Циркулярное письмо (Circular letter) 

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Циркулярное письмо (Circular letter)

Циркулярные письма пишут, чтобы поставить в известность деловых партнеров о произошедших изменениях, вызванных слиянием, поглощением фирм, новыми назначениями, переходом людей на другие места работы и т.д.


Dear Sir/Madam,

We have pleasure in informing you that, because of the increased demand for our sportswear we are opening a new branch of our business at 40 High Street, Manchester.

May we suggest an early visit to our showrooms in High Street. We shall be pleased to welcome you.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sirs/Mesdames,

We have pleasure in informing you herewith that our office in… will also deal in ferroalloys for steel industry, beginning from 01 May, 2000.

We hope for further improvement of our relations and cooperation in this new place.

Yours faithfully,





phone 210-555-1633 / fax 210-555-1634

July 5, 2009

Mr. Jean-Bernard Monnier

Banque de Paris

24 rue Linois

75740 Paris, France

Dear Mr. Monnier:

On July 1, 2009, the name of our firm was changed to Justin-Hill-Ross & Associates. The address, telephone number, and facsimile number are the same.

Justin and Hill recently bought the firms, Bagwell, Newell, and Ross & Associates. Two former owners in those firms—Laurence Bagwell and Anne Newell—are no longer associated with our new firm. Our office, at the address printed on this letter, will operate as usual. We expect to offer the same full range of services to our clients.

We appreciated the opportunity to serve you in the past. We hope this fine relationship will continue in the future. Justin-Hill-Ross & Associates will always work hard to provide the best service possible to you and your company.


Evan Justin III


Письмо-рекламация (Letter of Complaint)

Основными причинами отправки писем-рекламаций являются следующие: недопоставка товара, поставка недоброкачественных товаров либо не тех товаров, которые были заказаны, задержки в поставке, отправка по неправильному адресу, повреждения товара, производственные дефекты, обнаруженные при эксплуатации оборудования.


Dear Sirs

Our order no. VF449766 of 4 July 2007

The goods ordered under this number arrived today in good condition, and your invoice has been checked and found correct.

However, we have to point out that these articles were ordered subject to their arriving here by the end of August. Since they did not reach us until 14 Sep­tember, we have been hard pressed to meet our commitments to our own customers.

As you will no doubt understand, a recurrence of this situation could well result in our customers placing orders elsewhere, and this is a risk we are un­willing to take. We must, therefore, insist that you observe delivery deadlines for future orders.


Dear Sirs

Our order nos. 6531, 6687, 6866 and 6892

As we have repeatedly pointed out to you, prompt delivery on your part is essential if we are to maintain satisfactory stock levels and fulfill our produc­tion schedules.

Each of the four orders listed above has arrived later than the date stipulated, and order no. 6892 was delayed by almost a month, with the result that we have had to reduce production by some 5 per cent. We cannot possibly allow this situation to continue, and are sorry to have to tell you that unless you can guarantee to deliver supplies by the dates speci­fied in future orders, we will be forced to look for another supplier.

We hope to hear from you very soon.

Yours faithfully


Customer receives wrong goods

Dear Sirs

Our order no. J733

Wehave received the documents and taken delivery of the goods which ar­rived at Port Elizabeth on the S.S. Castle yesterday.

Weare much obliged to you for the prompt execution of this order. Every­thing seems to be correct and in good condition except in case no. 14.

Unfortunately, when we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles from those ordered, and we can only presume that a mistake has been made and that this case is part of another order.

As we need the articles we ordered to complete deliveries to our customers, we must ask you to arrange for replacements to be dispatched at once. We attach a list of the contents of case 14, and would be glad if you would check this against our order and your copy of the invoice. In the meantime we are holding the case at your disposal; please let us know what you wish us to do with it.

Yours faithfully


Dear Sirs

We are very sorry to have to inform you that your last delivery is not up to your usual standard. The material seems to be too loosely woven and is inclined to pull out of shape. By separate mail we have sent you a cutting from this mate­rial, also one from cloth of an early consignment, so that you can compare the two and see the difference in texture.

We have always been able to rely on the high quality of the materials you sent us and we are all the more disappointed in this case because we supplied the cloth to new customers. As we shall have to take it back we must ask you to let us know, without delay, what you can do to help us in getting over this difficulty.

Yours faithfully


Mr Simpson

Simpson & Co PLC 13th July, 2000



Dear Sir,


We are sorry to have to inform you that in the consignment of equipment we have received against the above Contract there are several broken cases and some machines are damaged.

We are sending you the report signed by our inspectors from which you will see the extent of the damage.

Also, we would like to draw your attention to a fortnight's delay in shipp­ing the machines. This is an infringement of Clause 4 of the Contract which, you may well see, also stipulates payment by the Supplier of damages in case of delay in delivery.

So we ask you to transfer to our account the sum of the penalty and to strictly observe the terms of the Contract in future.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully


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