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Strategic orientation in FL Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.Содержание книги
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Different countries have different systems of Education and it’s natural that the process of globalization makes it necessary to coordinate different educational systems in order to create unique Paradigm of Education which could guarantee success. But there are certain reasons that hamper the process of integration into the World Educational Sphere:
There are different approaches to solve this problem and different ways of solution in different countries: A) by way of creating a doctrine of Education; B) by way of modernization of the system of Education; C) by way of Educational Reform which is most rational due to the following reasons:
- The perspectives of the development of any country are determined by the quality and intellectual potential of the country; - There is a gap between the requirements of life and the professional qualities of modern specialists who are not always mobile and adequately ready to the challenges of the world; - All the innovational technologies are brought from abroad; there no home-made innovative technologies yet; - The existing system of education is based mostly on the obsolete methodological platform of Education incapable to use creative forms of teaching to achieve the final results; - The Reform of the national system of Education makes it necessary to transform the static structure into dynamic process of S-S interaction. That is, the social roles of teachers in this process are to be changed. The idea of educational partnership in the process of teaching implies that the teacher’s role is not only to give knowledge; his role is that of monitoring students’ search for knowledge in order to form professional skills in his field. This is possible due to the realization of the following principles: - The principle of scientific fundamentality and systematicness in the content of education; - The principle of integration of the system of acquired knowledge with science and practice; - The principle of innovation and information orientation in training specialists; - The principle of universal and prognostic approach to education; - The principle of continuity and succession of FL education; - The principle of intercultural communicative interaction; - The principle of problemacty and interactiveness in the organization of FLT process; - The principle of individualization which is revealed in the variety of approaches to FLT and ways of involvement of students into FLL process. - The principle of realization of international standards of FLT according to the levels harmonized with peculiarities of the national education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan; - The principle of creativity in professional training of specialists - The principle of corporative Education; - The principle of adaptivity to the changes in the socio-economic life and other principles
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