Времена глагола в действительном залоге 

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Времена глагола в действительном залоге


Действительный залог указывает, что лицо или предмет само совершает действие.

Present Simple

Настоящее простое время.

Present Simple употребляется для выражения действия, которое происходит регулярно, постоянно, часто повторяется или выражает общеизвестный факт.

единственное число множественное число
I write. – Я пишу. We write. – Мы пишем.
You write. – Ты пишешь. You write. – Вы пишете.
He writes. – Он пишет. They write. – Они пишут.
She writes – Она пишет.  
It writes – Оно (перо) пишет.  

Вопросительная форма

единственное число множественное число
Do I write? – Я пишу? Do we write? – Мы пишем?
Do you write? – Ты пишешь? Do you write? – Вы пишете?
Does he write? – Он пишет? Do they write? – Они пишут?
Does she write? – Она пишет?  
Does it write? – Оно (перо) пишет?  

Отрицательная форма

единственное число множественное число
I do not write. – Я не пишу. We do not write. – Мы не пишем.
You do not write. – Ты не пишешь. You do not write. – Вы не пишете.
He does not write. – Он не пишет. They do not write. – Они не пишут.
She does not write. – Она не пишет.  
It does not write. – Оно не пишет.  

В разговорной речи используются сокращенные формы: don’t, doesn’t.


Present Simple употребляется с обстоятельствами времени: every day (evening, morning) – каждый день (вечер, утро), in the evening (morning) – вечером (утром), и с наречиями: always – всегда, usually – обычно, often – часто, sometimes – иногда и т. д.



1. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. I like music. 2. We speak English. 3. Bob drinks coffee. 4. The shop opens at 9 o’clock. 5. My parents finish work at 5 p. m. 6. She wants to go home. 7. I eat an apple every morning. 8. I stay in the office till 5 o’clock. 9. My friend writes letters in the evening. 10. Our secretary comes to the office at 8 o’clock. 11. My friend’s son stays at home in the evening. 12. Our secretary reads letters and telexes.


2. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. Mr. Bell doesn’t work. 2. I don’t watch television in the evening. 3. I don’t remember his name. 4. He doesn’t get the mail. 5. Olga doesn’t feel bad today. 6. Do the engineers of your office learn foreign languages? 7. Where do you work? 8. Where does he study? 9. Does he speak good English? 10. Do they discuss a lot of problems at the talks? 11. What do you do at the lessons? 12. Does your work help you to learn English?


Заполните пропуски глаголами в соответствующей форме.

Переведите предложения:

1. Nina (play) tennis every evening. 2. Jack (work) very hard. 3. Some people (walk) very fast. 4. Helen only (eat) vegetables and bread. She (be) a vegetarian. 5. Dad (drink) tea, and Mom (drink) coffee. 6. My grandma (love) Elton John, and my parents (love) Sting. 7. I (like) American films, but my friends (hate) them.


4. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

1. I play tennis in summer. 2. John helps me in my work. 3. We know many English words. 4. They usually read newspapers. 5. She does her homework in the evening.


5. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я читаю газеты каждый день. 2. Мы часто пьем кофе вместе. 3. Мне очень нравятся уроки английского языка. 4. В понедельник у него урок английского. 5. Мы читаем английские тексты, обсуждаем интересные проблемы. 6. Она хорошо говорит по-английски. 7. Он изучает английский язык, чтобы читать английские книги.


Текст №1

I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. I do my morning exercises, wash and dress. Then I sit down to breakfast. At 8 o’clock I leave home and go to the Institute. As a rule I come to the Institute at a quarter to 9. The lessons begin at 9 sharp. Today we have two lectures, a seminar and an English lesson. At our English lessons we read the texts, ask and answer questions and do all sorts of exercises. We do not write many exercises. We write few exercises at the lesson. We usually write exercises at home. We speak English at the lessons. We speak English a little now, but we want to speak English well.

At about 1 o’clock I generally have dinner at the students’ canteen. I come home at about 6 o’clock. I have supper and do my homework. I always do my homework in the evening, but I never work late in the evening. At 11 o’clock I go to bed.

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Do you get up early in the morning? 2. What time do you get up? 3. What do you do in the morning? 4. Do you come to the Institute early or late?

5. What time do the lessons begin? 6. What do you do at your English lesson? 7. Do you have dinner at home or at the students’ canteen? 8. What time do you have dinner? 9. When do you come home? 10. What do you do in the evening? 11. Do you go to bed at 9 o’clock?


Текст №2

The Smiths live at 87 King Street. In the morning Mr. Smith goes to work and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school every day. Mrs. Smith stays at home every day. She does the housework. She always eats her lunch at noon. In the afternoon she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together. In the evening the children come home from school. They arrive home early. Mr. Smith comes home from work. He arrives home late. At night the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr. Smith usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.


Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where do the Smiths live? 2. Does Mr. Smith go to work in the morning? 3. Do the children go to school in the morning? 4. Does Mrs. Smith go to work? 5. What does she do at home? 6. When do the children come home from school? 7. Do the children watch television at night? 8. Who watches television at night? 9. Do Mr. and Mrs. Smith watch television every night?


Текст №3

Philip Blake works in London. He is a manager of a plant. He goes to London in the morning on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. He doesn’t go to his office on Saturday and Sunday. Every morning Philip looks through newspapers. Sometimes Philip goes to different cities to discuss business with their customers. He is a very busy man.

Floy Robinson is a secretary to Mr. Philip Blake. Her office is not large. She has a computer and many letters, faxes and telexes on her desk. Every morning from Monday to Friday Floy comes to the office at nine. At 10 o’clock Floy usually looks through the post and at 11 she comes into the manager’s office with the letters. The manager reads them and gives answers to the letters. Floy writes the answers in her book and goes to her office.

Floy usually has lunch at home but sometimes she has lunch at the plant with her friend Tom. She stays in the office till 5. In the evening Floy has French lessons. She learns the French language with pleasure. Floy wants to know French well to read books and see films in French.


Текст №4

My office has business relations with a lot of foreign firms in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. As a rule, our business partners don’t speak Russian but the people at my office know different languages. For example, I speak English and Spanish. It is very convenient because we do business with many firms in English- and Spanish-speaking countries. I take part in talks and it helps me to speak these languages fluently. I also read foreign newspapers and magazines and listen to radio programmes in these languages.

Past Simple

Прошедшее простое время

Past Simple употребляется для выражения действия, которое свершалось в прошлом. Употребляется в повествовании о каких – либо событиях, фактах, для перечисления ряда последовательных действий в прошлом.

Правильный глагол
единственное число множественное число
I worked. – Я работал(а). We worked. – Мы работали.
You worked. – Ты работал(а). You worked. – Вы работали.
He worked. – Он работал. They worked. – Они работали.
She worked. – Она работала.  
It worked. – Оно (устройство) работало.  
Неправильный глагол
единственное число множественное число
I came. – Я приходил(а). We came – Мы приходили.
You came. – Ты приходил(а). You came – Вы приходили.
He came. – Он приходил. They came – Они приходили.
She came. – Она приходила.  
It came. – Оно (письмо) приходило  


Вопросительная форма
Правильный глагол
единственное число множественное число
Did I work? – Я работал(а)? Did we work? – Мы работали?
Did you work? – Ты работал(а)? Did you work? – Вы работали?
Did he work? – Он работал? Did they work? – Они работали?
Did she work? – Она работала?  
Did it work? – Оно (устройство) работало?  
Неправильный глагол
единственное число множественное число
Did I come? – Я приходил(а)? Did we come? – Мы приходили?
Did you come? – Ты приходил(а)? Did you come? – Вы приходили?
Did he come? – Он приходил? Did they come? – Они приходили?
Did she come? – Она приходила?  
Did it come? – Оно (письмо) приходило?  

Отрицательная форма

Правильный глагол
единственное число множественное число
I did not work. – Я не работал(а). We did not work. – Мы не работали.
You did not work. – Ты не работал(а). You did not work. – Вы не работали.
He did not work. – Он не работал. They did not work. – Они не работали.
She did not work. – Она не работала.  
It did not work. – Оно (устройство) не работало.  
Неправильный глагол
единственное число множественное число
I did not come. – Я не приходил(а). We did not come. – Мы не приходили.
You did not come. – Ты не приходил(а). You did not come. – Вы не приходили.
He did not come. – Он не приходил. They did not come. – Они не приходили.
She did not come. – Она не приходила.  
It did not come. – Оно (письмо) не приходило.  


В разговорной речи используется сокращенная отрицательная форма: didn’t.

Past Simple употребляется с обстоятельствами времени: yesterday – вчера, last year (month, week) – в прошлом году (месяце, неделе), a year ago (a month ago, a week ago) – год назад (месяц назад, неделю назад).



1. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. I worked in a shop last year. 2. We lived in Moscow 5 years ago. 3. Bob wrote a short letter to Mr. Robinson. 4. My father learned me to drive. 5. John gave me some money. 6. He made his report on Monday. 7. She wanted to go to Moscow during the holidays. 8. Our English class began at 9 o’clock. 9. He did the translation without any difficulty.10. We spent the holidays in the country last summer.


2.Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. He did not go home after the lecture. 2. Did you go skiing last night? 3. We did not do these exercises.4. With whom did you prepare your homework? 5.Yesterday I did not leave home. 6. What did you do last night? 7. We did not finish our work in time.8. Did your friend see the new film yesterday? 9.I did not see this film. 10. Where did you have supper? 11. We did not know your name.12. Did you watch TV last Sunday? 13. She did not stay with us. 14. At what time did you go to bed? 15. Your son did not become an architect. 16. Did you come home early or late yesterday? 17. It did not rain. 18. What did you do before classes today? 19. Did you get a letter from your friend last week?



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