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Lecture 8. Organizational basics of life safety↑ Стр 1 из 6Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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Lecture 8. Organizational basics of life safety Definitions of life safety. Health and Life Safety (HLS) - an area of knowledge, which studies the dangers threatening man (nature), the patterns of their existence and how to protect against them.Safety - is the goal. Life Safety – achievement safety or security. Safety - is a state of activity at which a certain rate possible damage to human health. Vital activity - combines two concepts of "life" and "activity". In determining three points are essential: danger, man (nature), protection. Danger - phenomena, processes, objects that can in certain circumstances be detrimental to human health, directly or indirectly, ie, cause undesirable consequences. The WHO Constitution (1958) defined: health - is "a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." The goal life safety - providing comfortable conditions of human activity at all stages of its life cycle and regulatory acceptable levels of exposure to negative factors on the human and natural environment. Tasks of life safety are reduced to the theoretical analysis and the development of methods of identification (detection and quantification) of hazardous and harmful factors, generated by the elements of the environment (hardware, processes, materials, buildings and structures, elements of the technosphere, natural phenomena). The range of scientific tasks also include: a comprehensive assessment of the impact of adverse conditions multivariate data on the performance and health of the person; Optimization of conditions for work and recreation; implementation of new methods of protection; simulation of emergency situations and others. The terms of practical problems primarily due to the choice of principles for the protection, development and rational use of human resources and the protection of the natural environment (biosphere) from the negative effects of man-made sources and natural disasters, as well as tools that provide a comfortable living environment condition. The object of the study of LS as a science is an environment or a human habitat. The environment due to the genesis (origin) can be classified into non-production and production. Labour, the natural environment, the general culture subjects as part of the human environment alone are the object of study of many natural and social sciences: political economy, philosophy, health, ergonomics, sociology, engineering, psychology and others. Life safety consists of four sections: 1. the theoretical foundations of LS; 2. LS in the conditions of production (labor protection); 3. natural aspects of LS (environmental protection); 4. LS in emergency situations. By the nature of the adverse/unfavourable effects on the human organism influencing factors referred to harmful and dangerous. Harmful factors that contribute causes of illness or reduced performance under certain conditions. These factors include: dust and air pollution; noise; vibration; electromagnetic fields; ionizing radiation; Raising and lowering atmospheric parameters (temperature, humidity, air mobility, pressure); insufficient and improper lighting; the monotony of activities; hard physical labor; toxic substances; Contaminated water and food, and others. Dangerous factors that contribute to traumatic injuries (violation of body tissues and disruption of its functions) or other sudden and abrupt breakdown of health. These factors include: fire, shock wave, hot and super cooled surface; electricity; vehicles and moving machine parts; poisons; and sharp falling objects; laser light; acute ionizing radiation and others. Negative factors everyday: air contaminated products of natural gas combustion, emission CHP, industry, transport and waste incineration devices; water content of harmful impurities; poor quality food; noise; infrasound; vibration; electromagnetic fields from synthetic materials, home appliances, TVs, displays, power transmission lines; medicines in the excessive and improper use of them; alcohol; tobacco smoke; bacteria; natural background, and other factors. The following classification categories occur: by the nature of origin: natural, technogenic, anthropogenic, mixed; by the time negative impacts occurrence: impulsive, cumulative; by localization: in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, in outer space; caused by consequences: fatigue, illness, injury, death, accidents, fires, explosions, flooding, etc.; by the gained damage - social, technical, economic, environmental; by the spheres of manifestation - consumer, industrial, sports, military, road transport; by the structure (structure): simple and complex; by the nature of human exposure - active, passive. Dangerous and harmful factors due to human activities and the products of its labor, called anthropogenic. Anthropogenic natural/physical factors include: mechanical effects, thermal effects, the impact of other forms of energy. Mechanical influences are formed by moving machines and mechanisms, move materials, blanks, items, unprotected moving parts of equipment, loss of balance and falling of workers. They can cause injury and death. Adverse thermal effects lead to a breach of thermoregulation, overheating and heat stroke. Adverse thermal effects lead to a breach of thermoregulation, overheating and heat stroke. Many industrial processes are accompanied by noise and vibration, long-term exposure that leads to hearing loss, noise disease, disturbances in the cardiovascular system. Electric current, electric and magnetic fields can lead to injury and disease, closures, explosions and fires. UV, infrared, laser radiation leads to health disorders, to a decrease in efficiency. Ionizing radiation causes radiation sickness. Chemical factors - a variety of chemicals that make up the air, water, dust, food, as well as the pollutants (waste and disposal enterprises). Natural factors, coming with food, water, air, are important for human life. These include protein, vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals and others. Perhaps the natural environment pollution during the eruption of volcanoes, geysers action when hurricanes, tornadoes. The most significant environmental harm applied industrial and agricultural enterprises, polluting the water and air with pesticides, fertilizers, dyes, heavy metals, detergents, waste mineral and organic origin. The most dangerous chemicals of anthropogenic factors is a chemical weapon, which is based on chemical warfare agents. Biological factors may be found in all environments - water, air, soil, food, manufacturing, life. They are the source of the food and pharmaceutical industries, farms and livestock farms, sewage treatment plant. Biological pollution includes pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products, biological plant protection.
