Complete the table and speak on the development of the state. 

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Complete the table and speak on the development of the state.

Periods of time Governments Features
1. Classical antiquities   religious function of the king and his control of a centralized army
…(the Greek city-states)  
2. Monarchy  
3. The 15th centure  
4. Bureaurocratic forms of absolute monarchy  


Look through the text. Open the brackets putting the verbs in the active or passive forms.

Max Weber has probably been one of the most influential us­ers of the word in its social science sense. He is well-known for his study of bureaucratization of society.

Weber (to describe) the ideal type bureaucracy in positive terms, considering it to be a more rational and efficient form of organization than the alternatives that preceded it, which he (to characterize) as charismatic domination and traditional domina­tion. According to his terminology, bureaucracy is part of legal domination. However, he also (to emphasize) that bureaucracy becomes inefficient when a decision must be adopted to an indi­vidual case.

According to Weber, the attributes of modern bureaucracy (to include) its impersonality, concentration of the means of ad­ministration, a leveling effect on social and economic differences and implementation of a system of authority that is practically in­destructible.

A bureaucratic organization (to govern) by the following sev­en principles:

1. official business (to conduct) on a continuous basis;

2. official business (to conduct) with strict accordance to the following rules:

1. the duty of each official to do certain types of work (to delimit) in terms of impersonal criteria,

2. the official (to give) the authority necessary to carry out his assigned functions,

3. the means of coercion at his disposal (to limit) and con­ditions of their use strictly (to define);

4. every official's responsibilities and authority are part of a ver­tical hierarchy of authority, with respective rights of supervi­sion and appeal;

5. officials (not to own) the resources necessary for the per­formance of their assigned functions but are accountable for their use of these resources;

6. official and private business and income (to separate);

7. offices cannot (to appropriate) by their incumbents (inherit­ed, sold, etc.);

8. official business (to conduct) on the basis of written docu­ments.

A bureaucratic official:

1. is personally free and appointed to his position on the basis of conduct;

2. (to exercise) the authority delegated to him in accordance with impersonal rules, and his loyalty (to enlist) on behalf of the faithful execution of his official duties;

3. appointment and job placement are dependent upon his tech­nical qualifications;

4. administrative work is a full-time occupation;

5. work (to reward) by a regular salary and prospects of ad­vancement in a lifetime career.

An official must exercise his judgment and his skills, but his duty is to place these at the service of a higher authority; ulti­mately he is responsible only for the impartial execution of as­signed tasks and must sacrifice his personal judgment if it runs counter to his official duties.

N o t e s:

to precede 6. предшествовать
domination 7. власть
indestructible 8. нерушимый
to delimit 9. определять границы, разграничивать
coercion 10. принуждение, применение силы
incumbent 11. должностное лицо
to run counter 12. противоречить


Discuss in groups the principles of a bureaucratic organization and features of an official worked out by Weber. Say if you agree or disagree with them and explain your point of view.


Render into English.

Государство – это политическая целостность, созданная национальной и многонациональной общностью людей на определенной территории, где с помощью политической элиты, монополизирующей власть, поддерживается юриди­ческий порядок, включая законное право на применение силы.

Признаками государства являются: публичная власть, располагающая специальным аппаратом управления и при­нуждения (армия, полиция, суд); территория, на которую распространяется юрисдикция данного государства (право производить суд); система права.

Государственное управление – это система принятия политических и административных решений, которые про­водятся в жизнь с помощью административно-государствен­ного аппарата.

Американские политологи Ф. Нигро и Л. Нигро дают оп­ределение государственному администрированию: «Государ­ственное администрирование означает скоординированные групповые действия в государственных делах:

1. связанные с тремя сферами власти – законодательной, исполнительной, судебной – и их взаимодействием;

2. имеющие важное значение в формировании государ­ственной политики и являющиеся частью политическо­го процесса;

3. значительно отличающиеся от администрирования в ча­стном секторе;

4. тесно связанные с многочисленными частными группа­ми и индивидами, работающими в различных компани­ях и общинах».


It's interesting to know


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