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I. Read and remember the following topical words and word combinations.


1. claimant, n ['kleimənt] – позивач

2. complaint, n [kəm'pleint] – скарга, незадоволення, претензія

3. employee, n [ˏimpl ɔ i'i:] – робітник за наймом

4. postal card, n ['pəustka:d] – поштова картка

5. purchase order, n ['pə:tʃis ' ɔ:də] – замовлення товарів

6. unjustified claim, n [ʌn'dʒʌstifaid kleim] – неправомірна вимога

7. adjustment, n [ə'dʒʌstmənt] – врегулювання

8. employment, n [im'pl ɔ imənt] – зайнятість, наймання

9. resignation, n [ˏrezig'neiʃ(ə)n] – відставка


II. Read and remember the following phrases.

1. to be a good credit risk – бути платоспроможним

2. to collect money – інкасувати гроші

3. to decline a request – відмовити у задоволенні прохання

4. to grant a request – задовольняти прохання

5. to grant the adjustment / to make the adjustment – врегулювати претензію

6. to order merchandise – замовляти товари


III. Read the word combinations and phrases in column A and try to guess their Ukrainian equivalents in column B. Match them.

1. adjustment letter o) відповідь на запит
2. covering letter b) лист вдячності
3. employment letter c) лист з висловленням співчуття
4. form letter d) лист про відставку
5. invitation e) лист стосовно працевлаштування
6. letter answering request f) лист-відповідь на рекламаційний лист
7. letter of application g) лист-вітання
8. letter of complaint h) лист-замовлення
9. letter of confirmation i) лист-запит
10. letter of congratulation j) лист-запрошення
11. letter of request k) лист-заява про надання роботи
12. letter of resignation l) лист-підтвердження
13. letter of sympathy m) лист-пропозиція продажу товарів
14. order letter n) рекламаційний лист
15. promotion letter o) стандартний лист, циркуляр
16. sales letter p) супровідний лист
17. thank-you letter q) рекламний лист

IV. Read and translate the following text.


The employee in business writes many types of letters to ask for information, advice, or favours; to send information; to collect money; to apologize for a mistake; to say ‘no’ to a request that cannot be granted; to apply for a job; or to sell the company’s products or services.

Business letters, though, are written not only by the business employee. They are also written by others to conduct personal business. Parents, students, bill payers, and consumers are just a few of the others who have occasion to write personal business letters.

One could hardly name all kinds of letters written – the list is practically endless. However, the following are among those which are frequently in use.

Letters of request may also be called “please send me” letters. They are simple request for information, literature, favours, appointments, reservations and so on. Another type of a request letter is written to order merchandise or services. It is commonly called an order letter. Many large companies use a form called a purchase order, but thousands of small companies place orders for goods and services by means of letters.

Letters answering requests. Just as a business firm often writes letters asking for something from another organization, it also receives a great many letters of request. Form letters and postal cards are often used to acknowledge routine requests if the reply does not require a personal message. Letters answering requests give the letter writer an excellent opportunity for making friends and building goodwill. They are, therefore, among the most important communications in business.

Letters of complaint. However people try to avoid complaints, mistakes occur in business. And the person who has been inconvenienced or offended writes a letter in protest. These letters are called complaints, or letters of complaint. All businesses receive and send them.

Adjustment letters. Letters written in response to complaints are called adjustment letters. When the adjustment asked for is not granted (the claim may be unreasonable or unjustified), you must write the claimant a letter refusing to make the adjustment. To retain goodwill, you must always give a logical reason for the refusal. Because adjustment letters are among difficult to write, they require special understanding of people and extensive knowledge of the company the writer represents.

Credit letters. A large percentage of business transactions are handled on a credit basis. A credit letter is a document from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount. Credit letters must be written in response to requests for credit. Sometimes, however, requests for credit must be declined because the applicants are not good credit risks.

Sales letters. In a sense, every letter business people write is a sales letter because it automatically becomes a showcase for the writers and their firms. A sales letter is a form of direct mail in which an advertiser sends a letter to a potential customer.

Employment letters deal with getting a position. They are written by everyone, not only by those who expect to work in business. The term “employment letters” covers many different of employment-related letters such as inquiring about a position, letters of application, letters thanking an employer for an interview, and letters of resignation.

Social-business letters. Many letters of a social-business nature are written to maintain friendly relationships with customers and business acquaintances. Typical social-business correspondence includes letters of congratulation, letters of sympathy, invitations, letters of friendship, and thank-you letters. Since they show thoughtfulness on the part of the writer, social-business letters do a great deal to build goodwill.



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