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Int. Hotel lobby - continuousСодержание книги
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Saito moves through the lobby. Browning is coming in the other direction. Saito assumes him to be Eames.
SAITO I see you've changed.
BROWNING I'm sorry?
Eames comes up behind Browning, catching Saito's eye.
SAITO I'm... I mistook you for a friend.
BROWNING Good-looking fellow, I'm sure.
Browning moves off. Saito approaches Eames.
EAMES That's Fischer's projection of Browning. We'll keep an eye on how he behaves-
EAMES How he acts will tell us if Fischer's starting to suspect his motives the way we want him to. 109.
Cobb leads Fischer around a corner. Arthur and Ariadne are waiting in the corridor.
COBB They work for me.
Fischer starts looking at room numbers. Stops at 528. Cobb draws his gun, steps back from the door and KICKS it open.
Cobb JUMPS into the room, gun up. The room is empty. Arthur and Ariadne search the room. Saito and Eames arrive. Eames shuts the door. Arthur FINDS something-
ARTHUR Mr. Charles!
Arthur holds up a MECHANISM CASE. Cobb shows it to Fischer.
COBB You know what this is?
Fischer's eyes roam over the dials and plungers.
FISCHER I think so. But I don't understand.
COBB They were going to put you under.
FISCHER I'm already under.
COBB Under again.
FISCHER A dream within a dream?
Arthur is at the door. Someone is there. A key goes into the lock- the door starts to open- Arthur REACHES OVER and GRABS the person entering, THROWS THEM TO THE FLOOR- puts his gun in their face. IT IS BROWNING.
Fischer stares, disbelieving, at his own godfather.
FISCHER Uncle Peter. What's going on?
Cobb pulls the key from Browning's hand: ROOM 528. 110.
COBB You said you were kidnapped together?
FISCHER Not exactly, they already had him. They'd been torturing him...
COBB You saw them torture him?
Fischer shakes his head. Looks at Browning. Thinking.
FISCHER The kidnappers are working for you.
BROWNING No, Robert-
FISCHER You're trying to get that safe open. To get the alternate will.
Browning looks up at Fischer.
BROWNING Fischer Morrow's been my entire life. I can't let you destroy it.
FISCHER I'm not going to throw away my inheritance. Why would I?
BROWNING I couldn't take the chance of you rising to your father's final taunt.
FISCHER What taunt?
BROWNING That will. I'm sorry, Robert, but it's his final insult. A challenge to build something for yourself. He's telling you that you aren't worthy of his achievements.
Fischer takes this in. Devastated.
FISCHER That he was "disappointed?" 111.
BROWNING I'm so sorry. But he was wrong. You'll make his company even greater than he ever could.
COBB Your godfather's lying, Robert.
Fischer turns to Cobb.
FISCHER How do you know?
COBB It's what I do. He's hiding something.
Cobb looks at Browning.
COBB Let's find out what.
Cobb nods at Arthur, who starts unpacking the mechanism. Browning watches. Silent.
COBB Let's do to him what he was going to do to you.
Cobb rolls up his sleeve. Nods at Fischer to do the same.
COBB We'll penetrate his subconscious and find out what he doesn't want you to know.
Fischer looks Cobb in the eye. Decides- rolls up his sleeve, offering his bare arm. The team run tubes to each other- Arthur injects Fischer, whose head slumps.
ARTHUR He's out.
ARIADNE Wait, Cobb-I'm lost. Whose subconscious are we going into?
COBB Fischer's. I told him it was Browning's so he'd come with us as part of our team.
ARTHUR (impressed) He's going to help us break into his own subconscious. 112.
COBB That's the idea. He'll think that his security is Browning's and fight them to learn the truth about his father.
Arthur hits buttons on the mechanism. The team goes out one by one. Cobb is last.
COBB Fischer's subconscious is going to run you down hard.
ARTHUR I'll lead them on a merry chase.
COBB Be back in time for the kick.
ARTHUR I'm on it.
Cobb is no longer listening- he stares at the net curtains, BILLOWING like those in Mal's suite- a GLIMPSE of someone (Mal?) As the screen goes WHITE, and we are-
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