Types of technogenic danger The potential danger - the threat of a general nature, not related to space and time. For example, in the phrase "the noise is harmful to human," "hydrocarbon fuel fire and explosive" refers only to the potential danger to human noise and combustible substances. The real danger - a particular threat to human exposure, it is coordinated in space and time.
Realized danger - a fact the impact of real danger to human and / or habitat, which resulted in the loss of health or death to a person end, to financial losses. If the tanker explosion led to its destruction, loss of life and / or fire in buildings, it is realized the danger. Realized dangers are divided into the incident, emergencies, accidents, and natural disasters.
In the social sphere is a dangerous situation, as in other spheres of life - it is possible or real event, a process that can harm a person, society and the state, as well as detrimental to their well-being, to destroy the natural, material and spiritual values. Social danger always is substantive in nature, filled with concrete content in the case of a clearly expressed its dangerous condition often takes on specific legal characteristic which most often fixed in the regulatory and legal acts.
Social dangers are numerous.
Man-made terrorism - the use or threat of use of nuclear, radiological, chemical, bacteriological (biological) weapons or their components, pathogenic microorganisms, radioactive and other harmful substances people, as well as the seizure, disabling and destruction of nuclear, chemical or other facilities increased technological and environmental hazards, life-support systems of cities and other settlements.
Dangerous manifestations of terrorism is a high-tech computer terrorism or cyberterrorism. This form of terrorism is of particular concern due to the high vulnerability of computer control systems of critical infrastructure (transport, nuclear power, water and energy), connected to the Internet.
Safety object. Security object (with reference to the system of "protection of the object - a source of danger) - a state of the object in which it impacts on all flows of matter, energy and information does not exceed the maximum allowable values.
Industrial environment - it's part of the human environment, including climatic factors and factors related to professional activities (noise, vibration, toxic fumes, gases, dust, ionizing radiation, etc..), called harmful and dangerous factors Harmful factors that are under certain conditions because of illness or reduced performance. Dangerous factors that lead under certain conditions to traumatic injuries (violation of body tissues and disruption of its functions) or other sudden and abrupt breakdown of health.
Classification of production factors: physical factors, chemical factors, physiological factors, biological factors
Harmful and dangerous production factors with respect to the nature of action are divided into the following groups:
2. Chemical factors by the nature of the impact on the human body are divided into: toxic; annoying; sensitizing; carcinogenic; mutagenic; affect the reproductive function; by way of penetration into the human body: through inhalation; through the gastrointestinal tract; through the skin and mucous membranes.
3. Physiological factors: physical (static and dynamic) overload - lifting and carrying heavy loads, awkward posture, prolonged pressure on the skin, joints, muscles and bones; physiological - lack of physical activity (hypokinesia); Neuropsychiatric overload - mental tension, emotional overload, overvoltage analyzers. Biological factors Micro- and macro-organisms - sources of infections, infestations, fungal diseases
Fire types. Forest fires -uncontrolled burning of vegetation, extending to the forest area in the dry season. They occur in areas and peat soils, or with a thick layer of litter. Burning is slow, flameless. Burn the roots of trees that fall to form blockages. Peat fires are most often in areas of peat extraction, there is usually due to improper handling of fire from lightning or samozagoraniya. Peat burns slowly for the rest of his depth. After the burning of peat voids, which can fall in people, animals and equipment. Peat fires covering large areas and difficult to extinguish. Steppe (wild) fires occur in open areas in the presence of dry grass or ripe grain. They are seasonal and are more often in the summer, at least - in the spring and almost no winter. 3. Prevention and methods of protection against fires. Fire prevention system (Fire Prevention) - a set of organizational measures and technical means aimed at excluding the possibility of fire. Fire protection - measures aimed at reducing the damage in case of fire. Between the two main objectives of fire safety is not always possible to draw a line, such as in the case of actions aimed at limiting the scope of the spread of fire in fire.
