II. Agree or disagree with the following statements. 

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II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

- My family is not large.

- We are friendly and sociable.

- My sister entered the Institute the Department of Sociology.

- She is going to be a psychologist.

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- The profession of sociologist is rather new and interesting.

- Sociology is the way of understanding the world.

- Sociology is not of vital importance.

- My sister has no spare time to tell me about the student’s life.

- There are some difficulties and problems on the way to her career development.

- I have no grandparents.

- In the evening we usually gather and discuss our problems.


III. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents.

a. friendly and sociable 1. достатньо нова

b. Department of ociology 2. життєво важлива

c. sociologist 3. кар’єрний зріст

d. rather new 4. соціолог

e. the way of understanding the world 5. вільний час

f. vital importance 6. дружні та товариські

g. to be able to help 7. труднощі і проблеми

h. spare time 8. факультет соціології

i. difficulties and problems 9. в змозі допомогти

j. career development 10. шлях розуміння світу


IY. Complete the following sentences using the words from the right-hand column.

My father’s wife is my … My parent’s son is my … My parent’s daughter is my... My mother’s husband is my … My mother’s father is my … My father’s sister is my … My mother’s brother is my … My father’s mother is my … My mother’s sister is my … My uncle’s son is my … Pete is his uncle’s … Ann is her aunt’s …   aunt cousin father brother sister grandfather uncle niece grandmother nephew mother


Y. Read and translate the text. Make up the dialogue using the questions given after the text.

What’s Happening to the Family?

Nobody would argue that relationships in modern families are not the same as they used to be earlier. The family has changed in quality. And the main reason for this is that a woman has changed. She is not satisfied with the role of a housekeeper. She wants to have a profession; she doesn’t want to be dependent on another person. She has her own opinion, own hobby she is interested in.

And you may meet a lot of happy families based exclusively on mutual interests and respect. Among these couples there are childless as well, but it doesn’t make vacuum in the family, because each of them is self-valuable and interesting to the other. As for the question of children – each family should decide it for itself, jointly. Then even the thought of divorce won’t arise.

So whom to marry? Only the one whose way of thinking is close to yours, a man who is your friend, who respects a personality in you. But for this you have to be such.

Questions for the dialogue:

1. How many members do you have in your family?

1. Are you pressured by your family to act in a certain way?

2. Are your parents strict?

3. Do your parents let you stay out late? What time do you have to be at home?

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4. What kind of things do you do together with your family?

5. How many uncles and aunts do you have?

6. Do you often visit your grandparents?

7. What are some of your memories of childhood?

8. Do you look more like your mother or your father?


YI. A questionnaire. Answer the following questions and write an essay about yourself.

• What is your name?

• How old are you?

• Where are you from?

• What is your nationality?

• What is your place of birth?

• What is your occupation?

• Where do you study?

• What is your favourite subject?

• What kind of education did you get?

• Did you get a diploma (certificate)?

• When did you leave school?

• What are you going to be?

• What is your address?

• What is your phone number?

• What are your hobbies?

• What do you enjoy most?

• How do you spend your day-off?

• How do you usually relax?

• What are your interests?

• Who are your friends?


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• What are they?

• What music do you like?

• What books do you read?


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