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Study the words which are often used when making telephone calls.Содержание книги
Поиск на нашем сайте To hold on/to hang on–to wait To hang up/to ring off–to put the telephone down To ring up–to make a phone call To pick up the phone (to pick the phone up)–to answer a call when the phone rings To put someone through–to connect somebody's call to another telephone To get through–to contact on the telephone the person you want to talk to To call someone back–to return a phone call Study the words!
Read and act out dialogues.
Text 1 SEPARATION OF POWERS Separation of powers, or «Trias Politica» – a term coined by French political Enlightenment thinker Baron de Montesquieu, is a model for the governance of democratic states. Montesquieu described division of political power between an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary. He based this model on the British constitutional system, in which he perceived a separation of powers between king, Parliament, and the courts of law. Subsequent writers have noted that this was misleading, since Great Britain had a very closely connected legislature and executive, with further links to the judiciary (though combined with judicial independence). But in Montesquieu's time, the political connection between Britain's Parliament and the king's Ministry was not as close as it would later become. All democracies exist with an absolute separation of powers or an absolute lack of separation of powers. Nonetheless, some systems are clearly founded on the principle of separation of powers, while others are clearly based on a mingling of powers. Each branch is able to place specified restraints on the powers exerted by the other branches. The US system refers to the branches as «branches of government,» while some systems use «government» to describe the executive. To prevent one branch from becoming supreme, and to induce the branches to cooperate, governance systems employing a separation of powers typically are created with a system of «checks and balances,» a term which, like separation of powers itself, is generally credited to Montesquieu. Checks and balances refers to the various procedural rules that allow one branch to limit another, such as the authority of the president to veto legislation passed by Congress, or the power of Congress to alter the composition and jurisdiction of the federal courts.
The theoretical independence of the executive and legislative branches is partly maintained by the fact that they are separately elected and are held directly accountable to the public. There are also judicial prohibitions against certain types of interference in each others' affairs. Judicial independence is maintained by life appointments of judges, with voluntary retirement, and a high threshold for removal by the legislature. In recent years, there have been accusations that the power to interpret the law is being misused (judicial activism) by some judges in the US. The legal mechanisms constraining the powers of the three branches depend a great deal on the sentiment of the people. The system of checks and balances is also self-reinforcing. Potential abuse of power may be deterred, and the legitimacy and sustainability of any power grab is hindered by the ability of the other two branches to take corrective action; though they still must actually do so, therefore accountability is not automatic. This is intended to reduce opportunities for tyranny. The press has been described as a «fourth power» because of its considerable influence over public opinion (which in turn affects the outcome of elections), as well as its indirect influence in the branches of government by, for example, its support or criticism of pending legislation or policy changes. It has never, however, been a formal branch of government; nor have political philosophers suggested that it become one.
EXERCISES 1. Look through the list of the words in the box and make sure you know their meaning. Using the word-building elements make derivatives of the following words.
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