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What safety equipment do you know?


There are different kinds of personal protection:

Hand and foot protection: gloves - перчатки, safety boots or safety shoes.
Body protection:safety belt, safety suit – костюм / униформа, apron - фартук.
Head protection:safety helmet, hair net and safety cap.
Face and eye protection: goggles – защитные очки, face shield/screen – сварочная каска.
Hearing protection:ear plugs and ear flaps / muffs.
Respiratory protective equipment – защита органов дыхания:respirator, breathing apparatus.

What are safety measures onboard while using a grinding machine?

Grinders can be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken and if used without wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), such as hearing protection, face and eye protection, hand protection. This device gives out loud noises and a lot of spark which can be very harmful. Also you should monitor the speed of grinder, test the equipment before running, grinding wheel consists of several smaller parts which should be properly assembled and tightened together, make sure that the right flanges are used and attached properly for a smooth movement, ensure that there are no traces of burr or flash.



Emergency situations

General alarm

What should be done when you hear General alarm?

In case of general alarm it is necessary to give 7 short blasts and 1 long blast.

I must close all portholes and doors and proceed to my muster station.

I must be equipped with a lifejacket, a helmet, firm footwear.

My clothing must correspond to weather conditions.

I must arrive at my muster station and wait for the orders of the chief officer.

My muster station on my last ship was in/on _____________.


How to activate an alarm?

Alarm systems are installed all over the ship’s systems and machinery to notify the crew on board about the dangerous situation that can arise on the ship. This signal is given audibly by the ship's Master over the Public Address system. It is never given by automatic means or with recorded media.

Requirements on General Alarm Systems are stated in the SOLAS Convention and the LSA Code. It shall be possible to trigger the alarms both via an automatic signal generator or by hand. On the open decks of cargo ships, the signals are triggered by the automatic signal generator and generated by the general alarm system can either be produced by the whistle or by sirens. The sirens shall be located at uniform distances spread over the open deck. It shall be possible to interrupt the driving of the whistle by the automatic signal generator by means of a non-locking pushbutton or a switch or a locking pushbutton. According to SOLAS Ch. 6.4.2 the general alarm system shall be capable of operation from the navigating bridge and also from other “strategic points”. Triggering of the automatic signal generator shall only be provided on the navigating bridge



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