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Writing general letters of complaintСодержание книги
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Opening. As soon as you realized a mistake has been made write a letter of complain. Do not delay! Delay not only weakens your case, but can complicate the matter as the people you are dealing with might forget the details. Do not apologize! There is no need to open your letter by apologizing for the need to complain (‘We regret to inform you…’, ‘I am sorry to have to write to you about…’). This also weakens your case. Begin simply: We would like to inform you… I am writing to complaint about… I am writing with reference to Order № P32 which we received yesterday. The language of complaint. Terms like ‘disgusted’, ‘infuriated’, ‘enraged’, ‘amazed’ have no place in business. You can express dissatisfaction by saying: This is the third time this mistake has occurred and we are far from satisfied with the service you offer. Unless you can fulfil our orders efficiently in the future we will have to consider other sources of supply. Please ensure that this sort of problem does not arise again. Do not be rude or personal! In most cases correspondence between firms takes place between employees in various departments. Nothing is gained by being rude to the individual you are writing to; you may antagonize someone who has probably had nothing to do with the error and, rather than getting the error corrected, she/he could become defensive and awkward to deal with. Therefore, do not use sentences like: ‘You must correct your mistake as soon as possible’, ‘You made an error on the statement’, ‘You don’t understand the terms of discount. We told you to deduct discount from net prices, not c.i.f. prices’. Use the passive and impersonal structures: The mistake must be corrected as soon as possible. There appears to be an error on the statement. There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding terms of discount. Discount is deducted from net prices, not c.i.f. prices. Do not use words like ‘fault’ (‘your fault’, ‘our fault’) or ‘blame’ (‘you are to blame’). These expressions are not only rude, but childish. Therefore, do not write: ‘It is not our fault, it is probably the fault of your despatch department’. But: The mistake could not have originated here, and must be connected with the despatch of the goods. Never blame your staff, and finally, while writing the letter of complaint remember that your supplier wants to help you and correct the mistake. He is not in business to irritate or confuse his customer but to offer them a service. Explaining the problem. If you think you know how the mistake was made, you may politely point it out to you supplier. Sometimes when a mistake occurs several times, you may be able to work out why it is happening more quickly then her firm you are dealing with. Could you tell your dispatch department to take special care when addressing my consignment? My name is C.J.Schwartz, Bergstr. 101 Koln who also deals on electrical fittings. Could you ask your accounts department to check my code carefully in future? My account number is 246-642, and they have been sending me statements coded 642-246. I think the reason that wrong sizes have been sent to me is because I am ordering in metric sizes, and you are sending me sizes measured in feet and inches. I would appreciate your looking into this. Suggesting a solution. If you think you know how the mistake can be corrected, let your supplier know. The best solution would be for me to return the wrong articles to you, postage and packing forward. Rather than send a credit note, you could send six replacements which would probably be easier than adjusting our account. Warning (optional). Otherwise, we may have to look elsewhere for our supplies. I'm afraid that if these conditions are not met, we may be forced to take legal action. If the outstanding fees are not paid by Monday, 25 November 2013, you will incur a 10% late payment fee. Closing. I look forward to receiving your explanation of these matters.
I look forward to receiving your payment. I look forward to hearing from you shortly. So, there are some important points to remember while writing a letter of complaint: before writing make sure you have got your facts right; write calmly, clearly presenting all the relevant information and making any suggestion that may help put the matter right; never make the complaint personal; use an impersonal tone.
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