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Cognitive linguacultural methodology as a conceptual basis of interconnected study of FL and Culture.Содержание книги
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II. Kunanbaeva S.S. gives the following definition of the concept “methodology”: It is a system of principles and ways of organizing and building the theoretical and practical activity.” The main feature here is systemacity: Cognitive linguaculturalogicalMethodology of FL education ↓ methodological principles ↓ Conception of FL education ↓ methodical principles of FL realizing this conception
The system of methodological principles such as cognitive communicative, conceptual, sociocultural, linguacultural and person-oriented together with the subject matter of the content of FLT and methods of FLT makes it possible to realize the modern theory of intercultural communication: The leading role belongs to cognitive principle which implies that learners must be cognitively involved in FL Education to cognize the world. linguacultural principle speaks for itself. The problem of correlation of language and culture has always been in the limelight of researches in different methodological approaches: 1. The study of language through culture (Ufimsteva I.V, Davidenko T.V, Privalov I.B.) 2. The study of culture through language where is culture is the aim and language is the means (Passov E.I.) The main focus in on culture. 3. Haleeva I, Varobiov V.V, Gudkova D. and others consider that the basis of FLT is the dialogue of cultures which should result in the formation of “language ego”. The phenomenon of “language ego” was suggested by Karaulov Y. H. who distinguished 3 levels: 1. Verbal semantic level which means that the language learner acquires the norms of the language; 2. Cognitive level which implies cognition of the world, intellectual development of a person who acquires the language; 3. Pragmatic level which suggests the ability to understand the reality through communication The idea of the ‘language ego” was later on developed by Haleeva I, N.D. Galskova and others. N.D. Galskova speaks about the phenomenon of “вторичная языковая личность”. Kunanbaeva S.S. gives the term “личность субъекта межкультурной коммуникации” which implies the ability to communicate on intercultural level. The phenomenon of culture is interpreted differently by different scolars in different approaches: From the point of view of social approach, from the point of cognitive and semiotic approach. The human language also fulfills the same functions.
So, we see that the cognitive interpretation of culture reflects the cognitive function of the language 3. From the point of view of semiotic approach culture is a system of signs, symbols (K. Levi Stross, 1984); Pribram 1971), culture is created by people in the act of communication. It should be noted here that for all the differences in the approaches to the “language and culture” problem nobody denies that: - Language is an integral part of culture; - Language is the main instrument with the help of which we acquire culture; - Language is the main factor in forming culture codes; - Language reflects specific features of national mentality All this is of crucial importance in FL education, in the formation of socio-cultural and lingua-cultural competence of the learners. Costamorov V.G. and Vereshagin E.M. in their book “Language and Culture” 1990 distinguish 4 groups of background knowledge about the culture and traditions of the target language: 1) General notions 2) Specific notions for ethnic groups that have undergone changes in the history of their development 3) Background knowledge of social groups. 4) Religion knowledge We should take it into account when teaching and learning FL Recommended literature
1. Cobb, P. and Bowers, J.S. Cognitive and situated learning perspectives in theory and practice. – Educational Reseacher, 28 (2): 4-15. 2. Chomsky N. The practice of English language teaching. – Longman, 1991. – 32-33. 3. Nunan D. Language teaching methodology. A textbook for teachers. – GB by Redwood books, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, 2009. – 233-234 p. 4. Елизарова Г.В. Культура и обучение ИЯ, Санкт-Петербург, 2005 Questions for self-control
1. How are the main methodological categories of method, approach and principles interpreted in accordance with the new methodology of FL education? 2. What can you say about the principles in FLT? Why is cognitive principle a leading one? 3. What are the points of difference between communication in the native language and intercultural communication? How important is it for foreign language teaching? 4. What innovative principles are introduced for teaching intercultural communication? 5. What principles does the system of methodological principles include? Dwell upon them (What do they mean?) 6. How is the problem of correlation of language and culture solved nowadays? Give different approaches and dwell on them. Your opinion? 7. Language ego. What is it? 8. In teaching socio-cultural and lingua-cultural competence we should supply our learners with lingua-cultural background knowledge. What groups of background knowledge do you know? Lecture № 3 “The essence and characteristic features of Methodological principles of Modern FL Education ”
Plan 1. Communicative competence as a functional language ability 2. Methodological principles, their main characteristics 3. Culture and FL teaching
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