Task 4. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form. 

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Task 4. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form.


1. There (to be) … two heads in the country.

2. The Queen (to have) … also a number of ministers, who (to bear) … the responsibility for her royal acts.

3. The Parliament in GB (to exist) … since 1265.

4. Almost all British citizens of 18 years old or older (may) … vote.

5. The Speaker (to appoint) … by the Government.

6. Each political party (to have) … its leader, who (to take) … part in elections.

7. Political parties (to be) … necessary to British system of government.

8. The monarch (to appoint) … the Prime Minister after each general election.

Task 5. Learn the following words and word combinations:

1. Head of the Commonwealth Глава Содружества
2. Duke of York Герцог Йоркский
3. formerly прежде
4. initially изначально
5. prospect перспектива
6. succeeding следование
7. to abdicate отказываться
8. heir наследник (ца)
9. outbreak внезапное начало
10. to join присоединяться
11. Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service Женская вспомогательная территориальная служба (существовала во время 2-й мировой войны)
12. distant cousin дальний родственник
13. duke герцог
14. couple пара
15. immediately незамедлительно
16. to be crowned быть коронованным
17. duty обязанность
18. ceremonial responsibilities церемониальные обязанности
19. sovereign монарх, государь
20. foreign зарубежный, иностранный
21. tour поездка, тур
22. despite несмотря
23. controversy противоречие, спор
24. royal королевский
25. to remain оставаться
26. overseas за рубежом
27. Her Majesty Ее Величество
28. to behave вести себя
29. obligatory обязательный
30. code закон, правило
31. courtesy вежливость, учтивость


Task 6. Read the text and translate it.

Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II became queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1952. In addition, she is the head of the Commonwealth. Elizabeth was born on 21 April 1926 in London, the first child of Albert, Duke of York, and his wife, formerly Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. (Ле́ди Елизаве́та Бо́уз-Ла́йон). She initially had little prospect of succeeding to the throne until her uncle, Edward VIII, abdicated in December 1936. Her father then became George VI and she became heir.

Elizabeth and her younger sister Margaret were educated at home. On the outbreak of war in 1939, they were evacuated to Windsor Castle. In 1945, Elizabeth joined the war effort, training as a driver in the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service (WATS). In November 1947, she married a distant cousin, Philip Mountbatten (formerly Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark), who was created duke of Edinburgh. The couple has four children. George VI died on 6 February 1952 while Elizabeth and Philip were in Kenya. She returned home immediately, and was crowned at Westminster Abbey in June 1953. For more than 50 years, during a period of great change in Britain, the Queen has carried out her political duties as the head of state, the ceremonial responsibilities of the sovereign and a large annual program of visits in the United Kingdom as well as numerous foreign tours.

Despite the controversies and scandals surrounding her children and other members of the royal family, she remains a respected head of state. In 2015, Elizabeth celebrated 63 years on the throne and her 89th birthday. The Queen meets thousands of people each year in the UK and overseas. Before meeting Her Majesty, many people ask how they should behave. The simple answer is that there are no obligatory codes of behavior – just courtesy.

Task 7. Learn the following words:

1. in full полностью
2. research department исследовательский отдел
3. compare оценивать
4. rejuvenating омолаживающий, свежий
5. unexpectedly неожиданно
6. strong show фурор
7. to resign подать в отставку
8. to retain приглашать
9. instead вместо
10. а clear majority подавляющее большинство
11. cerebral palsy церебральный паралич
12. tie связь



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