Fire protection activities include: 1) control of materials, products and equipment; 2) actively limit the spread of fire by using fire alarm, automatic fire extinguishing systems and portable fire extinguishers; 3) The device is passive systems that limit the spread of fire, smoke, heat and gases due to the partitioning of premises; 4) evacuation of people from a burning building in a safe place.
Theme 11. The radiation and chemical safety. 1. Ionizing radiation and types of radiation. 2. Radiation Safety Principles. 3. Classification of radiation hazardous objects. 4. Brief description of the chemically hazardous objects. 5. Chemical control and measures of radiation and chemical protection. 1. Ionizing radiation and types of radiation. Ionizing radiation -radiation is the interaction with the substance which leads to the formation of this substance ions of opposite signs. Ionizing radiation called these types of radiant energy that getting into a particular environment or penetrating through them, make them ionization. These properties are radioactive radiation, high-energy radiation, X-rays and others.
Types of radiation. Radiation impact on personnel and the population in the zone of radioactive contamination is characterized by the values of external and internal exposure of people. An external radiation refers to direct human exposure to ionizing radiation from sources located outside the body, mainly on the sources of gamma rays and neutrons. Internal exposure occurs due to ionizing radiation from sources located within the person. These sources are formed in critical (most sensitive) organs and tissues. Internal exposure is due to sources of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. 2. Radiation Safety Principles. Radiation safety is an integral part of the overall safety, ensuring safe working conditions for workers and the public by using different sources of ionizing radiation. Radiation safety is ensured by a complex of organizational and technical measures aimed at the creation and maintenance of working conditions of staff and the livelihoods of people who rule out the possibility of exceeding the dose limits and reduce the actual radiation doses to a minimum practicable the International Commission on Radiological Protection is used to protect the population of the valuation method.
The principle of justification applies at the stage of decision-making by the authorized bodies in the design of new radiation sources and radiation facilities, licensing, development and approval of rules of hygiene and radiation safety standards, as well as the changing conditions of operation The principle of optimization of maintenance at the lowest possible and achievable level of both individual (below the limits established by the HN) and collective doses, taking into account social and economic factors The principle of valuation provided by all persons, on which depends the level of human exposure and provides not exceed the established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 23, 1998 № 219-I «On Radiation Safety of the Population" and HN individual dose limits exposure of citizens from all sources of ionizing radiation. 3. Classification of radiation hazardous objects.
