Fill in the gaps translating the pronouns. 

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Fill in the gaps translating the pronouns.


1) (Их) family is not very large. – Their family is not very large.

2) Is this (ваша) book? – Yes, it’s (моя).

3) (Его) brother is younger than (мой).

4) These are (ее) problems.

5) (Все) (that) we need is love.

6) Where’s (ваш) teacher?

7) (Он) hasn’t got a camera.

8) Why can’t you give (ему) your pen?

9) The T-shirt isn’t (ее).

10) I don’t have (мою собственную) room.

11) I don’t like to play cards with John because (он) always wins.

12) I’ll go to the pictures with (тобой).

13) This girl lives in our house. I know (ее) quite well.

14) Show (ему) your new picture.

15) (Оба) my parents live in the country now.

16) (Все) I want is a home somewhere.

17) (Все мы) can do that.



Review Exercises

(Possessive Pronouns)


4.1. Make new sentences using a friend of mine, etc.

1) I’m writing to one of my friends.

2) We met one of our relatives.

3) Henry borrowed one of my books.

4) We had dinner with one of our neighbours.

5) Tom invited one of his friends to his flat.

6) Ann is in love with one of her colleagues.

7) They went on holiday with two of their friends.

8) Jack had an argument with his classmates.

9) One of her daughters is going to get married next week.

10) My partner has gone on business.

11) That policeman is our friend.

12) I met another Lucy’s boyfriend.

13) He’s the Queen’s cousin.

14) He watched her each gesture as if she was a stranger.

15) I saw my old friend yesterday.

16) She’s been my teacher for the past three years.


In the following story put possessive pronouns in the blank spaces and in place of the words in italics. Retell the story.

Dr Swift and the Boy

A wealthy old lady who lived near Dr Swift used to send him presents occasionally by (1) … servant. Dr Swift took (2) the lady’s presents but never gave the boy anything for (3) … trouble. One day as Swift was busy with (4) … writing, the boy rushed into (5) Swift’s room, knocked some books out of the (6) books’ place, threw (7) … parcel on the desk and said, «(8) … mistress has sent you two of (9) … rabbits.»

Swift turned round and said, «(10) … boy, that is not the way to deliver (11) … parcel. Now, you sit in (12) … armchair, watch (13) … way of doing it and learn (14)… lesson.»

The boy sat down. Swift went out, knocked on (15) Swift’s door and waited. The boy said, «Come in.» The doctor entered, walked to (16) … desk and said, «If you please sir, (17) … mistress sends (18) … kind regards and hopes you will accept these rabbits which (19) … son shot this morning in (20) … fields.»

The boy answered, «Thank you, (21) … boy. Give (22) … mistress and (23) … son (24) Dr Swift’s thanks for (25) … kindness and here is two shillings for yourself.» The Doctor laughed, and after that, Swift never forgot to give the boy (26) … tip.

Translate the sentences into English.

1) Его комнату так же тяжело убрать, как и твою.

2) Я стараюсь заботиться о своём здоровье.

3) Я вижу, что у вас нет своего собственного словаря. Я хочу дать вам свой.

4) Этот чемодан слишком тяжёл для меня, чтобы нести его самой.

5) Она очень любит рассказывать о своих детях.

6) Он отдал деньги своей жене, а она положила их в свою сумку.

7) Я не люблю клубнику со сливками. Они мне нравятся по отдельности.

8) Джек сел прямо и вытянул ноги.

9) Сэм и Джейн очень преданы своему другу.

10) Его взгляд встретился с моим.

11) Они отдыхали в санатории на берегу Чёрного моря и встретили много друзей своих родителей.

12) Она отправила детей в ванную, чтобы они вымыли лицо и руки.

13) Сегодня утром мне звонила по телефону одна из моих племянниц.

14) Сегодня я разговаривал с одним из лучших учеников моей тёти.

15) Она одна из моих соседок.

16) Моя подруга вчера порезала палец.



1. Reflexive pronouns end in ~ self or ~ selves, they may have singular and plural forms.


Person Singular Plural
1st myself ourselves
2nd yourself yourselves
3rd   himself herself itself themselves

2. Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object in a sentence refer to the same person: I saw myself in the mirror. The men formed themselves in a line.


Verbs that describe actions that people do to themselves do not take reflexive pronouns in English: I usually shave before breakfast. She washed very quickly and rushed downstairs.

However, reflexives can be used if it is necessary to make it clear who does the action: The barber shaves all the people in the town who don’t shave themselves. She’s old enough now to dress herself.


Reflexive pronouns can be used as indirect objects: They were making fools of themselves.

By + a reflexive pronoun = alone: Greg lives by himself.

By + a reflexive pronoun = without any help from other people: She was certain she could manage by herself.

Reflexive pronouns can be used for emphasis: I myself have never read this book. The town itself was so small that it didn’t have a bank.

3.Verbs and phrases commonly followed by a reflexive pronoun.
believe in yourself be proud of yourself blame yourself cut yourself enjoy yourself feel sorry for yourself help yourself hurt yourself give yourself smth introduce yourself kill yourself trouble yourself take care of yourself talk to yourself teach yourself tell yourself work for yourself wish yourself (luck)

E x e r c i s e s



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