (predict) that by 2025, the average home will have as much computing power as a nuclear power station in the 1990s. Computers will be small and cheap and we will be (can) to have them everywhere. They will be able to sense our presence and adjust the light and temperature automatically, according to our needs. By 2015, designers (will have create) furniture that can change shape and colour. They may (have design) a robot vacuum cleaners which detects dirt and it cleans it up automatically. Задание № 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях предлогами места, времени и движения: 1. I don’t go … work … Sundays. 2. My son was born … Christmas Day … 10:30 pm … 1998. 3. Have you ever been ……. Chine? 4. I’m tired. As soon as I get ….. home, I’m going ….. bed. 5. What time does this train arrive …. London. 6. He’ll be back …. a week. 7. I’ll meet you …. the entrance …. the hotel. 8. Have you seen this picture …. today’s paper? 9. I last saw her ….. David’s wedding. 10. What are you doing …. home? I expected you to be … work. Задание № 5. В предложениях вставьте правильные предлоги после глаголов и прилагательных. В некоторых случаях предлог не требуется: 1. She smiled … me as she passed me by … the street. 2. What happened … the picture that used to be … that wall? 3. The police is responsible … maintaining law and order. 4. I’m sorry … being late. 5. The economy of Russia mostly depends … oil and gas. 6. I want to listen … the radio. Can you turn it …? 7. A stranger approached … me … the street and asked me … money. 8. I’m interested … football, but I’m not very good … basketball. 9. He insisted … visiting Peter. 10. He got angry and shouted … me. Задание № 6. Напишите нижеприведенные предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме: 1. By that time we had already changed our plans. 2. The new engine is being tested in the laboratory. 3. We had to find a safe place for the pictures. 4. He was allowed to use the mobile equipment. 5. The book is as interesting as you think. 6. The child wanted to be taken seriously. 7. They insisted on the question being reconsidered. 8. There are always some problems to be solved. 9. I shall have to take a local train. 10. Before the experiment the substances are mixed in a large cup. Задание № 7. Раскройте скобки, переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на условные придаточные предложения:
1. If I (not have) a car, I won’t spend so much money on petrol. 2. She’ll phone her mother when she … (get) to London. 3. I’ll cook dinner when I … (get) back home. 4. We’ll leave as soon as the baby-sitter … (arrive). 5. We’ll do our Christmas shopping as soon as we … (be paid). 6. He’ll be a lawyer when he … (grow) up. 7. I … (help) you if I have time. 8. You can wait here until she (come). 9. He’ll go out after he … (finish) his job. 10. He … (leave) as soon as he received the telegram. Задание № 8. Выберите из данных глаголов (а-d) тот, который больше всего подходит к данному предложению: 1. What …. you do if you won lots of money? a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t 2. If you make so much noise, I ……. be able to sleep. a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’ 3. They …….. have to hurry or they …… miss the train. a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t 4. If she had locked all the doors, the burglars …. have got it. a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t 5. If my train is late, ….. I …. take a taxi. a)will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t 6. He must build a strong boat, otherwise he …. be able to sail round the world. a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t 7. You ….. understand unless you listen carefully. a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t 8. If he hadn’t cut his finger, it ……. not have hurt for weeks. a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t 9. I …. give you $ 5 if you do me a favour. a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t 10. They ….. have missed the last bus if they had hurried. a) will ………. b) won’t ………. c) would ………. d) wouldn’t Задание № 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык: 1. Мы знаем друг друга уже четыре года. 2. Он понял, что никогда ее не забудет. 3. Она сказала, что идет дождь и нам лучше остаться дома. 4. Сколько дней вы уже читаете эту книгу? 5. Он думал, что его друзья работают вместе. 6. Она жила в этом доме уже пять лет, когда приехал ее брат. 7. Только когда она была в поезде, она вспомнила, что оставила книгу дома. 8. Наступила зима, и теперь мы опять будем часто ходить на каток. 9. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли к дому; дул сильный ветер, и становилось всё холоднее и холоднее. 10. Когда Том вышел из дома, все ребята играли в футбол. Задание № 10. Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами: 1. Advances in technology will make our lives easier and more … (INTEREST). 2. They walked … into the castle (SLOW). 3. Through the … they could see that it was a woman in a long dress (DARK). 4. She was crying … (QUIET). 5. Some types of oyster cannot be eaten, but they produce … pearls, instead (BEAUTY). 6. She was a … but she also loved to paint and draw things (TEACH). 7. I love my job even though it’s … (DANGER). 8. In the past, it was quiet … to see a woman firefighter (USUAL). 9. Emily has a very good …, so she’s good at writing stories (IMAGINE). 10. Many people look forward to their … after years of working hard (RETIRE).
Контрольная работа № 4 Вариант № 4 Задание № 1. Прочтите текст и письменно переведите на русский язык:
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