The radiation-dangerous object (RDO) - an object which is stored, processed, used or transported radioactive substance in an accident in which or destruction can occur exposure to ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination of humans, farm animals and plants, objects of economy and surrounding natural environment. The radiation-dangerous objects include: nuclear power plants for different purposes; enterprises for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel, and temporary storage of radioactive waste; research organizations with research reactors or particle accelerators; sea vessels from power plants; storage of nuclear weapons; landfills, where testing of nuclear warheads. According to the potential radiation hazard is established four categories of objects: Category I - radiation facilities, in an accident the possible radiation exposure to the population and the need for its protection measures; Category II are objects in an accident in which radiation exposure is limited to the territory of the sanitary protection zone; Category III are objects whose radiation exposure is limited to the territory of the object; Category IV includes objects from the effects of radiation is limited to the premises where the works with sources of radiation. 4. Brief description of the chemically hazardous objects. Chemically dangerous object -an object that is stored, processed, used or transported hazardous chemicals in an accident on or in the destruction of which can occur destruction or chemical contamination of humans, farm animals and plants, and chemical contamination of the environment. The main damaging factor in accidents on chemically hazardous objects is a toxic effect of the emergency chemically hazardous substances directly during the accidental release (Strait) and in chemical contamination of the environment. Chemically dangerous objects include: factories and plants of chemical industries, as well as individual units (units) and management, producing and consuming emergency chemically hazardous substances (ECHS); plants (facilities) for the processing of oil and gas; production of other industries where the use of poisonous substances (pulp and paper, textile, metallurgy, food, etc.); railway stations, ports, terminals and warehouses at the end (intermediate) points move poisonous substances; vehicles (containers and bulk trains, trucks, river and sea tankers, pipelines, etc.). Chemically Dangerous Objects have 4 categories of danger:Category I -more than 75 thousand people involves in the affected area, the scale of infection is regional, time of air contamination - a few days, water contamination - from several days to several months. This category includes large chemical plants, water treatment plants, located in the immediate vicinity or in the territory of the largest and large cities. Category II -40-75 thousand people involves in the affected area, the scale of infection is local; time of air contamination is from several hours up to several days, water contamination – up to several days. This category includes the chemical, petrochemical, food processing industry; water treatment plants municipal services large and medium cities, large railway junctions. Category III -less than 40 thousand people involves in the affected area, the scale of infection is local, time of air contamination is from several minutes up to several hours, water contamination – from several hours up to several days. This category includes small enterprises of food and processing industry (cold storage facilities, meat processing plants, dairies, etc.), local, water treatment plants of medium and small cities and rural areas. Category IV- infected area is within the sanitary protection zone or area of the object, the scale of infection is local, time of air contamination is from several minutes up to several hours, water contamination – from several hours up to several days. This category includs enterprises and objects with a relatively small amount of poisonous substances (less than 0.1 m). 5. Chemical control and measures of radiation and chemical protection.Chemical control is organized with the aim of determining the need for and complete degassing of arms, military equipment, materiel, terrain, food disinfection and water, the possibility of establishing a personnel action without protection, as well as determine whether the use of the adversary unknown chemical agents (CA). The main tasks of chemical control are: the finding of the use of combat toxic chemicals (CTC); Identification of CTC and highly potent poisons (HPP); determining of air, ground, military equipment, food and water contamination. Measures of radiation and chemical protection include: Resection of nuclear explosions; Radiation, Chemical intelligence and control; The collection, data processing and information on the chemical environment; Alert the troops of chemical contamination; The use of individual and collective protection, protective properties of the terrain, equipment and other facilities; Special handling troops and decontamination sections of roads terrain structures; Aerosol countering reconnaissance and targeting weapons; The use of radar absorbing materials and foams.
Questions 1-5. Emergency situation - the situation in a particular area which has developed as a result of an accident, natural hazard, accident, natural or other disasters that may result or have resulted in loss of life, damage to human health or the environment, considerable material losses and violation of conditions of living environment. Types of emergencies origin: natural, anthropogenic, man-made/technogenic. Emergencies of natural origin: 1. Meteorological danger hazards:Storms, hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, squalls, tornadoes, cyclones; Rain, snow, heavy fog, extreme cold, large hail, unusual heat, drought; Extreme fire danger, forest fires, peat fires, fires grain arrays, underground fires fossil fuels. 2. Geological, tectonic, and telluric hazards: earthquake (seaquake) and volcanic eruptions. 3. Hydrological (topological) hazards: Floods, flash floods, surges, flooding; Landslides, mudflows, landslides, avalanches, debris, the failure of the earth's surface, a tsunami. 4. Space hazards: the fall of meteorites, comets, the remnants; other cosmic catastrophes. Among the most frequent natural disasters (90%) are four typess: floods - 40%, typhoons - 20%, earthquakes and drought - by 15%.
Emergencies of anthropogenic origin: 1. Transport (road, rail, air, water, pipeline). 2. Industrial hazards: Explosions, damage and destruction mechanisms, assemblies, communications, structural collapse of buildings; Various kinds of fires; The accident at the plant with the release of radioactive substances (RS); accident with ejection of highly affecting poisonous substances (HAPS).
Emergencies of technogenic origin: 1. accidents on chemically hazardous objects; 2. accidents at radiation hazardous objects; 3. accident at the fire and explosive objects; 4. accident at hydrodynamically dangerous objects; 5. transport accidents (railway, car, air, water, underground); 6. accident at the communal energy networks.
