Why do some kids dislike school? 

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Why do some kids dislike school?


If a child doesn’t like school, the first step is to find out why. The child may not like school because a (1) … is bothering him / her, or maybe he / she doesn’t (2) … along with a teacher. The child also may (3) … that he / she doesn’t have enough friends. Sometimes it’s a problem with the classes and schoolwork. Maybe the work is too hard, or the child doesn’t feel as (4) … as other kids. If a child has any problems, it’s a good idea to (5) … to someone about them. Mum, dad, relative, teacher, or school (6) … can help. The main thing is not to let the problems go on too long. It’s easier to catch up one chapter than the whole book!

Task 62. Read some pupils’ opinions about school and match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you don’t need to use.

1) “School is good, because I know I am learning a lot. If I didn’t go, I would not have a great knowledge on technology. Also it is a good place to hang out with my friends. It can be extremely stressful at times, but I like to think it is preparing me once I leave school and get into the workplace. All in all, I enjoy the challenges I face and without it, my life would be so boring.”

This person’s main point is that _____


2) “School’s alright. It’s not very challenging to me, which is good.”

This person’s main point is that _____


3) “I get up to go to school because I have to. However, school can be fun, but I would much rather hang out with my friends outside of school without so many rules.”

This person’s main point is that _____


4) “The things that motivated me most at school is connectedness and the respect of my teachers. By connectedness, I mean, for example, when I could connect my theatre studies with things I was learning in history – all that got me really excited. And as for respect – when teachers clearly have high expectations of you, you want to meet them.”

This person’s main point is that _____


5) “If you are a truly ambitious and intelligent person, school won’t cause you to succeed. It may help, true – however school can be much more negative to a person’s creativity.’

This person’s main point is that _____


A) he / she doesn’t feel comfortable about some of the school restrictions

B) success doesn’t depend on the school where you get your education

C) school curriculum is rather challenging nowadays

D) many teachers have no patience and respect for students

E) studying at school is not really difficult

F) he/she is inspired by the teachers’ respectful attitude to students

G) studying at school can help in developing students’ creativity

H) although school is sometimes tense, however, it’s a good place to get new knowledge

Topic 16. Teaching Responsibility

Task 65. Read the text and make up 5 questions to the text.

Teaching Responsibility

Naturally, every parent is anxious to teach responsibility to their children. But responsibility cannot be imposed on children. It must grow from within. Children who are always told what to do may do their tasks very well, but they get little opportunity to use their own judgment and to develop a sense of responsibility. This only comes if they are given opportunities for choosing and deciding things for themselves.

A child is learning all the time. But if he is constantly criticized about his actions, he certainly doesn’t learn responsibility. So the first lesson in inculcating a sense of responsibility is not to criticize. Even is the answer to a child’s request is a certain “Yes”, it’s so much better to leave the decision to the child. These are some of the ways in which you can build up their sense of responsibility and also heighten their self-confidence. Wherever and whenever you can, let them make the decisions themselves.

A child should be given the responsibility of choosing his own friends. But this is a delicate matter and needs careful handling. Obviously, it would be preferable for a shy child to have a friend who is an extrovert. And friends can also help to exert a beneficial and corrective influence on each other. In spite of all this, a child should always feel that he is free to choose the friends he wishes. Let the child spend his allowance his way. If he wants to spend the whole lot on chewing gum or toffee, it’s his decision. Don’t interfere. These are just some of many ways in which responsibility is taught.


Task 66. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements.

1) Children have no experience. Parents’ judgment and advice are necessary.

2) Children will make mistakes (some of them are dangerous) and at least sometimes they are sure to be in the wrong. Parents should explain such things to them, criticizing their actions.

3) The problem can be confusing and complicated for the child and even a simple one can be solved in the wrong way. Who will bear the consequences?

4) Children are too young to decide whose influence is good for them. They can’t distinguish petty features in other children. So parents should guide their children’s friendship.

5) Money is not to be wasted. Children don’t realize its value and cannot use their own discretion in spending it.

6) Children can gain experience and responsibility taking after their parents, following other good examples.




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