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Int. Deserted hotel lobby - dayСодержание книги
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The team sit on the steps of the large marble lobby, debating. Ariadne is showing Arthur the lobby.
EAMES He's not scheduled for surgery, no dental, nothing.
COBB I thought he had some knee thing?
EAMES Nothing they'd put him under for. Besides, we need a good ten hours. 62.
SAITO Sydney to Los Angeles.
They turn to Saito.
SAITO Twelve hours and forty-five minutes-one of the longest flights in the world. He makes it every two weeks...
Fischer steps out of a black town car and walks across the tarmac towards a GULF STREAM JET, accompanied by two aides.
COBB (V.O.) Surely he flies private?
SAITO (V.O.) Not if there were unexpected maintenance with his plane.
Fischer is met at the steps by a DISTRAUGHT FLIGHT OFFICER.
Cobb chews this over. Arthur comes over.
ARTHUR It'd have to be a 747.
ARTHUR On a 747 the pilots are up above, first class is in the nose so nobody walks through the cabin. We'd have to buyout the whole cabin, and the first class flight attendant-
SAITO We bought the airline.
Everyone turns to Saito.
SAITO It seemed... neater.
COBB Neater, huh? (gets to his feet) Well, now we have ten uninterrupted hours. (MORE) 63. COBB (CONT'D) (to Ariadne) Nice lobby, by the way.
And we-
The group is back in the workshop, deep in discussion.
ARTHUR My question is how we go down three layers with enough stability. Three layers down a little turbulence is gonna translate into an earthquake. The dreams are gonna collapse with the slightest disturbance.
Yusuf clears his throat.
YUSUF Sedation. For sleep stable enough to create three layers of dreaming...
Yusuf depresses a plunger. Arthur is SLEEPING in a chair.
YUSUF (V.O.) We will have to combine it with an extremely powerful sedative....
Eames SLAPS Arthur, HARD. Arthur does not stir.
Arthur unconsciously rubs his cheek.
YUSUF The compound we'll be using to share the dream is an advanced Somnacin derivative. It creates a very clear connection between dreamers, whilst actually accelerating brain function.
COBB Buying us more time in each level.
YUSUF Brain function in the dream will be about twenty times normal. (MORE) 64. YUSUF (CONT'D) And when you go into a dream within that dream the effect is compounded.
ARIADNE How much time?
YUSUF Three dreams... that's ten hours, times twenty, times twenty, times twenty...
EAMES Math was never my strong suit.
COBB It's basically a week one layer down, six months two layers down-
ARIADNE And ten years in the third level. Who wants to spend ten years in a dream?
YUSUF Depends on the dream.
EAMES It's not going to take us long to crack Fischer open once we get going. We'll be out in a couple days, max.
ARTHUR How do we get out once we've made the plant? (to Cobb) I hope you've got something a little more elegant in mind than shooting me in the head like last time.
Arthur tilts back in his chair. Yusuf turns to Cobb.
COBB A kick.
ARIADNE What's a kick?
Eames slips his foot under Arthur's chair leg. TIPS it- Arthur's legs SHOOT UP INSTINCTIVELY for balance-
EAMES That, Ariadne, would be a kick. 65.
COBB That feeling of falling which snaps you awake. We use that to jolt ourselves awake once we're done.
ARTHUR But how are we going to feel that through the sedation?
YUSUF That's the clever part. I customize the sedative...
Cobb, Eames and Yusuf watch Arthur, ASLEEP, in a chair.
YUSUF (O.S.) To leave inner ear function unimpaired...
Yusuf, with a wicked grin, slowly TIPS Arthur's chair backwards... as he falls, Arthur's body JERKS, EYES OPENING just before he HITS the floor.
Arthur thinks, nodding slowly.
YUSUF That way, however deep the sleep, the sleeper will still feel falling...
Yusuf gleefully LEANS a SLEEPING ARTHUR to one side...
YUSUF (V.O.) Or tipping...
Arthur goes down with a CRASH, JERKING AWAKE-
Arthur thinks this through.
ARTHUR Even that won't cut through three layers of deep sleep.
COBB The trick is to devise a kick for each level, then synchronize them to get a snap that penetrates all three layers. 66.
Arthur looks at Cobb, getting it.
ARTHUR We can use the musical countdown to synchronize the different kicks.
Ariadne comes into the darkened main space. Cobb is lying on one of the chairs, asleep. Plugged into the mechanism. Ariadne stands over him. Watching.
She opens the case, PULLS one of the tubes, sits, checking the dials as she injects the needle cap into her arm, and we-
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