The accident - the destruction of buildings and (or) technical devices, uncontrolled explosion and (or) release of hazardous substances. Basic principles and methods of ensuring safety of the population in peacetime emergencies based on the following measures:
Organizational arrangements provide for the development and planning of the administrative board action, civilian departments, services and units of CP in the protection of workers and employees of enterprises, restoration of production, as well as for the production of products to keep the equipment in emergency situations. Engineering activities include the range of activities that enhance the sustainability of industrial buildings and facilities, equipment, utilities and energy systems. Technological measures provide increased stability of operation of the object by changing the process, contributing to simplification of production and exclude the possibility of secondary ducation damaging factors.
Questions 6 - 10. Lesions called conventional means territory within which under the influence of damaging factors of conventional weapons (CW) occur destruction of buildings and structures, fires, destruction of people and the death of livestock. In contrast to the focus of nuclear destruction the focus is not continuous and the local (local) character. Types of lesions: simple and complicated. Simple lesions are characterized by the simultaneous use of only high-explosive, fragmentation and incendiary ammunition.
Complicated lesions - are characterized by the simultaneous use of different types of ammunition.
There are simple and complex lesions at the sites.A simple lesions called hearth, incurred under the influence of damaging factors. For example, the destruction of an object from an explosion, fire, only chemical contamination of the object area. Complicated lesions called focus, resulting from the impact of several damaging factors. For example, an earthquake and a hurricane in addition to the destruction of buildings caused flooding of the coastal strip, the fires from the circuit of electric wires, land contamination as a result of leakage of hazardous substances in the destruction process tanks.
Nuclear weapon - this is one of the main types of weapons of mass destruction. It is able to briefly incapacitate large numbers of people and animals, destroying buildings and facilities over large areas. A variety of nuclear weapons is the neutron. It is able to quickly defeat a large number of troops and military equipment in the vast area. Nuclear weapons include nuclear, thermonuclear neutron or ammunition and means of their application.
Chemical weapon - this weapon of mass destruction, its action is based on the toxic properties of certain chemicals. This includes chemical warfare agents and their use of funds. Toxic substances - these are chemical compounds, which when applied can affect people and animals over large areas, to penetrate into various structures, contaminate terrain and bodies of water. In action on the human body toxic substances are divided into the nerve, blister, choking, poisonous, and irritating and psychochemicals.
Biological weapon is a tool of mass destruction of people, farm animals and plants. Its action is based on the use of pathogenic properties of microorganisms (bacteria, Rickettsia, fungi, and toxins produced by certain bacteria). Biological weapon includes formulations of pathogens and the means of their delivery to the target (missiles, bombs and containers, aerosol sprays, artillery shells, etc.). Biological weapon can cause a mass in the vast territories of dangerous diseases of humans and animals, it has a striking impact for a long time, has a long latent (incubation) period. Microbes and toxins are hard to detect in the external environment, they can penetrate with the air in the room and unsealed cover and infect them as people and animals. As biological weapon the enemy can use agents of various infectious diseases: plague, anthrax, brucellosis, glanders, tularemia, cholera, yellow and other kinds of fever, spring-summer encephalitis, typhus and typhoid fever, influenza, malaria, dysentery, smallpox, and etc. Furthermore, the botulinum toxin can be applied, causing severe poisoning of the human body.
Lecture 8. Organizational basics of life safety Definitions of life safety. Health and Life Safety (HLS) - an area of knowledge, which studies the dangers threatening man (nature), the patterns of their existence and how to protect against them.Safety - is the goal. Life Safety – achievement safety or security. Safety - is a state of activity at which a certain rate possible damage to human health. Vital activity - combines two concepts of "life" and "activity". In determining three points are essential: danger, man (nature), protection. Danger - phenomena, processes, objects that can in certain circumstances be detrimental to human health, directly or indirectly, ie, cause undesirable consequences. The WHO Constitution (1958) defined: health - is "a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." The goal life safety - providing comfortable conditions of human activity at all stages of its life cycle and regulatory acceptable levels of exposure to negative factors on the human and natural environment. Tasks of life safety are reduced to the theoretical analysis and the development of methods of identification (detection and quantification) of hazardous and harmful factors, generated by the elements of the environment (hardware, processes, materials, buildings and structures, elements of the technosphere, natural phenomena). The range of scientific tasks also include: a comprehensive assessment of the impact of adverse conditions multivariate data on the performance and health of the person; Optimization of conditions for work and recreation; implementation of new methods of protection; simulation of emergency situations and others. The terms of practical problems primarily due to the choice of principles for the protection, development and rational use of human resources and the protection of the natural environment (biosphere) from the negative effects of man-made sources and natural disasters, as well as tools that provide a comfortable living environment condition. The object of the study of LS as a science is an environment or a human habitat. The environment due to the genesis (origin) can be classified into non-production and production. Labour, the natural environment, the general culture subjects as part of the human environment alone are the object of study of many natural and social sciences: political economy, philosophy, health, ergonomics, sociology, engineering, psychology and others. Life safety consists of four sections: 1. the theoretical foundations of LS; 2. LS in the conditions of production (labor protection); 3. natural aspects of LS (environmental protection); 4. LS in emergency situations. By the nature of the adverse/unfavourable effects on the human organism influencing factors referred to harmful and dangerous. Harmful factors that contribute causes of illness or reduced performance under certain conditions. These factors include: dust and air pollution; noise; vibration; electromagnetic fields; ionizing radiation; Raising and lowering atmospheric parameters (temperature, humidity, air mobility, pressure); insufficient and improper lighting; the monotony of activities; hard physical labor; toxic substances; Contaminated water and food, and others. Dangerous factors that contribute to traumatic injuries (violation of body tissues and disruption of its functions) or other sudden and abrupt breakdown of health. These factors include: fire, shock wave, hot and super cooled surface; electricity; vehicles and moving machine parts; poisons; and sharp falling objects; laser light; acute ionizing radiation and others. Negative factors everyday: air contaminated products of natural gas combustion, emission CHP, industry, transport and waste incineration devices; water content of harmful impurities; poor quality food; noise; infrasound; vibration; electromagnetic fields from synthetic materials, home appliances, TVs, displays, power transmission lines; medicines in the excessive and improper use of them; alcohol; tobacco smoke; bacteria; natural background, and other factors. The following classification categories occur: by the nature of origin: natural, technogenic, anthropogenic, mixed; by the time negative impacts occurrence: impulsive, cumulative; by localization: in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, in outer space; caused by consequences: fatigue, illness, injury, death, accidents, fires, explosions, flooding, etc.; by the gained damage - social, technical, economic, environmental; by the spheres of manifestation - consumer, industrial, sports, military, road transport; by the structure (structure): simple and complex; by the nature of human exposure - active, passive. Dangerous and harmful factors due to human activities and the products of its labor, called anthropogenic. Anthropogenic natural/physical factors include: mechanical effects, thermal effects, the impact of other forms of energy. Mechanical influences are formed by moving machines and mechanisms, move materials, blanks, items, unprotected moving parts of equipment, loss of balance and falling of workers. They can cause injury and death. Adverse thermal effects lead to a breach of thermoregulation, overheating and heat stroke. Adverse thermal effects lead to a breach of thermoregulation, overheating and heat stroke. Many industrial processes are accompanied by noise and vibration, long-term exposure that leads to hearing loss, noise disease, disturbances in the cardiovascular system. Electric current, electric and magnetic fields can lead to injury and disease, closures, explosions and fires. UV, infrared, laser radiation leads to health disorders, to a decrease in efficiency. Ionizing radiation causes radiation sickness. Chemical factors - a variety of chemicals that make up the air, water, dust, food, as well as the pollutants (waste and disposal enterprises). Natural factors, coming with food, water, air, are important for human life. These include protein, vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals and others. Perhaps the natural environment pollution during the eruption of volcanoes, geysers action when hurricanes, tornadoes. The most significant environmental harm applied industrial and agricultural enterprises, polluting the water and air with pesticides, fertilizers, dyes, heavy metals, detergents, waste mineral and organic origin. The most dangerous chemicals of anthropogenic factors is a chemical weapon, which is based on chemical warfare agents. Biological factors may be found in all environments - water, air, soil, food, manufacturing, life. They are the source of the food and pharmaceutical industries, farms and livestock farms, sewage treatment plant. Biological pollution includes pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products, biological plant protection.
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